/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice:

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Beyerdynamic-EDT770VB-Headphone-Pads-Black/dp/B007VCKA64/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1493755236&sr=1-4&keywords=beyerdynamic pads

I got a nfb-11.28
it doesn't sound any better than realtek onboard sound.

first post best bait

can someone please help? I just saw a review of the 600s that said they cant be powered from a phone. Is there any reason I should not get the M40x? what are some others I should look into?

IEMs make my ears itchy

pics or no happen

Dear user who recommended the dac x6 to me 2 weeks ago,

you may not remember me but i said i was buying some dt 880s with for a dac x6 after you said the SMSL m3 sucks ass, i trusted your advice and now 2 weeks later everything is here and it's amazing. Simply amazing, i've gone from shitty game headphones into a completely different world of listening and i want to thank you for introducing me to it.

Also ty plebspotter for recommending the 880s

a now very happy user.

PC mainboard
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
don't care
>Comfort level
should be able to wear them 8 hours without problems
>Sound signature
a bit more on the bassy side

Exchangeable cable and ear pads would be nice to have.

are the ZS5's worth the hype? Will be shipping to UK from Banggood or Gearbest.

Like the above post. I want to know how ZS5 compares to midfi headphones/earphones or anything else eg. HD600/Etymotic MK5/HF5?


Can't compare them to any other IEM but they're probably the best purchase I had (right after the VE Monk, pic related), considering that I don't really shell out on buds.You won't be disappointed

>max 200 usd
>USA mid-west
>Ipod video 5.5 and lg v20
>comfort is a plus
>warm to bright
>m50s, kco6a iems

looking for something quite a bit better than my m50s iv looked at the bowers and Wilkins p5's and Beyerdynamic DT-990. im really looking for an richer sound with more dynamic range. i am not the most audio tech savy person but im learning

Mine are coming soon so I'll post a comparison with the HD600 and Elear.

Same as yours :3 (memecans à la HD600)

Their site is back up fortunately and my order is OK.

What music do you like listening to, besides idols? Lately I've been into exit trance stuff. Pic related. I also like classical (romantic period).

Oops here is pic :D

cheers mate. might look into getting that and the VE monk as well as some backup buds. good idea?

cheers mate. any idea on how long?

Of course you can't faggot.
The realtek onboard sound is already at an ideal transparency.

Just because you can measure a difference does not mean you can hear it.

someone shop this

Probably sometime this week. AliExpress shows it already having reached the US.

Color aside, is there any difference between these?
amazon.com/Beyerdynamic-EDT770VB-Headphone-Pads-Black/dp/B007VCKA64/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1493755236&sr=1-4&keywords=beyerdynamic pads



The color being different makes sense, but why having one for each model if the fit is exactly the same? What does V and VB even means?
Is the seal different at all?

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?


The Sennheiser HD650 headphone

Human website

You're late

Say that to my face...

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
A lot of random shit including but not limited to:
Metal (Iron Maiden, Metallica, Blind Guardian, In Flames, Manowar, Falconer, Megadeth, Luca Turilli and so on and so on. I tend to listen to metal when programming)
Electronica (Jean Michel Jarre (the OLD stuff), New Order, Chemical Brothers)
Dance/relatedshit (mostly ancient 90s stuff I listened to when I was in primary/middle school... fuck I'm old (early 30s))
Videogame/derived (C64 stuff, Amiga stuff, console stuff, Machinae Supremacy, Press Play on Tape, JRPG stuff, Touhou)
Demoscene (mostly Amiga, tracker stuff)
Classical (anything, but most of the time it's Bach, Beethoven or Dvorak)
Rock (AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Ramones, The Offspring)
Anime OSTs
Idols (Love Live, THE iDOLM@STER, miku stuff, somehow not actual idols... yet)
Cute cover, I'll look into it. Got a lossless torrent handy? :^)
Suggestions much welcome considering my tastes above.


post a picture with a timestamp, shitposter-kun

does anyone have any experience with oppo headphones? are they good

PM3 is excellent. PM1 and PM2 seem to have distortion issues but the amazing build is carried over.

I got these bose quietcomfort 35 as a gift Sup Forums, am I trash?

>bose QC35
Pic related.
>as a gift
You're not trash.

>I want to know how ZS5 compares to midfi headphones/earphones or anything else eg. HD600/Etymotic MK5/HF5?
what do you think yourself? ofc it's bad when compared to hd6*0

Internal or external sound card?
Do you recommend any not so expensive ones? (150 -200 dollars max)

arent the HD569 just a minor step-up from the ath-m50s

What kind of speakers / headphones will you be using?

>comfort is a plus
>warm to bright
Test the DT770, it might be just what you are looking for.

I feel like getting on the HD579 bandwagon, they seem to be nice.

Are 7.1 headphones a meme? I heard they are a meme, quite an expensive meme.

Have DT990 (250) and Fiio E10K. Listen to mainly electronic (I like a bit of bass).

Keep thinking of getting a pair of DT770s to eliminate a bit of the external noise - is it worth owning both DT770 and DT990? Also should I go for 80ohm or 250ohm (I like the coiled cable on the DT990).

Good. I like the transition between bass and midrange, how flat midrange is, and the shape of the treble rolloff.
Decent, although not a fan.
Niggerbass, rollercoaster.

is your Joovce ready for the hud?

>Are 7.1 headphones a meme?
Yes. If you require virtual surround just use free Razer Surround. It works just fine. Sign in to Synapse once then block Synapse in your firewall because Synapse is spyware; Razer Surround will continue to work just fine.
7.1 headphones = 7 cheap shitty drivers per earcup instead of 1 good driver per earcup, or USB headphones with surround software (same shit as free Razer Surround) built-in for an exorbitant price.

Good choice.
>Are 7.1 headphones a meme? I heard they are a meme, quite an expensive meme.
They are a meme. Often shitty transducers + typically hidden software dsp, sometimes lots of tiny transducers in each can, with a lot of distortion. Either way, don't pay for that shit.
Just get good stereo headphones, and if you care about "3d" and your game doesn't have builtin headphone virtualization, use third party headphone virtualization. Latest windows 10 bundles such a thing.

Just ordered Vanatoo T0. Not exactly headphones, but did I do well anons?

What does it measure like?

>Latest windows 10 bundles such a thing.
Huh. First I've heard that. Does it work with Equalizer APO? Razer Surround does not.

Like an HD598 with better bass extension, so very good.

>headphone virtualization interference with soft eq
No idea, I haven't played with it.
>first I've head that

Cool, i tested the HD558 once and thought it to sound rather nice and relaxing (the relaxing part comes from the fact that i'm more used to brighter headphones).
Is there anywhere where i can see graphs of it? couldn't find on Goldenears and Innerfidelity.

Thanks, I'm not going to buy those 7.1 shits anyway.
Any info about the sound card? It don't know anything about this stuff and I was using integrated stuff for all life, I just want to make use of my wavs now.

Very well.
Much better treble, too. Actually I'd say that's the main improvement. HD598 treble is both too quiet (dark) and uncontrolled / all over the place.

audio-gd products are trash, that's why

Uh, they do measure quite well! Thanks for the graphs, user.

>sound cards
If you have extra budget, get HD600 (i.e.: better headphones), that'll make a much larger difference than amps and dacs.
>someday in the future, when I'm used to the HD579 and wanna see if I can improve on that.
Schiit Fulla 2. Just keep in mind, unless there's an actual issue with your audio source, you'll get little to no improvement from fancy external amps or dacs. So, see above.


how would u recommend testing them, order them from amazon and if i dont like rerun them?


yeah, if you don't have access to a store where you can test them ordering from Amazon will do the trick, you could get a few options that you think you will like, test them and keep only your favorite.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

How do they compare to the HD598? Tried them some time ago and didn't like them. Sounded kind of muffled.

I meant more on a hardware level. Razer Surround doesn't work with Equalizer APO because Razer Surround creates its own virtual sound device in Windows which you cannot install EAPO to. That being said, Razer Surround's built-in graphic equalizer does not interfere with Razer Surround's ability to accurately place sounds around you, so I wouldn't expect EAPO to as well.

>How do they compare.
Can't say, I have HD598 and HD600. I haven't had the pleasure of HD579, but the FR tells me all I need to know (clearly better bass, treble shaped like HD600 which has really good treble), and its reviews further support a good impression.
>Sounded kind of muffled.
This was my first reaction to HD598 when they were new. "This is pretty shitty for something that wasn't cheap" (they were my first good headphones).
But I used them for a few days, and at some point I was like "wow" and they sounded so good since.
It takes time to get used to new headphones. This is particularly true if they're your first good set, and if they're neutral-ish.
HD600 wasn't immediate either "this sounds odd." but happened much faster, just minutes.

HD579/599 don't measure much differently in the treble than HD598:
Yeah, I know,
HD579 is, acoustically, a HD599 with an extra piece of foam, similar to HD558/598, so you can assume they will measure almost identically (and they do on Reference Audio Analyzer).
You can see here that HD579/599 are, as I stated, essentially a HD598 with better bass extension. The bass measurement looks low here because rtings uses a melanin-enriched target curve.

Expensive AF for what it is.
>with an extra piece of foam
FR is near identical, and reviewers seem to favor HD579 as better sounding. Reviewers also mention some sort of problem with HD599 losing its overall shit when bass hits hard, which HD579 is supposedly not affected with.
The deal sealer is the price: HD579 is waaaay cheaper than HD599.

do you have a single proof that you can see difference between audio dg and onboard audio in blind test?


How would anyone see anything in a blind test?

The burden of proof is on you, making claims like that, user.



My objections over rtings' choice of target curve aside, I am inclined to believe that rtings' comparison between HD599 ( reference-audio-analyzer.pro/en/report/hp/sennheiser-hd-599.php ) and HD598 is probably a more accurate comparison than RAF's. It is more logical to me to expect that that HD599 is simply a HD598 with a very minor acoustic tweak for better bass extension, as the rtings comparison shows, than it is for me to expect that HD599 is completely revoiced. The latter would cost more in R&D.
In addition, we do not know if RAF has changed their target curve in between publishing the HD598/600 graphs and the HD579/599 graphs since they don't publish their target curve.
It's not like HD598's treble was problematic to begin with, so this isn't a bad thing. Pic related.

As a HD598 owner, if I have to list one flaw HD598 has it would be the treble.
It sounds both wrong and too quiet. Both do apply when compared to HD600 and HD380 Pro.
Going by FR, I can't quite tell you what's wrong. It might be the straight drop past 10k when compared to the shape HD600 has, it might be something else. It's just offensively wrong, now what I'm used to my newer headphones.

>Huge bump at 5.5KHz on HD6X0
These headphones are indeed too forward in that zone, but 10dB seems really too much to me.

It's only 7.5dB in the graph, which seems fairly accurate IMO.

It's real. Also confirmed by Tyll from innerfidelity: innerfidelity.com/images/SennheiserHD600.pdf

Had similar thoughts, but bought HD600 and hell, they *do* sound good.

HD579 actually is more v-shapped than the DT880.

Sorry my bad, instinctively linked the wrong one, meant to link the HD650 (same driver): innerfidelity.com/images/SennheiserHD650.pdf

But there's no 5.5K bump at all in these graphs.

It's not. RAF's target curve/measurement system is just wonky, and flat out inaccurate in the treble. A ~9 kHz peak is essentially ubiquitous in measurements of the DT880 yet RAF's measurement shows none there. Their measurements are outliers for a lot of headphones.

Yeah I'm not sure why that rtings graph is over the 0db mark for some reason. The frequency response is the same, just... louder overall. Dunno what's going on there. It's the same hump at 5.5k though. I guess the solution is to just set the volume to a reasonable level and not crank it.

tl;dr: Different measurements using different measurement systems can vary drastically for many different reasons. It's complicated.

rtings doesn't show a hump at 5.5 kHz either. What the fuck are you people even on about?


Yes it does.

A 2nd pair of HD 600 obviously

Nice selection, will look into it senpai :3
I uploaded the album to nyaa pantsu (search for エクスタシー, latest one)

Or alternatively would you like a jpopsuki invite?

I think you'll be happy with the HD579 and Yes 5.1 and 7.1 is a meme. Mainly marketing taking advantage of people.


>Nice selection
Much appreciated. Now leeching from some dynamic IP address.
Never heard of it. I assume it's a private tracker?

Is anything more powerful than a magni 2 uber + modi 2 uber straight up snake oil? It seems to me like the uber schiit stack is literally end-game for any sane person. Even the NFB-11 seems hard to justify given it costs almost 100 dollars more when you include shipping and paypal currency conversion fees. Who needs to spend more than 300 dollars on a dac + amp other than placebofags?

Spend that money on booze for more fun while listening instead of autistically listening to tell if you can tell if it's placebo or not.

Are you high? There's a dip there.

Same with HD650.

>literally autistic
did you seriously just do your own measurements just to try and win an argument with a complete stranger on Sup Forums


Those are measurements from:
However, I think you know that and are engaging in next-level shitposting.

Yush, if you're interested then encrypt the e-mail you want to use with this pgp key: ghostbin.com/paste/mvu9o. And attach a pic of your keyboard or something so I know it's you :3 My IP ended with 130.53 (so you know it's me)

If you're not interested then that's fine as well~~ c:

That's actually what I intend to do, user. Great advice too btw. Shame on any of you faggots reading this if you don't follow it and actually bought into the "hi-fi" memes.