How to reach tech nirvanah
How to reach tech nirvanah
tech is suffering so to reach nirvana you must rid yourself of tech
only use FOSS
debotneting yourself
dragon dildo
lucid dreaming in binary
Code a FOSS operating system kernel that runs on an 8086 processor and plays all the animu you have; do this on a Model F keyboard using a Sun Sparcstation.
Option 1: build your own CPU, compiler, operating system and web browser
Option 2: buy Apple devices so you never have to worry about tech again
Unplug. Everything.
You have to become tech. Assimilate with the botnet.
.t dumb vegan poster
It is simple. Only have tech that is in your control. Nothing that is within your control can make you unhappy.
Either use "just werks" "botnets", build everything yourself, or just learn how to dig in to fix Ubuntu. Depends on what you want, and how much you can learn.
be content.
What is your original face before you were born?
install Source Mage and ascend to tech wizardry
install plan 9
Become Stallman, except never talk to anyone about it and don't get autistic when someone uses nonfree software.
Alternatively, move to some Buddhist nation and join a monastery. Be careful though, they don't take kindly to non natives.
This. Why am I still here?
run emacs as pid1
rewrite the netbsd kernel in haskell
By purging the flesh and praising the Omnissiah
Why do you think user here buy the most shitty Thinkpad they can get
>split ortholinear mechanical keyboard
>4k+ OLED monitor
>fully free as in freedom operating system
Perl or LISP.
Finding technology that actually works consistently well
Good luck finding a computer that does that
Built my own PC'S and running free software on them, works well user.
Install FreeBSD
>Install GNU/emacs
Delete all social media and only communicate with PGP-encrypted email. Refuse to give them your public key.
Refuse to speak English that wouldn't form a valid Lisp s-expression.
Have a one-sided affair with Stallman until he files a restraining order.
Write a COBOL interpreter in Brainfuck, then port it to APL with a Malbolge transpiler.
Found a startup called that flies 50kg bottle rockets into people's houses for Bitcoin.
smoke weed everyday
dont install gentoo
>How to reach tech nirvanah
Step One: purchase programming socks
You wanna reach nirvana? I'll teach you how.
First of all, delete your disgrace of an operating system,
Install Windows,
Download Bluestacks and start using Android the way it was supposed to be used.
Everyone knows that Android is the operating system of the future. You're a dumbass for not using it this long.
You can learn Java if you want, it'll pay off in the future when everyone in the entire world uses Android for everything, thanks to the Google of course.
Thinkpad + Debian + Tiling wm
just came
Because it allows you to give zero fucks
Nirvana is for losers.
The overman lives by a mixture of function, purpose and conflict.
The overman achieves, he endures suffering for a greater good than comfort and momentary happiness, unknowingly achieving a higher expirience, VITA! Self-fulfilment, power and a feeling beyond satisfaction.
So... Purge these "unnecessary" techs from your life if you want to be a puny bald fag which resents DESIRE, denies LIFE.
Get a palmtop or something.
use forth
>Flying pretty much a missle in US air space
Good luck
LSD and spending the night in the woods. You will see silly humans using their stupid machines.
don't sparcstations run their own CPUs?