What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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making some RMS fan art
Tried out 4e6/stack2nix; it still has ways to go before it's really useful. Might contribute and fix some annoying stuff.
Random snippet from 2013 unrelated.
Please don't start these threads with horrible dead memes.
Isn't that very low for US standards? I've read that ~100k is average in the bay area.
>Haskell inline-java
I like Haskell, but the thought of those combined makes me want to kill myself.
Maybe we meet someday. Gentoomen are everywhere.
Game devs are paid less, there are less jobs around, everyone wants to do it so harder to get in to, and there is definitely no game developer studios anywhere near where I live. I'm not interested in moving to cucked up parts of the country (UK) where you are paying half your income just to rent for the next decade, cause you will never afford a home which is like 10x or more a typical income in those areas. As cool as it would be to work on games, it isn't worth it
>as he spouts a horrible, dead meme
That's fucking beautiful
Please explain a retard what's wrong with Java
Is there really no keyboard shortcut for |?
It's next to 1 ya doofus. What kind of a fucked up keyboard layout do you use?
I get it. I wouldn't want to work with poos as a nigger monkey scripting in unity either. Then again I don't work.
It's designed for idiots so a lot of things are awkward in the name of safety. it's still not very safe.
Reposting because I just missed the new thread.
So I'm interested in studying operating system design, with the intention of creating a toy OS that I can boot on bare metal. I have a couple of recommendation requests:
1) The book. Should I start with the MINIX book, or Lion's UNIX, or something else?
2) The hardware. I want something completely open and free - I'm not touching x86 with a bargepole. Is RISC-V a good idea? Can you get hobbyist boards with RISC-V processors? I haven't really looked into that yet.
it feels like trying to do chemistry with 30ft long poles
if you have any real experience, any safety that the poles provide is outweighed by their hindrance
You should download Temple OS
There's tilde.
But is it a good beginner entry language? My uni wants us to start with it before moving onto Python, C and C++
>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Write a COBOL program to interact with my collection of movies and music using indexed files.
It's pretty blazing fucking fast desu.
>But is it a good beginner entry language
not really. you'll walk away knowing little about how anything works
It's a good entry level OOP language, I suppose. You'll always feel like you're wearing training wheels.
>next to 1
its above enter and below backspace on the only keyboard layout that matters.
>the foundations of implementing monads (or a dyad..) in a type system thats unsound
how did that go?
class Kek {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String zero = Kek.c(0);
static class C {}
static class D { A u(C c, B b) { return b; } }
static U c(T t) {
C c = null;
D d = new D();
return d.u(c, t);
It'll be harder to break away from the OOP-only mindset for a while, but for pure basics (variable types, flow control, loops) it's just as good as any other language.
Dead yes, but not horrible.
Java was good - 20 years ago.
Today it's simply outdated.
Anyway, every serisou programmer should know some C and Java, so it's not a bad idea to learn it.
I forgot what that code was for but after looking it up, it was backing some talk for uni course years ago; it was only about monoids.
What's unsound in your example? Honestly deciphering Java is last thing I want to do right now so spoonfeed me please.
Christ my snippets directory has lots of random shit. IIRC pic related was gender choice at GSoC form.
What has replaced Java?
MS Java
How do programmers share code and participate in open source development? I'm part of the generation that feels uneasy linking my real world identity to the internet.
Do you have an anonymised github account with a novelty email?
I just put my progress so far in the K&R textbook up on my work github account in a public repo. I can't really share any of my code here though because it has my full name and work email attached. I can only show people at job interviews and others i meet in my day job.
I could also re-up it to an alias account, but the code could be googled and linked to my real account (although no-one would try or care unless I told you this). I guess you just share snippets on an aliased git gist account or something?
Do people who contribute to opensource things like .NET and Linux kernels typically use their real world identities?
It type checks fine. It also compiles fine, but produces invalid JVM bytecode, which throws a runtime exception when ran.
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
(I thought I was running out of space, so I had to shorten it up a lot. I had a second example which was much larger but it went foregone.)
Here it is with readable names.
class Kek {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String zero = Kek.TotallyNotACast(0);
static class Constrain {}
static class Bind {
A CastUp(Constrain constrain, B b) { return b; }
static U TotallyNotACast(T t) {
Constrain constrain = null;
Bind bind = new Bind();
return bind.CastUp(constrain, t);
At first, you can use other sites than Github.
>Do people who contribute to opensource things like .NET and Linux kernels typically use their real world identities?
Why wouldn't they? People like to take credit for good things they have done. Most .NET developers are MS employees anyway.
Haven't you watched the Matrix?
Get an anonymous online handle.
That Tanebaum guy's books are good. The further away you get from either x86_64 or ARM, the more irrelevant your OS will be, but who am I kidding? It's not like you will make it
What do you use as email considering outlook (pictured) and gmail both pull this shit?
I got locked out of one of my gmail throwaways because apparently I changed OS one too many times and google are now insisting I give them a phone number or alternative email before they let me in
What's better?
Allocate small space at first but lose time in reallocation operations because of insufficiently allocated space or allocate a good kilobyte so it would be enough for a buffer for a very long time but lose space?
Just shut up and start learning shit already. Who cares what the first language you learn is? It's not going to be the only one.
Well I dunno it just blurs the lines between internet persona and reality when you start posting about your contributions on places like stack overflow and reddit.
I just use my first name on my Github account. I don't think employers really give a shit though if you don't wanna put any of your personal info, though. Regardless of what you have to show off before the interview, you still have to pass the interview.
Cock.li (though their addresses may be banned in certain places) or Yandex
It's a toy OS, I certainly don't intend for it to be in any way "relevant". Knowing my procrastination habits, though, you're probably right - I'd be lucky if I even got around to writing a bootloader
Thanks for the recommendation, user.
Sounds subjective unless you're aware of some constraints you didn't list.
Why do people work on open source projects?
Literally dong it for free
Link tcmalloc instead of whatever shitty malloc implementation your system provides and always allocate the exact amount of memory you need.
Portfolio building
Showing off your intelligence
Most OS people already have paying jobs, and its just a hobby.
I have a few "throwaway" usernames on github, and a real one.
So, it depends on what I'm contributing to, or what I'm pushing to github for which account I use. Some that my employeer wouldn't like? It goes to one of the pseudonymous accounts. Stuff that I don't care if my name is attached to? Depends. Probably a second fake one.
But my employer doesn't give a shit about my github, as long as I don't violate any NCCs or NDAs.
As for gists, generally I always create a secret gist. And if I don't want my named attached, it'll be under one of the 'fake' ones.
But I doubt this is normal. I doubt anyone would care enough to criticize your projects on github, or rigorously scan through your activity to see if you're fixing a bug in a loli grooming game.
Some companies that use open source software have a small team that gives back to the projects. So, sometimes you get payed to work on OSS.
>We promise not to share your email with anyone.
But it requires a git config user.email "[email protected]" when committing.
Have I misunderstood that field and could've left it blank all along? At least then I could post on stack overflow and have my email hidden even if they know my real name.
I'm reading this OP
Nothing has "replaced" it. But it's concepts are outdated. Java is arguably the worst JVM language.
Look at how much more logical Kotlin, Clojure or Scala are (all JVM languages). Look how much better Ruby, Scala or Swift got the OOP model down. Look at how Getters and Setters are done in C# and how verbose and clumsy it is in Java. Look at how shitty Java Streams (introduced only recently!) are in comparison to other languages (people even recommend using "classical" loops because of performance issues). Java doesn't even have real Lambda functions - wtf? My neighbor and his dog have Lambdas nowadays. Instead you have weird and complicated stuff like Inner classes. And look at how stupid the numeric model or the model for Strings is. Then people came up with "Design patterns" which is basically a nice way to cover the flaws of the language. Concurrent programming in Java is outdated, it's basically: "hey, why don't you manage your whole fucking stuff yourself, dear programmer?". Multiple inheritance or Mixins work in so many languages, but apparently it's too difficult for Java devs. So let's introduce a whole clusterfuck of half arsed things like abstract classes, code injection frameworks and so on. Oh, and let's not forget about an anally retentive naming conventions like "SimpleBeanFactoryAwareAspectInstanceFactory" - I kid you not..
But it's similar to the history of JavaScript: first come, first serve. Even though Java is bad, it will never really vanish since people have invested so much already. It's easy to find a job with Java and coding Java is no big deal. So it's not a bad language to start, even if it's only to know what you not want to do for the rest of your life.
is Programming truly the litmus test for high IQ?
I was lucky enough to get both gmail and outlook addresses back when there was no phone verification.
// The `switch` statement checks for equality with `===`.
// Use 'break' after each case
// or the cases after the correct one will be executed too.
grade = 'B';
switch (grade) {
case 'A':
console.log("Great job");
case 'B':
console.log("OK job");
case 'C':
console.log("You can do better");
console.log("Oy vey");
is learnxinyminutes redpilled?
not really.
Because making what you want and getting paid for it is usually a pipedream.
It's not like you can't make money with free software anyway. Business models that rely on forcing artificial scarcity through legislation are inherently broken. Average Joe's rights come before Schlomo's "intellectual" "property", and an increasing number of enterprises agrees.
It just saves you from signing into your account everytime you push your code to the repo.
Redpill me about SAP
how profitable it is to get into it? I'm not from us
lol no. not these days.
But it publically displays that email against commits.
Without any credentials stored it asks for username and password when committing, not email. Giving user.email saves no typing.
I'm now wondering if its just a public email field you can type anything in like the old Sup Forums post Email field.
>Have I misunderstood that field and could've left it blank all along?
I'm making a static library with ' ar '. Is the resulting .a file just like a big .o file? In other words, when I want to use this library, do I then have to go through the linking step?
Very. But learn COBOL instead if you really hate yourself.
There are not any constraints really.
I don't know if I want to malloc memory for every additional byte.
>want to make X11 program
>can't without wasting time because Xorg is becoming legacy
>have literally no idea how Wayland works while info on Xorg is everywhere
it hurts
Scala's typesystem is unsound too :)
This typechecks but throws a runtime exception. (casting, without a cast)
object kek extends App {
trait A { type L >: Any}
val p: A { type L
I think if he asks about SAP, there's no COBOL in his country.
that's $100 doing passionless tripe, though.
i dont mean Koding with Karlie Kloss
i mean the real shit
No cobol here
I'm net I do mostly dba and ado stuff
total retard for web but i get the simple stuff done
Maybe you can work on Sway.
Honestly, I'd say Electronics Engineering is for people with High IQs
Even in the "real shit", theres still a lot of really shit code. I think functional programming is closer though. But as the other user said, a guy who can make and program his own hardware is the real programmer.
i can, but i sure as hell don't want to, tiling WMs are overrated
thats who im talking about. self taught gammers who just fucking get it. who so many want to be but cant
Is J the only right APL-like language to learn because it's open sourced?
Well we really need to phase out the brainlet langs like Python, Ruby, Scala, C,Java, etc.
all dynamic languages need to fuck off as well
Is it still summer?
Lisps can stay.
Shitposts will probably die off around midterms. So expect a longer summer.
Lisp has zero use.
Theres better scripting langs.
Theres better compiler bases.
I do not see the purpose of it.
Lisp is only as useless as you are, user.
Tell me what Lisp does best besides making other lisps.
Metaprogramming, extreme expressiveness, ability to handle large complex projects in a structured and sensible way, strong performance for a just-werks dynamic language. Part of its unpopularity is because it's "too" easy to solve problems yourself, though easy collaboration is making that less of a problem.
No language is truly universal, but people who say Lisp isn't good at anything tend to be the kind of mentally damaged fool that thinks PHP is good because it's popular.
Anything with Lisp I can do better with an advanced type system of an Idris.
If I need speed I'll use D which can be pretty expressive as well as concise.
Lisp users love to task about meta-programming and expressiveness. But neither of those actually help when the language itself is a bad pick for nearly every task.
because you have no useful language features and have to build any yourself; likelihood you or anyone you know can do it better than language designer with 20 years of experience in PL? slim
>extreme expressiveness
repeating yourself, see above
>ability to handle large complex projects in a structured and sensible way
?; last I checked it didn't design or structure your program for you; nearly every language has this "ability"
>strong performance for a just-werks dynamic language.
so strong performance in a class of shitty performance languages
b-but you can just implement idris with a macro!
top kek
Working on my passwords generator.
>would you say this a field for high IQ people if we only sample the IQs of intelligent and extraordinary people?
Programming still isnt a high-IQ field.
The barrier to entry is too low.
are you new
>pass generator
>generate random chars
you failed to see my sarcasm and restated what my sarcasm was already implying
I got the sarcasm just fine m8, i mas transitioning the conversation to your point.
We are making a web browser! Also we've been on HN news.ycombinator.com
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don't worry user, I chuckled