

That logo looks so fucking good
I welcome back the return of gradients


I just switched back to Nightly after using Chromium for Windows for about a year. Kicking myself for not ditching Chromium earlier

thats one sexy logo.

> based
> sjw
pick one

looks like the mozilla devs have been given a day off to shitpost on Sup Forums.


since they're actively stripping XUL as we speak, legacy extensions will end up gradually failing in weird ways

Comfy logo

What are the advantages to using this anyway?

The logo.

it looks gay

Eventually they might be able to declutter the code and add all the brand spanking new features they want like sandboxing etc.

Though it's a heavy price to pay, and it's gotten to the point where I only use firefox out of lack of a better alternative. I no longer 'like' firefox. I just hate it least

yes my addons died
i did that, it allows SOME addons to be installed
but not others, do you know any other methods that might allow installing old addons?

sandboxing is already enabled in Nightly

>I just hate it least
i unfortunately am going to have to agree with this

yeah, they are very based... want me to "pay for google adds"

>Doesn't block ads through hosts which is superior and just works with all browsers


>do you know any other methods that might allow installing old addons?
Switch to Waterfox.

>>Doesn't block ads through hosts which is superior and just works with all browsers
yeah, that would be convenient, specially if you'd like to turn it off for some sites which you'd like to support

uBlock Origin doesn't have this problem

Chromium happens to run much more smoothly on my toaster than Firefox. Is nightly somehow faster than Chromium? What makes it superior?

fuck you liar

go back to red dit faggot
>doesn't block ads through DNS so he won't have to fuck with hosts

>go back to red dit faggot
ok, I'm red.dit, you're retard.. big deal

learn to install it

I know you are reddit.

>learn to install it
learn to suck my dick... fuck you and your stupid browser

ahahahaha u told hem bro XD

TNX user

i moved to esr. nightly is unusable without addons, and a lot of the API still isn't ready.

I'm making or using desktop programs for my favorite sites anyway. Browsers are just for backup.


>needs to edit about:config
>needs to download extension from github

yeah, I dont give a fuck about SJW infested George Sorros supported communist browser, that I'm going through all those problems..

I shouldnt have installed this commie piece of shit in first place.

are you retarded? this is a webextension from
Do you know how to use computer?


This is the state of Sup Forums

>I just hate it least
Yeah, that's it.

Just use Chrome.


why the fuck would you willingly share your browsing with google?

I swear we get this post every hour. are there really that many retards here or is it just one guy trolling?

If you can't tell the difference, either you're a fucking idiot or you're trolling to bump your own thread.

Personally I think it's the former myself but then again this is Sup Forums so it's probably some of both.

I was able to tell the difference like 5 years ago but then tens of thousands of underage 9faggers came here to stay and I haven't been able to tell since then

>release logo
>community hates it
>go on spite-trip making the shittiest possible logos they could think of
>revert to previous hated logo
>much better

>community hates it
At least it looks like a firefox logo and not just a blank sphere.
It looks great too.

>I no longer 'like' firefox. I just hate it least
I want a light browser with XUL extensions support.
Literally just a core featureless browser that uses firefox "legacy" extensions to expand

>community hates it
fuck you, gradients are my fetish

>activate webrender
>40% CPU use on average 30% GPU use
>out of memory with 16Gb
Jeez, nightly seems promising.

>community hates it
[citation needed]

webrender isn't anywhere near ready. what do you expect?

It sure does

>the only thing they got right was the logo
Is Nightly /our browser/?

Nightly is very responsive on mobile too!

Very happy with the transition.

>muh sjw
>pretending theres any other option that is competitive whilst being foss

nice job using jewish tactics of presenting a problem without a solution

Hey, um...
Delete this, please?
Thanks sweetie.

Reminder that until Firefox has been independently audited it is a botnet and the fact you blindly trust it because it's open source makes you a terminal brainlet. Even worse if you use precompiled binaries.

tfw I witnessed satan getting wrecked

reminder that all the alternatives cant be audited because they are proprietary

please provide citations of your accusations user otherwise fuck off because you are just a insecure faggot who is scared of firefox progressing

>inb4 im not
why post in this thread then?

Nightly isn't faster than Chromium, that's just a meme. Benchmarks put it at around 60%.

nice fake news
are you triggered?
if you respond with bait please list your alternative browser that you use without these issues user :^)

>firefox is the only FLOSS browser
t. brainlet


its the same faggot who always makes these anti firefox threads

hes a chrome advocate too who always false flags issues with firefox until people call him out

It actually got a lot of praise from the community.

Even all of those anti logo threads weeks back the majority of it was praise with 2 people who hated it just because.

Lots of people like the synth/vaporwave aesthetics.

Open source software needs to be audited to verify its' security otherwise it's no better than proprietary software. Noone knows what's in there. And if you use precompiled binaries then you're just a moron, binaries aren't free software and they could be literally anything.

>reading comprehension
i said competitive

palememe and waterfox dont have the performance or security

no you didn't, that word doesn't appear in your post once

so what browser do you suggest wise one?

oh thats right you only want to sow seeds of dissent without a solution

kindly fuck off

Why did you ignore this post but choose to reply to the other?
The point still stands.
Nothing is as capable that is still foss.

Updating from 55 now.
I was able to import my profile from v41 seamlessly.

I wasn't even aware that Nightly worked on the phone too.

Thanks for the info!

Question: does this mean plugins need to be approved by Mozilla now? If so would they deny anything thats not sjw friendly like the (((coincidence detector)))?

when's the stable version supposed to come out? I tried nightly and I like it, but it's too early to use it regularly

In order to be put on the AMO site they'd always need to be approved by Mozilla. There is no change to that.
But you are allowed to install extensions they rejected for whatever reason from 3rd party sites.

>this ugly text rendering
I think you need to go see a eye doctor, user.


looks perfectly fine on my screen apart from a very slight red fringing

Pale moon?