When did everything go so wrong

When did everything go so wrong

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>thinking hollywood representations of hackers are accurate at all
>not using the best hacker of the 2010s

Ironically, the 10's hacker has a lot more in common with original hackers that you might think.


Your shitty post.

Where did it all go so right you mean?

>literally a battlestations thread picture
Too bad the bookshelf isn't in focus, can only see the LINUX.

So Mr robot is just a figment of my imagination I guess.

>When did everything go so wrong
You mean Hollywood hackers? Where they went wrong? Not really a Sup Forums topic.

Mr.Robot is literary vanilla Hollywood hacker, teenagers on Sup Forums actually think it's real

Mr. Robot has the right idea, but it's grasp on actual tech is pretty weak, as well as the whole idea of portraying a paranoid schizophrenic opioid abuser as even remotely capable of doing what he's doing.

Unless, of course, the showrunner is going to pull a triple "Fight Club" on us, and reveal that Elliot's hacker skills are only in his mind and that the entire world is just a figment of his imagination.

Web front end.

>Elliot's hacker skills are only in his mind and that the entire world is just a figment of his imagination.
As cheesy as that sounds I kinda want it to happen.

The potential for Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposts would be endless.

Spindles always creeped me out when they are empty because it always reminded me that someone, somewhere in the world has definitely showed one up their butt...

They nailed the aesthetics but could use some animu crap and clutter to make it completely authentic.

Yeah it's just a tiny bit too clean. That misplaced hardware is not enough.
Otherwise it's perfect. Might as well just be a real picture.

>Even back in 1995 the cultural Marxism jew was present attempting to depict a nigger, spic, feminist cunt as "elite hackers"

And you wonder why things are such shit today

>someone, somewhere in the world has definitely showed one up their butt
This idea used to be a common thread starter on Sup Forums

So he purges the hardware everytime he burns a cd with someone's info on it. I wonder how expensive it must be.

what happens when gavin orsay meets this guy?

>tfw you will never dance to the euphoria of data science power

>OEM Rig
>chicklet RGB keyboard
>CDs (and no labels)
>Kali Linux
What a joke.

That words to avoid page is pure bullshit

>using CDs in 2017
>wired mouse with back LED


i have never seen a hacker that looks like discount corey taylor

whats wrong with multi monitor?

People like to use the picture of that top software engineer at X company that uses only one monitor to argue that real professionals that get shit done only use one monitor, but what they fail to realize is the guy has a fucking huge monitor and that really it's all down to screen real estate, hence multiple regular sized monitors or one large monitor are equivalent.

What a punchable face that down syndome jew has.

It's the Big Bang Theory of dramas.

Hackers was fun.

>that powerglove

Why does the guy from hackers have a fucking toothbrush


'nuff said.

>it always reminded me that someone, somewhere in the world has definitely showed one up their butt
Did it hurt? Did you need to lube it up?

Normies: Not even once

The Matrix came out before 2000.

Just before, plus sequels and shit. OP's point stands