Best programming font, Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


Fira Mono if you dislike ligatures
Fira Code if you like them


>finely tuned spacing
>anything but monospacing
this is strong bait

Terminus and vim are the only correct answers

lucida sans typewriter is actually pretty cute [and i seriously mean typewriter, not its crippled cousin lucida console]

Source Code Pro



Inconsolata-g, Source Code Pro & Hack are pretty nice

I've used Fira Mono forever. I tried Fira Code once but I couldn't get used to the ligatures. I've never used Powerline or Airline because the fonts are usually off, wonder if they are better with Fira Code?

DejaVu Sans Mono





I like Fira Code but I am not a big fan of ligatures desu.


IBM text mode font

proggy clean

Why wouldn't you use times new roman like a normal person? Do you really have nothing better to do at work besides obsessing over your syntax color theme and font?

Comic Sans

Liberation Mono

like inconsolata

The only correct answer is Bitstream Vera Mono


operator, comfy af

>Fira Code
Seems the kind of font some weirdo would masturbate to.

Normalfags trying to get into programming...
Worrying about "Need of a proper designed font that have refined hexa and proper equality glips."..
What about working with standard simbology that makes code maintainable and readable for everyone?

I've really taken a liking to SF Mono. It's pretty nice, especially on a higher PPI display.

I've used a lot over the years.

Current setup is "Iosevka Term Light 11".

Looks good, can i have the font file?

i hate fonts i hate fonts i hate fonts
ive been testing out some fonts and looking at their symbols with vim's :digraph command. apparetnly, as i switch fonts, new digraphs are not necessarily loaded, and it just shows old ones. what the hell is going on?

proggy square w/ slashed zeros

sure thing

The only Font you need is Unifont.
Is expecially useful when I have to deal with chink's code: Chinese commented code. I've seen things (Shit gives me PTSD to this day).

Thanks bruddah

Windows Terminal 8px desu.


Fira Code



Iosevka. Narrow fonts are better for multi panels programing

Comic sans



They're not actually encoded as separate characters, the font will just display >= as a single full-width character, rather than two half-width.

Monoid, Iosevka, Fira Sans Code are good options.


misc fixed

PerfectDOS VGA is breddy comf my duds

pic related

DejaVu Sans Mono.

Inconsolata is too thin.

Noto should have a dotted zero but does not. Noto would be be great for linux if it had a proper zero with the mono typeface because the family includes so many world scripts and it looks ok.

Somebody pls hack.

so they invented ligature for things that should have not ligature? stupid, this Fira Mono is more readable, why would anybody use the other one?


Fantasque Sans Mono

I do masturbate to it, because I like my code to be a e s t h e t i c
programs must be beautiful from the inside-out

OP asked for programming fonts not disney princesses

Go Mono

Source Code Pro is great imo.


Ridiculous. If anything it makes things less readable and I mean WAY less readable.

it's monospaced with ligatures, all of which also are monospaced.

Inconsolata, Mengo and Consolas.

You're probably also the kind of poo that would write "code" in notepad.

One question: are you using two spaces for indentation or did you set your tab width to two?

If spaces then die in a fire.
If tabs then fine.

I gave up trying to fix antialiasing on every box I have to edit shit on and switched to bitmap fonts.

>not hacking the mainframe

what colour scheme is this?

I use tab which inserts two spaces

Inserting system-specific tabs is retarded and so is pressing spaces multiple times

What ever monospaced font is easiest to tell the difference between:
>| i I j J l L 1 7 --AND-- o O 0 ---AND--- . ,

In my system "Trubuchet MS" and "Lucinda Console" are the only fonts that meet this criteria. There are probably others.

what's the font name?

>| i I j J l L 1 7 --AND-- o O 0 ---AND--- . ,

picture related is inconsolata-g (inconsolata has slashed 0, but I like dotted 0 because I am norwegian and have the letter which is often used in non-numerical data and test data and so on.)