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Now this is shitposting!
Java is a C variant. As much as C#, at least.
Please rephrase that using only objects.
C is very simple to read because the language is small and a simple layer over the most common CPU architectures, immutable leggable animal pattern factories aren't.
You realize like everything is abstracted C?
You might as well code in Haskell faggot.
C is actually easier to read than Java when formatted and written correctly (kernel style).
Python is easiest on the eyes but understanding someone else's code can sometimes be harder than C.
Ha - ha - ha. Nice joke.
Show me easy to read multi threaded C code.
>The point of programming languages is to make humans communicate with machines more easily.
This is wrong, the point of programming languages should be to make humans communicate with each other more easily.
>we are talking about programming languages, not politics
Next post is gonna be someone calling OP a jew for saying this.
Pascal is the ultimate language. You can't argue that. It's as powerful as C and doesn't hurt your eyes like C does.
>Python is easiest on the eyes but understanding someone else's code can sometimes be harder than C.
Bad Python code vs bad C code:
It's hard understand both.
Good Python code vs good C code:
Python is easier to understand.
there's nothing to refute, its basically correct
>C is very simple to read because the language is small
C is actually very hard to read depending on the programmer.
>easy to read because it is close to the metal
The point of programming languages is to allow us to build abstract constructs. If your programming language has to be a "small and a simple layer over the most common CPU architectures" then you're probably programming simple controllers, device drivers and low level OS functionality.
Most security issues today are caused by the fact that languages like C being so primitive that doing low level and risky stuff is completely ordinary.
I fucking hate C personally. For every function I write I have to spend an extra lot of time to make sure that all resources are freed properly, in the order in which they were allocated, taking into account all the possible codepaths that exist depending on errors and corner cases. And if I want to reorder allocations I have to also reorder the shit list of gotos at the end of the function used for properly freeing up resources in case anything fails. It's so much maintenance and time wasted reasoning about control flow. Thank God C++ has RAII, I can just encapsulate resources in classes with constructors and deconstructors and use unique pointers and the compiler takes care of all that dirty work. Of course, Sup Forums babies can't write anything more complex than fizzbuzz and will praise C even in their graves.
I love you
You sound like a CS graduate.
Your brain is already fried on "by the book" learning, you have no creative drive to write C your own way outside of the confines of your coursework.
Stop posting.
i hope you'll never work in the embedded industry cause either you'll do C or directly assembly
C doesn't hold your hand like you're some kind of child, your code is expected to work as it is, it stands by itself. Why would only the manual memory management make you reason about your control flow? You should always do that because those things matter.
In C everything you write is actually important, so obviously you have to make sure it's right. I love the language.
>C doesn't hold your hand like you're some kind of child
Not him, but this is a retarded argument. If that's what you want in a language, program in machine code. What, you need fancy abstractions in C? Fuck you, brainlet.
Are you seriously complaining about memory management?
It's piss easy to write your own init/destroy functions and they're more transparent than whatever C++ gives you.
Here's how to do vectors.
if (s->len == s->limit) /* grow vector */
s->limit *= 1.5f;
s->arr = (struct my_type *) realloc(s->arr, sizeof(struct my_type) * s->limit);
self->arr[s->len++] = insert;
>he can't program in brainfuck
>whats the point of using a language as difficult to read as assembly
>rust is the way to go
does not compute
the only language that thing is valid for is brainfuck
I've written loads of C, C++, Python, Java, Haskell, Javascript, GLSL. I've done x86 reverse engineering, toy game engines, graphics, GUIs, GPU computing, neural networks, linux drivers. I know when a tool is right for the job, including C. I am amazed at how good the linux kernel is designed to make C tolerable and how many simple but effective tricks it uses. Let's remember it's created by many many smart and pretentious people over the course of many years. Not everyone has this amount of resources and patience.
>C doesn't hold your hand like you're some kind of child
>You should always do that because those things matter.
Write assembly if you like those so much.
If you have to spend time to reorder some allocations because you have to recheck the control flow and relink gotos properly you are doing something a compiler can do. That's not smart. You're wasting time doing dumb shit, just like people who work 8 hours a day checking spreadsheets instead of having a computer do it in minutes.
Thta's too basic to use as an argument.
you're right i can't
go is pretty alright too, tho
Rust could be the way to go, but I'll wait. It would be helpful if an organization other than Mozilla was sponsoring it, or had a large Rust project that could get a lot of users other than Firefox (Redox doesn't count - it will have fewer users than even desktop Linux does). If Rust could get a big project like that, it would have a much better chance of success commercially.
The problem is essentially that business people are retarded. Since they don't know anything about programming languages, the only way they can judge what to use is by the success or failure of projects already using the language. For Rust, when the examples people can give are an OS that nobody uses and a web browser that's most likely about to implode, zero retarded managers are going to let their developers jump on board the hype train.
Even the more savvy business people are going to have troubles justifying it. Chances are, the companies that would consider using Rust are using C++. For the more savvy manager, the question really comes down to: if the hype train isn't taking off, is there enough of a benefit to using Rust over C++ to warrant retraining current C++ developers, paying a premium for the few Rust developers there are, and the cost of reworking our build systems? The answer is most likely, "no".
If Rust fails, its failure is most likely not going to come from Rust being bad, but from a lack of adoption and not being enough of a step forward from C++. It would be another D.
Companies holding back technology. What a surprise.
Java is more difficult to understand than C and C++
>t. No one, ever.
>I don't even need to explain why C# is bad.
I think you do retard.
Assembly is fast and light.
You use it for things like microprocessors when you're making something simple.
Using something like C/C++ or eve Java would take a lot more resources.
>even java
I find it much easier to read. I can't understand java code. It looks so long and retarded.
Assembly is fast as fuck.
>What is the point of using a language that is as difficult to read as assembly?
Hyperbole, but even if it was, the point would be it takes less lines to write it in C than it does in assembly.
>The point of programming languages is to make humans communicate with machines more easily.
>That is why Java is the most used programming language.
What? That's not the reason why. I'm beginning to think this person doesn't know what they're talking about.
>Rust is the way to go
Rust fans are the CrossFitters of the programming world. Now everything is making sense.
Rust is overly verbose to the point of ugliness. Who cares if it performs well, there is not enough to differentiate it as a language with a purpose. PHP has a purpose, C# has a purpose, C has a purpose, C++ has a purpose, MAGMA has a purpose, and Rust is just Rust. It does nothing significantly different or better than C++. Even the issue of garbage collection is not a problem if you're programming C++ properly and making use of the standard library.
Basically C# is like sucking Microsoft big dick for no reason because it lacks the advantages of using a virtual machine language.
The unique reason for coding in C# are: either you work at Microsoft or you develop for Microsoft products that's everything I can think of.
>C doesn't hold your hand like you're some kind of child
Lol why do you even use a computer? You can do all these computations by hand. It's just holding your hand
jit compilation can be even faster for common workloads
>he is using a pen instead of remember all the digits in his brain
You do realize if everything was written in assembly there'd be no need for meme hardware we have these days? Java and other shit performing languages are Jew's wet dream so they can sell you more expensive hardware every year.
So what's the point of programming languages then?
Be a man and program in binary.
I compute in my brain like I know I usually play FPS's in my head but when I tell people about it my therapist is all "you have violence issues"
Look, I don't even use Rust as a programing language. I use Pascal at my work and x86 assembly. I used to make programs in C and C++(actually visual c++). The thing is that C++ should have deleted all C compatibility and stop being a bloated language. Why do you want low level programing? It I just a meme, there aren't any reasons to use use C or C++ unless you are programming firmware or hardware drivers.
Everything below kernel level should be done in assembly and everything done above kernel level should be done in some high level programming language.
C# is superior to Java.
Why? Care to explain?
All C variants are in fact pure cancer.
So I can't disagree w/ the post.
/dpt/ will because they spend their entire unemployed lives writing absolutely nothing of value while imagining that they're linus or some shit.
At least some fucking sense in this thread
Java's not bad as long as you don't arbitrarily break up your code into a million functions. The idea of OOP is to break up code that you'll reuse somewhere else, not break it up and put it elsewhere just because you think a block of code is too long.
You're not going to replace C++ in its niche. It's too well established and too much infrastructure exists around it.
The only reason why JS backends are enjoying popularity is because massive companies threw clout behind frameworks like Node and there were a ton of JS webdevs who figured they could make the leap. It probably won't last in the long run though, as companies find the need for more performance. Node can only compete when it's up against conventional blocking services. Rust doesn't have anything like that, it's one dying meme company and basically C++ lite with no unique demographic to capture. It'll never take over C++, or at least not for a hundred years.
I get the impression you're replying to the wrong post, I didn't say anything about being tough and mentioned that lots of programming languages have purposes.
I wasn't saying C++ was supreme or anything (though it is my favorite).
That being said...
>C++ should have deleted all C compatibility
That is an incredibly dumb recommendation, for many reasons.
>It is just a meme... unless you are programming firmware or hardware drivers.
What experience do you base this on? I work at a very large company, and C++ has a big role in a myriad of different applications. You should stop making such grand claims when you have such a narrow view, unexposed view of the matters you're talking about.
>OOP is to break up code that you'll reuse somewhere else, not break it up and put it elsewhere just because you think a block of code is too long
But Sandi Metz says you shouldn't have methods that are longer than 5 lines:
>What's the point of using a language that is as difficult to read as assembly?
I don't know, why don't you ask the subhumans that program in Rust?
>"performance isn't important guys, we have 32 gigs or ran now xD"
So basically, women and people of non-European descent are incapable of doing what programmers have done for decades and want Rust?
Next, they'll argue that we should write everything in HTML/JS.
it's already hapenning
static class Program{ static void Main(string[] args){ foreach ( var arg in args){ Console.WriteLine(arg); }}}
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
arr[i] = factorial(i);
Just spun up 4 threads and ran a function on each of them, automatically starting the next iteration on a given thread when the first one was done. The only language it's easier in is java, which is IntStream.range(0, 10).parallel().map(factorial).collect(Collectors.asList());
>Wants easier to understand/write language
pick the clusterfuck of rust
I mean rust is harder than C++ right now (C++20 might change it) with little to no benefit (who the fuck uses it except a few meme companies?)
>praises Java
>shits on C#
2/10 - Made me reply.
Point programming language is communication between programmers, easy verification,easy creation,modification or addition.
Why multithread if your going to pool ? No async work is useless