This kills the nvidiot

>this kills the nvidiot

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Don't forget the vega 56 can be undervolted to match 1070 power consumption.

what does dirt 4 have but the other games don't to display this performance? any site looked into it?

He made a video where he admitted that he fucked up because the other benchmarks were done with a different method of AA

what does AA change this much?

The fuck? Source?

it still kills 1080 altogether and 1080ti minimums without AA. something is different with dirt 4.

this is the follow up video, he retests again with different AAs.

Global illumination

Nvidia can't into the global illumination used in the game



but after 8xMSAA, 56 tanks and drops to 1070 level.

Dirt Rally also had poorer performance on GTX cards compared to Polaris,

The AMD GPUs can't into msaa beyond 2x
Dirt 4 has multiple issues for each card vendor, hence why you get benchmarks like these

>The AMD GPUs can't into msaa beyond 2x
they do very well with 4x. they tank at 8x. still this is a peculiar situation.

It's anything above 2X
It's an issue that is currently being worked on by the Radeon driver team.

no it really is 4x and 8x, 2x works fine

but in this game they do very well up to 4x. in 8x they tank.

Note to RTG: Benchmark games that aren't DiRT 4 and Doom during development to make sure your card is actually good

It doesn't do well in 4x at all
Go look at the benches

I did. 4x does well. that's why I'm saying this. I wanna know what is different in this game.

There is nothing different hence why 4x does not do well
Neither does global illumination for Nvidia

Show proof that 4x is fine


The most likely answer is that Nvidia hasn't spent much time specifically optimizing for Dirt4 because they haven't needed to. Until now.

Expect new drivers in 6-8 weeks that extract more from their cards in unbalanced titles.

pic related. at 4x msaa, rx 580 is on par with 1070.

Already stated
It's due to the global illumination

Same situation in Nier Automata, they use similar methods

We are talking about Vega user

I'll say it again to make sure you got it

Vega, currently, in the drivers, has broken MSAA support

>global illumination
is there anyone who made a test for this.
no, you talked about AMD cards, read your posts again. and it doesn't matter, fucking polaris is on par with 1070.

I'll give you gay.

I was specifically responding to your comment about the 56 user

now you are moving to goalposts. you were clearly saying amd gpus. so fuck off.