If Sup Forums had to make a list of reasons why it hates Google, what things would be in that list?

If Sup Forums had to make a list of reasons why it hates Google, what things would be in that list?

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The fact that they even exist.

They don't align with my political view

Their Terms and conditions for the use of there products.

Does Google still block searches for ロリ, even with safe search turned off?


What's the joke

no, why would it do such a thing?

Google is just too dominant. If you use their services such as Android, gmail, google maps or play store, they will soon know more about you than your wife, girl friend or mother. And that's not right on the long term.


But wait there's more!

Everything they ever produce besides their search engine is complete shit.
But because they are huge they can shove their subpar products down everyones throat, kill competitors and dominate the market.

fuck off you retarded avatarfagging attentionwhore

get a trip or something, jeez

>search for gaz porn gives me 69 results
>7 pages a 10 results.

google actually switched form a blacklist censoring system to an white list system for more than 1000 search terms..

>If Sup Forums had to make a list of reasons why it hates Google, what things would be in that list?

1. They hire jews.

gay porn
*gaz porn ist for ss fetishists i guess..

They are enemies of freedom.

>ruining youtube and turning it into an ad-infested garbage pile of shitty content creators who "need your money or they cant keep making videos"
>trying to force all youtube users to join their shitty failed social network
>literally wifi sniffing thousands of homes with their google maps car wired.com/2014/04/threatlevel_0401_streetview/
>company is filled with toxic SJWs and feminazis
>trying to release a pair of glasses that would record and geotag everyone in the vicinity of the user
>trying to take freedom of car travel out of our hands and make cars fully computer controlled, which is dangerous for many reasons

>trump smearing
>redirecting news and political searches
>fake holiday themes while ignoring achievements or religious holidays involving white males or europeans
>youtube spotlight for lgbtq and feminists platform for hate
>botnet advertising
>owns ad-sense
>delisting "controversial" sites from their search
>"truth/fact checks" during 2016 electrion that were proven false
>buying out competition
>gmail is required for all of their services and it requires a phone number which ties a real life identity
>instead of using web standards with their browser like FF they try and make their own which is proprietary
>they buy up competing open-source linux/android projects and end them or fork them into a proprietary project

They censor everything on youtube by demonitization or add a mature rating or ban the account.

this is even for historical context subjects like WW2 and hitler

meanwhile they allow crap like elsagate that is rated for children under 10

they finally demonitized it after 4 years but that was from a huge backlash

still they are viewable on the childrens application though and i believe the voilence and sexuality should require a mature rating


I'd say its the wide adoption of their very annoying captcha with its fading tiles that repeat 8 times before it verifies. That and how they record your activity, and how they censer right wing pages.
