You can buy raspberry pi 0 for the price of two fidget spinners

>You can buy raspberry pi 0 for the price of two fidget spinners.
>People buy spinners en masse instead of fucking full fledged computers.

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather retards bought those stupid spinning things than bought a crippled "Babby's first electronics kit" tier board and started "Just got this, What do I do with it?" threads on /diy/.

>What went wrong?
Your birth.

Well you are dumb then. Kys.

>bought a crippled "Babby's first electronics kit" tier board
Do you know a cheaper alternative for me to use as a dial-up to ethernet bridge, for example?
There's nothing wrong with the Pi, it's great for such projects.

I like to call it

Moving to the modern fucking era you fucking dinosaur

Can't wait for school.

>being this butthurt that kids prefer stupid toys over boring looking learning tools

Go back to bed grandpa.

>There's nothing wrong with the Pi, it's great for such projects.
It is but a lot of people buy them because they're perceived as 'cool' for whatever reason. Then they fag up the boards with 'i dunno wat do wid it lol'. That's the problem, not the pi itself.

>a world where everyone on /diy/ is fiddling with microcontrollers and there's a bustling community of people all building at the same time
yeah sounds fucking awful.

they are cool, and there's nothing wrong with that. you should hang yourself. serious.

>irl performance of a 2007 nokia phone
>what went wrong??????

Fidget spinners don't require power supplies, SD cards or I/O peripherals.

Seriously though people don't know what to do with RPis. Anything I've ever come up with was easier to do with a cheap tablet.

I can think of a few things off the top of my head to use a microcontroller for over a tablet.

running timed loops in a pump

>useless toy
>useless toy

on second thought, a tablet would work better.


>they are cool
They are, but not for the reasons most people think they are. The amount of faggots using these to make HTPCs proves my point.

>you should hang yourself

You can't though.

An orange pi however...

Hey man, I just bought a car. Where should I drive to?

tarbo and stance

90 degree camber

>people think
The real issue reveals itself.
You are obsessed with what people think.

I'm He's right though, people buying them without a reason IS dumb, there are actual threads from people like that and it's sad and annoying.

Not everyone is a autist. Some people just have ADHD.

He can't enjoy technology from all eras.
What a loser.


Don't get so defensive. It's alright that you have a RPi collecting dust in a drawer somewhere.

They sell high quality fidget spinners with 4 real bearings at the dollar store now.
You can get 5 fidget spinners for the price of a raspi zero.
Both will end up in a drawer, but you'll play with the spinners for a lot longer.

I'm poor. I can't buy useless things.

You're dumb and annoying.

Tablets were low key one of the best gadgets to come out of the 2010s. We just haven't yet been clever enough to use them to their full potential.

I can't even think of a good use for a raspi zero that isn't a homemade SNES classic running retropie.
And even then, they recommend the regular raspi 3 because it's such an underpowered piece of shit.
raspi zero is too slow to be useful and requires tons of accessories to make up for missing ports, if you want embedded, just get a damn arduino and reduce your project to a simple attiny45 when you're done

kek! But seriously, into a river.

>Both will end up in a drawer,
Yeah, but the pi will be in that drawer being used as a microserver.

I have one in the circuit box of my neighbours house hooked to an external WiFi adapter running an instance of reaver. Waiting for my free Wi-Fi. Any time now.

>You can buy raspberry pi 0 for the price of two fidget spinners.

And you could buy a lot more spinners for the price it takes to actually do anything with the pi

What's the difference between an arduino and a raspberry pi?

Pi 0 is useless for anything other than Kodi (and even then you have to buy your own USB hub and WiFi dongle) or heavy /diy/ projects.

Arduino is just a board with a simple 8-bit MCU.
A RaspPi has a full SoC capable of running a desktop OS, USB peripherals, ethernet, HDMI, etc.

Arduino is can be programmed for a specific purpose at a time.
RPI is a PC and hence can take many jobs(even with no relation b/w the jobs) at a time.

Pretty much this. I'm having a hard time picturing a scenario where the zero makes sense. For really lightweight embedded you're better off with a typical micro for battery life and the simple development stack. For things where you need the memory, camera, etc., it seems like you're probably better off just getting a full pi and benefiting from the easier development and greater grunt. If you're desperate for a lower BOM because you're using a pi in a commercial application, just fucking kill yourself.

It's a pretty nice for prototyping and (slow) universal programming.

Set it up as an ethernet device then just hook it up to a PC using its OTG port (which is enough to power it) and you can SSH/VNC into it, running your dev software directly from it.

Can you do webm related with a RPi?

that is one ugly broad

fidget cancer is shit but wtf will I do with a raspberry pi?

>wtf will I do with a raspberry pi
PirateBox, emulation?
My favorite is portable shitposting machine.

>having to buy a shit ton of adapters to get what the same autists would call a """""computerr"""""

Do you know any fags that would buy a faggot spinner and be interested in shit projects like yours
I don't

>portable shitposting machine.

nobody wants to 'enjoy' dialup modems. you are cuckshedding yourself.

>you can either buy two paper weights or one paper weight

gee wonder what one I should do

is that the next HTC flagship? Looks like samsung trash

I already have a computer that is better than this one.
Why would I want it?


it's 2017's best phone.
>looks like samsung
have you seen the Samshit s8?

I have RPi0 in my keychain, and due to my work sometimes I'd need to spend the night over there.
So I just plug everything up and get comfy on the sofa in the break room.
Easier than carrying a laptop/tablet and better than phone.

>better than phone.

Pretty much sums up my experience
Played with the spinner for a few weeks and gave it away while I didn't bother with the pi

We love you!


They have chances at fucking anything else than their own hand you virgin retard.

You're right if you're running full fledged Linux desktop.

>A world where everyone keeps making the same questions everyday and nobody gets anything done


>There's nothing wrong with the Pi, it's great for such projects.
That's exactly what the post you're quoting is trying to explain.
Babbies without any experience would buy a Pi and wouldn't know what to do with it.

this is why /diy/ is such a shit board.

>Fidget spinners don't require power supplies
Has anyone made a self-spinning fidget spinner that runs off usb?

>absolute state of phoneposters

Hey man, can you tell me what keychain case that is? Sounds absolutely marvelous to have that for office use.

>add to dictionnary
thanks, made me kek

Because it's full of idiots starting threads requesting that anons think for them? I agree.

go to hell. its full of elitist bastards with a few months of trolling under their belts.

go neck yourself tarduno sitberry faggot

oh no you cant play gayms on it

gona buy one for a local authentication server.
Basically it will create a QR code that a phone user will scan and get X hours wifi

dude it's literally only $5

>Drilling out an integrated circuit that takes near magic levels of shit to manufacture to insert a fucking ball bearing.


>some people dont like DIY electronics

if they're so valuable, they should charge more for their product.

A goddamn fidget spinner costs more than the ARM SoC processor that sits on this board.

those people should get the fuck out of Sup Forums

If it was defective or physically broken, it's no worse to make it a spinner than to send it to Ghana for recycling.

>you can buy raspberry pi 0
max kek
when's the last time these things are not out of stock


microcenter has them in stock every time i go.

>full fledged computer
>minus display
>minus speakers
>minus any kind of input mechanism
>minus a network interface
>minus storage
>minus power supply
>minus all the cables you need to connect all this shit together

ok kid

this desu

And if you want a really cheap one, Amazon sells their Fire tablets for like $30 when they're on sale. Amazon is super cool about subsidizing hardware in order to support their other shit. I got a couple dash buttons for a dollar apiece on prime day.

That said, Pi is cool for IOT stuff (even if it is a meme) or running small local servers.


fucking faggot.

I regret not buying one when they are at 1 USD.

It's not normie approved until people are asking a lot of really stupid questions about it every day.

you think ball bearings aren't magic and silicone chips are?

there's some retard bias.

Can't say you're wrong.

No, but I am working on an IoT fidget spinner that won't spin unless it is connected to an Internet enabled wifi network.

Microsoft would be proud of you

can you hook up 32 of these to do parallel processing and share ram?

No because you can't buy enough of them

I want that case as well

Yeah it's like I understand the complaints that Sup Forums has about tablets strictly as consumer devices. But in the end it's still an inexpensive platform with a touchscreen, WiFi/BT, often GPS, a battery, USB, decent enough specs and an operating system for which one can readily learn to customize and program apps. All in a very slim package. That's pretty great as a basic platform and interface.

Anonymous 08/22/17(Tue)10:02:19 No.62032314 >You can buy raspberry pi 0 for the price of two fidget spinners.
>People buy spinners en masse inst

>Figet Spinner

I've thought of blocking out the "people also ask" thing completely. The "questions" sound like they're asked by middle aged mothers or pajeets.

>He doesn't own a fidget spinner

>high quality fidget spinners

>a crippled "Babby's first electronics kit" tier board
For the price you're paying it's far from crippled. Unless you're just a manchild who's mad it can't run their N64 roms...

Except it can

>>minus display
Do you not have an extra display? Are you that poor?
>>minus speakers
It has Bluetooth.
>>minus any kind of input mechanism
It has ports, so that's wrong.
>>minus a network interface
It has wireless hardware.
>>minus storage
It's a microSD card. Are you poor?
>>minus power supply
It's a microUSB cable. Are you poor?
>>minus all the cables you need to connect all this shit together
A USB hub, a PS2 to USB adapter (assuming you don't use a USB keyboard), and a mini HDMI to full HDMI or VGA adapter. So like $10 worth of adapters?

You can set up clusters of them, yes.

>It has Bluetooth.
Do I have bluetooth speakers?

>Are you poor?
>Are you poor?
>Are you poor?
The point he was making is that you have to procure items to use it which means it isn't fully fledged.

From what I understand it is pretty dicky to do so.
The Linux modules required to get the cluster to act as a single computer are old and no longer maintained (I believe), so you have to use an old kernel version and compile it yourself.

You can use something like OpenMPI instead but it doesn't share RAM, instead it basically sends each node a chunk (or number of chunks) to process and each node is limited by its own resources.