To antialias or not?

Whether to use an antialiased vector or an aliased bitmap font seems to be a personal choice. But is there any actual evidence for which one is better/easier on your eyes on a normal DPI LCD?

Why wouldn't you want anti aliasing except for being a hipster or something of that kind?

just do it. spare your eyes.

Jesus christ, why do edgy kids try so hard to pretend their un-antialiased trash is acceptable?

Bitmaps can be nice on very small font sizes, which reduce antialiased fonts to mush.

the one on the right looks comfy

is that anti aliasing?

AA on
Hinting off

Which one?

>But is there any actual evidence
Best you can do is using what looks nicest for you.

>To antialias or not?
>just do it
just do antialias

I use vector fonts because I'm becoming an old man and use a relatively large font size.
For anything small bitmap is obviously the way to use.

objectively & overall easiest on eyes is a neutral antialiased dark grey or black font on light yellow background

the one without AA makes my eyes hurt...

These are two very different fonts in the OP picture. How can we possibly compare?

You're not meant to draw conclusions from that picture, it's just there to help people understand what the discussion is about.

>objectively my opinion is corrent
When will people stop using this meme?
Unless you have scientific proof?

the only time anti aliasing is unneeded is when using 8 pixels high terminal font designed specifically to not be anti aliased

subpixel rendering should be obligatory too, I fucking hate how most pdf readers don't have it

aa everywhere but terminal and debugger

when will you kill yourself

rob pike (god) polled programmers and they said yellow background is best

>why dark on light is superior
Bauer, D., & Cavonius, C., R. (1980). Improving the legibility of visual display units through contrast reversal. In E. Grandjean, E. Vigliani (Eds.), Ergonomic Aspects of Visual Display Terminals (pp. 137-142). London: Taylor & Francis

>why anti aliasing is best
everyone uses it, therefore its better

>everyone uses it, therefore its better
the conclusion does not follow logically

>rob pike (god) polled programmers and they said yellow background is best
first of all it doesn't matter if a good programmer made the poll. secondly, the people participating in that poll are already biased. i doubt it was representative.

>why dark on light is superior
Can't find a copy of your reference, but I doubt any serious scientific paper would publish a paper with such an undifferentiated claim

>when will you kill yourself
no u

>Bauer, D, et al
Thanks for the reading

>everyone uses it, therefore its better
Almost b8ed me m8, nice try.


I personally like my terminal to look retro, so i don't use antialiasing. But I'm fine with it sometimes, Inconsolata in particular looks very good with anti-aliasing.
My good ol' Terminus is my favorite though.

alias... easy on the eyes

>rob pike (god) polled programmers and they said yellow background is best
No one wants a lecture on usability from the mentally ill man responsible for Acme.

yeah, it makes the letters less pixelated by making them a little blurry