/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Functional programming is the future edition.

Previous thread: What are you working on Sup Forums?

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C++ with proper UFCS and Modules when?

Second for C++ is the worst language that anybody has ever taken seriously.

>Functional programming is the future
>posts anime girl with C++
what's the trick?

Already out

literally never.
It already fucked UFCS, and proper modules would pretty much take an entire re-write because you'd HAVE TO break .h,.c,.hpp, and only have .cpp or else theres no point.


>he isn't aware of PL/1


trueskill rankings of danbooru tags using multiplayers rankings,
tags are scraped from danbooru and stored in the image as metadata
tag rankings stored in file

now just needs a gui and thread safety on the scraping part
or the scraping can just be single threaded but i really dont like that

I like Rust but I am interested in GUI. Qt Quick is the only sane choice left.

Enjoy manually writing hundreds of header files and maintaining them with the function prototypes.
And enjoy fundamentally slow build system

#ifndef shit
#define shit

struct foo {
int member;
#endif /* shit */
#ifndef shit
#define shit

struct foo {
int member;
#endif /* shit */
#ifndef shit
#define shit

struct foo {
int member;

#endif /* shit */
#ifndef shit
#define shit

struct foo {
int member;

#endif /* shit */
#ifndef shit
#define shit

struct foo {
int member;

#endif /* shit */
#ifndef shit
#define shit

struct foo {
int member;

#endif /* shit */
#ifndef shit
#define shit

struct foo {
int member;

#endif /* shit */

How can you fuck up a thread so bad? It's not that fucking hard.

Your picture is a good illustration of your post.

Can D really be considered to be a C++-like language? I hear its optional GC isn't really optional, because of that I'd be tempted to say it's closer to go than anything else.

>Can D really be considered to be a C++-like language

Its everything C++ should have been except the GC.
You could use Better C with std.algorithm for functional stuff in am improved C environment.

Other than that the GC is very nice due to the explicit control you have.

Those are things that do not require a v2, only a future v1.x.
2.0 in SemVer implies backwards incompatible changes to 1.x.

>D really be considered to be a C++-like language?
>I hear its optional GC isn't really optional
Nope, you won't be getting away from the GC if you use other 3rd party libraries

All in all, D is a very well designed C++ if you don't consider the GC.
Not him tho

It's a sane C++, only real downside is GC.

t. Rust shill

I want Rust to ease up on its safety ritual. It's counter productive.

The only reason to use it is because it won't ease up on safety. Why not use C++/D if you don't want the compiler to break your balls about detail?

If you won't make people to do stupid shit for clever things, your language won't be safe.

what about the gc?
is it worth writing an entire program without garbage collection in D?

>Why not use C++
I am using it currently. Because of Qt. I don't like C++. Everything about C++ feels like "hacked together"
Waiting for Calypso to be more mature

Actually you can use D as a better C (-betterC) BUT you will lose a lot of D's niceties (GC abstractions etc)

And if you are going to use things like Vibe.d, gtkD etc you probably be needing GC anyway

Takes 7 minutes to compile in a 32 core processor

>this is the only non-meme fp lang

but why, its counter intuitive to D.


It's the only fp lang with an ISO standard.


PL/1 didn't set programming back 15 years, though.

Why is having an ISO standard worth anything?
C++ is the prime counter-example.

D is too slow due to shitty GC implementation.

C++ is used to produce cross-platform performance and safety critical applications scaling hundreds of thousands of lines of code and used by millions of people every day.

FP languages are used to print hello worlds and do fizz buzz for geek cred.

Learning Scala.

any good introduction for maven? yes im a pajeet, fuck off

t. pajeet

>and do fizz buzz for geek cred.
FP literally beat C+++ in the 90's on a government project.

>tfw no female Pajeet to write Java with

This has nothing to do with what was saying though. He was talking about ISO being seen as a proof of quality in design and said C++ was a counter-example because, and that's true, C++ is features piled on stock of features.

It just occurred to me, are all programming languages besides C/C++ statically compiled?

when you say "statically compiled" do you mean statically linked?

bait for an investigation pending on them and the sysadmins. This is the sysadmin trying to take some down with them.

Please God, kill these pieces of shit. Please a bullet in the gut and then a life sentence.

Please take down their accomplices with them. I fucking hate qtpie, tsm doublelift, hauntzer, bjergsen, and all those pieces of shit for getting away with so much murder. Not game killing. Real lives lost because they can't handle the heat of a little actual competition.

I want to die these mother fuckers live too long. Some threw 138 rpms at my chests just now. That would kill most regular human beings. It was the CIA too. They can be paid fot this shit.

FUCKING KILL THeM TRUMP. There's your info!


I think so.

ISO standard means that the language is/was so widely-deployed that multiple implementations have spawned that required standardization to avoid fragmentation. ISO standard provides you with a strong everlasting time-tested backbone, so in case you want to port your hard work to a new architecture or make just make a different implementation for some other reason such as performance, you always have a centralized, respectable organization's work to base your new language implementation off. ISO standards have already been tested by multiple implementations, and many if not all ambiguities have been ironed out, while other non-ISO/ANSI/IEC "standards" are more of a reference to a programmer.

Quality in design, purity, and all other language features are a COMMODITY to make software cheaper by requiring less time and effort to a) teach the programmer or b) maintain the program. However, when talking about huge distributed applications, stability and determinism is the absolute priority.

Yes, C++ is huge because it was created in an evolving and ad hoc manner, thus adding many unnecessary, overlapping, non-finished and could've-been-done-better features, and many brainlets such as yourself can't fit it inside their hands, so there is high demand for dumbed-down C++ like Go, Rust, and D, but until they're standardized they're all meme-tier.

So there are 4 options for production:
1) Use a standardized small language (C)
2) Use a standardized big language (C++) and hope that developer costs offset the project maintaining costs
3) Use a corp-backed language and rely on the corp (C# for MS, Java for MS, Go and Kotlin for Google, Objective-C and Swift for Apple) to carry it's maintaining, and with that corp all your work will go down the shitters
4) Use a meme-language and be happy that your code works on this particular implementation, on this particular machine

I wish that the current admin would step out of his house once in a while. These guys got paid 100k to steal my play style, home info like router stuff, routed to charter twc in paramount and tried to have me arrested just now for "making stuff up".

I wish the actual police force was still up and not this death for hire monolith they have going.



*maintaining costs will offset developer costs
*Java for Oracle

>seriously arguing on /dpt/
Sorry you're on the wrong website

5) Use a language developed by a community that uses a sane way to extend its language. See how Rust does it.




Fact: OCaml programmers are the most powerful race in the world.

Didn't know terry posted here.

he's the one who advertises his channel here.

Rust falls into the meme-tier category, user. Good for small scripts on x64.

However, imperative programmers will outbreed them and impregnated their daughters.

>no native multithreading
>no unsigned type
>basic values are boxed
Ocaml programmers are the special education kids of the class.


why dont you use the left arror operator

t. imperative toddler

its even sadder than that. its a group of kids trying to be terry while chiding others for being degenerates, when their hero is a literal degenerate welfare queen

Arrow operators were mistake.

he's an honest welfare queen to be fair. he declines business offers from people, even under the table because he has the eyes of god on him and won't lie to the IRS, doesn't want his welfare effected.

Even if it's a meme its development process is still pretty good. Also it supports ARM64, ARMv7, Sparc, MIPS, PowerPC, wasm and others.

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L | !
L | !
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o-------------o );

>not using a visual representation for your multi-dimensional arrays

Please help Debian Rust maintainers

Also, strong community gives birth to an ISO standard.

>welfare queen
He's pretty well off. Have you seen the specs of his computer? He made a killing during the dotcom boom.

>supporting anything that supports systemd

Woah, This really shouldn't happen, all the archs I mentioned are "guaranteed to build" by the rust project.
They probably don't have access to servers with the right arch to put their CI bots on, or maybe they tried adding some and it made their (already awfully slow) CI even slower. This is an interesting issue, I'll look into it.

What is declarative programming and why no one ever talks about it?

How do i create an api?
Let's say i have some closer source project that generates some exe that does shit, how do i provide a programmer api to interface with the compiled project?

SQL is declarative programming, and it gets used a little.

he doesn't. He's out getting laid,

That was me, his buddy ( not God ). I just can't stand that you niggers keep getting away with this stuff. So here's what.

I won't do that anymore. If you die.

what libraries even exist for D?
Surely you can just include C and C++ libraries

>the pythonic way of doing something to every value in a list except the last value where you have to do something different
very nice

for elem in lst[:-1]:

I love Python.

Or this, objectively worse, solution:

map(doSomething, lst[:-1])

I'm really sad they decided to embed these useless, redundant functions. They're like Perl shitted into Python.

auto isLeap(unsigned int y) -> bool {
return y % 4 ? false : (y % 100 ? true : !(y % 400));


describe the functions and then provide them with the library which contains the functions

>auto -> bool

Think of this ``auto`` as ``fn``, not ``bool``

auto means auto, not fn.

why not just
auto isLeap(unsigned int y) {
return y % 4 ? false : (y % 100 ? true : !(y % 400));

the return type can be deduced.

How the fuck are you supposed to write a declaration for that?

auto can mean fn too

you can't, it must have an (inline) definition
(I was also joking, that style is pure cancer outside of templates or member methods / local types where context can be obvious)

what socks do you wear when you program in tranny-tolerant language like Haskell?

also, no shit. byuu has switched most of higan and his personal libraries over to the auto foo() -> bar style. ugh.
and even though he compiles with c++14, he uses auto foo() -> void a lot.
example: gitlab.com/higan/higan/blob/master/hiro/qt/window.cpp#L54
I guess he wants to be consistent .. but its longer that way, than doing the normal void foo(); (or struct T { auto foo(); } and auto T::foo();)
(higan is a rather nice multi-system emulator)

so this is the power of autism

C++ is slowly moving away from C. It's turning out to be two different languages hosted by the same compiler

>same compiler
C++ and C split in 1999/2000. C++11 went even further to move away from old-style C++

(auto name() -> ret was added in C++11, along with a metric fuckton of things to make the language actually usable)

C++11 already made that change.



Try out my digital deep sea vent microbe aquarium! I wrote the physics engine, over 20k collisions calculated under 20ms!

auto style is fine, but auto foo() -> ret is only worth it if you have a scoped return type.

bool isLeap(unsigned int y);

And then define the function with the same prototype like a neurotypical human being that doesn't latch onto redundancies to look smart.

Anyone got the link to that free Learning Python book?

so comfy :3

You can write most of C in g++

You can, but that's no longer idiomatic.

Thank you.

int *i = malloc(sizeof(*i));

no you can't you dumb fuck.