Which one does Sup Forums think is better?

Which one does Sup Forums think is better?
Brave or Unjewgled Chromium
Brave seems kinda chunky and laggy
Unjewgled Chromium is Google Chrome but de-botnetified and runs smooth and is quite nice to use
You can link any other browser BUT Qutebrowser and Pale MEME

Pale moon

fuck you

I use Vivaldi.

Brave is too early in development to be viable, they lack extension support and it's very buggy in my experience. On android Brave is pretty nice though.

Vivaldi and Opera are just chromium skins and not worth your time. Stick to ungoogled chromium.


You have two choices: Iridium and Pale Moon. They're both alright

I use Icecat on Linux and Brave on Android

what's wrong with qute

If you're on Debian-based, stick to ungoogled-chromium.

Firefox nightly > Firefox > IceCat > iridium > ungoogled chromium > brave

I don't like Google but I like based Jews so I use Firefox Nightly.

Furthermore, it seems that Google is more likelihoodly pajeet now, because the true superior Jew runs Alphabet.



Not sure why you're saying it's laggy, when it's actually faster than regular Chrome.

>screen tearing on desktop because UI is made in HTML5
>uses shitty adblock plus instead of the superior uBlock origin
When they switch from ABP to uBO I'll use it.

i like vivaldi

>Firefox nightly and Firefox before IceCat

Inox > Icecat > Iridium > Ungoogled > nightly > brave > firefox

What are you talking about? I don't have any tearing. And it has its own ad-blocking system built-in.

Which is based on adblock plus and equally ineffective. The browser becomes unresponsive if you add custom filters.