Chairs are technology

Chairs are technology

Are kneeling chairs a meme or are they actually good?

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It is a meme made to bait communists and faggots.

>the virgin sitter
>the Chad sitter

Instead of all the meme chairs, wouldn't it be better to just make a chair that hold your body in position so you don't have to pay any attention to it?

chairs of all kinds should be abolished and work done at lecterns while standing

Wouldnt be a wood chair be nice to your back?
I sat on mine now for 3 hours and worked at my pc. Had to lay down now bc of back pain.
My chair is cancer.

>the virgin gaming chair

I've had one without backrest and currently have one with and it's super confortable but doesn't enforce the best posture (better than a regular chair though). One gripe though, you keep leaning forward so you need a low desk.
Painter's stool or something like that. It looks like a bicycle saddle on a tripod leaning forward a bit.
Best posture enforcement ever, you're almost standing. Just leaning a tad backwards with a hip angle of about 5°
I'd use this if I had a desk tall enough wich I should get around to buy.

actually we have kneeling chairs at work, and are quite ncie when you want to stretch legs while continuing working... also we make lots of jokes about them being good for begging stuff from bosses

You could also just use a standing desk

these two people are not even using the same fucking computer

the person on the left can benefit from sitting at a lower desk, or standing up to work. the abomination chair is a meme

>also we make lots of jokes about them being good for begging stuff from bosses

Standing for extended periods of time is tiring too.
The standing desk meme is fine for a home computer if you wanna force yourself to use it sparsely but not for office use or if you like using it for extended periods.
The stool is the perfect work chair imo.

No, they're just dick sucking training devices. Have you realized why a woman is shown using that chair?

useless bloat

The other issue I've seen is that people tend to lean on them or rest their one elbow on it while standing

>I'd use this if I had a desk tall enough wich I should get around to buy
>standing desk
>Standing for extended periods of time is tiring too

I feel like a huge shill for posting this, but I recently got this lifting desk and it's honestly the greatest investment I ever made. It transformed my workflow by 200% and IKEA even gives you 10 years warranty on it. (in the country I live in)

Forgot to say one thing that's really great about it IMHO: It seems silly but adjusting the height by just 2 cm up or down can make a difference. Sometimes you stand more tall, sometimes you're slouchy etc. it just always fits me perfectly this way.


Well done,

well done.

Its a meme and if you are desperate for a meme chair just buy a big exercise ball you can use for sit ups when you are over it.

Not a ball chair just a full size ball.

Looks pretty cool, is it all mechincal or hydraulic or how does it work?

I bought one, didnt work for me.

1. knee pressure is too much, I feared exactly that
2. you can still sit slumped over, so..

Hm... not really sure about that. I suppose it is hydraulic, since the legs were surprisingly lightweight when I installed the desk. It's all made of steel and sturdy though. It makes a distinct electronic 'lifting' sound when you push the button if that makes sense. (something you've heard a thousand times - think the classic 'robot sound' from movies etc.) What's good is that you can install the remote anywhere you like and it also comes with a little netting underneath the plate to cram all of your PC cables in, so no spaghetti salad between your feet when working.

But I suggest you drive to an IKEA near you and try it for yourself.

I spent some time and looked up competitor models of the same kind and IKEA proved to be the best in terms of bang for buck in my area of the world + warranty and all. You can even just buy the legs and choose a different table plate if you like. The standard one is okay though IMHO

Noice, but this should have been Chad's throne

Sorry forgot the pic