Get 16GB RAM

>get 16GB RAM
>never end up using my swap file (which usually happened when I had 8GB)
>don't need to close and reopen my browser to free up memory before I load up a virtual machine

Why aren't you using 16+ jiggabytes of RAM, Sup Forums? I still have 4GB on my laptop, which is fine, but for my workhorse machines, I won't use anything less than 16 now.

why aren't you closing swap instead :^)

I have 64gb

got my 16gb early this year
probably the cheapest upgrade i did with somewhat of a significant difference

>not using 128gb of ram

>not using 256gb ram

I have 16 GB on my laptop, and 32 GB in my workstation at work.

16 GB barely cuts it to be honest.

I have 32GB for about a few years now, I have not worried nor ever ran out of RAM, except that one time when some game had a gigantic memory leak and I got a BSoD (thanks winblows!)
now I use Leenux!

>swap file
Swap is dictated by swapiness, and defaults to a value of 60. This tends to swap even when RAM is half empty. So unless you turned swappiness down to 10 or so, swaping has little to do with RAM needs.
I have 8GiB and rarely break 3. Only time I swapped was when I accidentally tried to store all permutations of a large string in an array. How does 16GiB "barely cut it"? This kind of claim is baseless without you stating your needs.
Besides for VMs, the only use cases that require such amounts of RAM are:
>garbage software like chrome and electron-based programs running all at once (you'd have to be mentally retarded to use such software in the first place, so not a reason for +8GB of RAM)
>video editors/PS artisans, etc (not a real job, thus not a valid reason for +8GB of RAM)
>consumerists and Sup Forumsideo gamers (obviously not a valid reason for +8GB of RAM)

I have 8GB in my personal laptop and have to monitor RAM usage constantly, sometimes I have to trigger the OOM killer manually... my work laptop has 12, and 2 VMs will fuck it up.

My craptop has 12 and uses like 2 gigs max when I have 3 chromium windows full of tabs open. I only have this much so I can compile chromium entirely in a ramdisk.

>tfw 4GB
Just werks

>state your needs
>b-b-but keep in mind that these needs are not valid though
Fuck off.

Logic Pro frequently run out of memory when I'm in a recording session.

Chrome easily eats away 5-6 GiB doing nothing but keeping my tabs fresh.

I may run several VMs simultaneously if I'm doing work related stuff, inside those VMs I sometimes compile larger programming projects and need memory.

I hate the 8gb is fine meme.

It's not, programs fucking suck, and have awful optimization with terrible memory usage.

16gb shouldn't be required, but it is.

>Chrome easily eats away 5-6 GiB doing nothing but keeping my tabs fresh.
Why would you use proprietary trash that uses 6GB of memory for a few web pages? Firefox doesn't have any of these problems - it's using under 1 GiB of RAM right now with over 20 tabs open. I have no choice but to disregard your post when you unironcially claim Chrome and its bloat/botnet are a feature and are a reason to have 128GiB of RAM.
>16gb shouldn't be required, but it is
It isn't, just stop using trash software.

>Why would you use proprietary trash that uses 6GB of memory for a few web pages?
Because it's unironically the only nonshit browser.

>Firefox doesn't have any of these problems
Yes it does.

>it's using under 1 GiB of RAM right now with over 20 tabs open
Nigger, 20 tabs is fucking nothing. Fuck off with your 20 tabs and come back when you have 80 tabs.

but i already have 16 niggabytes of ram

>80 tabs
do you have autism?

>le ebin autism maymay
Nice copout, retard.

No, it's perfectly normal. Why use bookmarks when you have RAM.

Why keep things open when not active or in use?

>Not using 512gb L3 cache

I don't think you understand the concept of tabs

>get >32gb of ram
>wind up using ramdisk because ssds are too slow

The term is gigabitty, thank you.

Does such a thing even exist? The CPU must be huge

I have 8GB RAM and have literally never used over 3GB at a time because
>I use a non-bloated GNU/Linux distro
>I use Waterfox, not shitty bloated Chrome
>I don't use PS, or make digital music or edit video like a brainlet
Inb4 I don't do any real computing. I'm a CS postdoc at a top 5 US university.