The firefox that went right

The firefox that went right

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Is this a good mobile browser?

Firefox is unbarebly slow on Android atm

Best android browser is Brave. Too bad the desktop version is such hot garbage.

too bad it will have no functional addons soon.

>too bad it will have no functional addons soon.

>went right
dropped harder than trump's approval ratings

How easy is it to switch to this from normal Firefox?

Install it. If you have incompatible addons you really need, use the Moon Tester Tool to forcibly install them. Worked on my machine.


It was piss-easy for me but I'm just one person.


>Pale moon not better than firefox in security, less bullshit and memory friendly
only in your pathetic and leftist mind pale moon is not superior

>Futaba theme
other than that 10/10

Everything is more secure than autism browsers run by nobodies.

A (you) you desperately wanted, a (you) you desperately get.

>websites don't QA for pale moon
>unsupported and thus tons of bugs

It suffers from being an alternative for the big three

>modernererer web design bugs
>don't visit the site
nothing of value was lost

it just werks

Why would this matter? As long as their rendering engine supports the latest ES it doesn't matter.

Spotted the programming babby.

Who's going to furfest 2017!?!?!
I get kind of sweaty after but we can take care of that. ;)

t. moonchild

Pale Moon for mobile has been suspended for some time due to lack of Android developers. Listen to .

The problem is that they don't into standards in general, just hacking shit together until it works in babby browsers.

>no tabs sandboxing

fappy tiem

Can someone explain this meme?
I don't get it...

>inb4 quick rundown bogs


Why the fuck would you need browser level sandboxing when you have OS level sandboxing?

That's how I know you're a Wincuck

>justifying your insecurities with accusations

I use kernel 4.12 with arch, openrc and i3 scrub

Give me the source mozcuck

Just werks

It doesn't matter what you run, you brainlet cuck.

You didn't answer my question.

You stated that it was more secure than firefox.
I disproved you.
You attacked my OS in a last ditch effort.

Go to their website.

>that nose

when will you redditors fuck off already


>asiatic with negroid nose
>dyed sjw hair
>oversized hipster glasses
>female "coder"

you forgot the nappy dreads

Pale Moon for desktop
Naked Browser for mobile

Which browser do you use, fellow redditor?


Can anybody tell me what's technically wrong with Firefox?
>inb4 muh sjw
Not a technical issue.
>inb4 webextensions suck
They don't, your addon taste just sucks, Firefox is not supposed to be emacs.
>inb4 muh bloat
Nightly is twice as fast and light as the current stable version.

There's nothing wrong with Firefox. I just feel more special using Pale Moon.

>ask for opinions
>inb4 so much nobody can answer

I think what is wrong with Firefox is that it has a lot of truly incompetent developers. That's why I switched 3-4 years ago.

>he actually believes the high amount of security bugs and garbage that gets released on firefox stable is not an technical issue
I bet you never visited firefox bugzilla

I didn't ask for opinions, I asked for what is specifically wrong with the browser
>I think what is wrong with Firefox is that it has a lot of truly incompetent developers
Not a technical issue.
>minor bugs
Doesn't influence my browsing experience
>security bugs
[citation needed]

>incompetent developers who can't write code or understand technical issues
>not a technical issue

pic related is (You)

>he still can't name any technical issue with firefox

>Firefox is not supposed to be emacs.
It was, it's why I stayed with it. Losing this property is a problem with Firefox. Just because it's not a problem for you doesn't mean it's not a problem. A user in DMZ accessing corporate web resources will not care about code execution exploits in browser, but that doesn't mean they are not a problem.

>[citation needed]
t. 18 year old pajeet that never visited bugzilla

>not being able to tell the difference between minor bugs and security bugs
Again, if you actually saw it on their bugzilla then provide source.

I was looking at Bugzilla trying to find some bugs proving their absolute incompetence. Bugzilla is worse cancer than anything on Sup Forums.

This should have been fixed in beta

>It was, it's why I stayed with it
A browser is supposed to be used to browse html documents, firefox allows you to use addons to modify your http headers, how it connects to website, modifying the website content itself. For everything else you should use a different application.

It's a good browser. I use it a lot.
Media playback however isn't stellar.

Why am I getting access denied errors?

Just get the fuck out of here, you want affirmation not conversation.

Only elite hackers get access.

I thought we were done with the Pale Meme familia

That does sound like them. """"""Open Source""""" ftw.

>being mad because the mozilla boogeymen are taking from you the ability to bloat your browser with shitty addons
You are as bad as the windows users installing useless bloatware and the wonder "why is muh pc so slowww :(".

>implying you know shit about me
go away summertard. it must be pathetic to have nothing in your life but trolling. consider an hero.

>y-you don't know sh-shit about me!!!
>proceeds to do the same thing he's criticizing
Do you shills even try anymore

Moonchild is one of the pale moon developers.
user just called him a furry, that's all.

>you are not an obvious shill

>no arguments
>totally not a shill


Honestly, this.

I tried to get on the Sup Forums bandwagon but Nightly is actually competitive.

If you don't want a conversation then why are you shitting up the thread? Are you looking for affirmation?


The performance begs to differ.
I suggest you try it before, you knock it.
It's only fair if it's been 3 years, after all.

I was skeptical about nightly too.

>shitposting because you're out of arguments
Oy vey, shut firefox down!

After encountering the cancer that Bugzilla is first-hand, I will never touch their shit again and actively cheer for their demise. I don't care if it gets me 100BTC, they are shit. I tried looking up the old bugs that finally forced me to move, but it seems they have been purged to cover their incompetence.



So you literally don't want to use a browser just because you are too dumb to navigate their bugtracker?
>I tried looking up the old bugs that finally forced me to move, but it seems they have been purged to cover their incompetence
Maybe they fixed it you brainlet.


> The firefox that went proprietary
Fixed that for you.

user why are you angry

>I tried looking up the old bugs that finally forced me to move, but it seems they have been purged
it's a good thing google and external archive sites back up all bug reports then so you can explicitly reference which bug reports have been purged rather than seeming like a paranoid shill


no it didn't
only the branding has restrictions, basically the same as firefox itself
there's also an option during building to swap the branding for unrestricted branding if you need that

Show us this purgery!

>Inb4 I can't


Took me awhile because I don't memorize these numbers like an autist.


>RESOLVED FIXED in Firefox 31
What a surprise, windows users are retards.

How would that have helped me in the year+ it took them to fix it? Moonchild fixed the issue right away and that is the only reason I didn't switch to Chrome (which also had no issues). But by all means, go on being a sad shitposter.

I made the switch last night and it wasnt that hard
took a little more effort to make the browser look the way I wanted it to, but it was worth it.

Absolutely. Best browser out currently

Whelp that didn't go the way he thought it would.


>all of these gay furries

>current year
>making an issue of people's sexuality

Since this thread has devolved into shit, what's the best android browser that supports extensions (mostly for addblocker, really)

I don't go on Sup Forums but if you support gay furries or are a gay furry, you need to get the fuck off my board right now. Your kind is not welcome here.

>is a windows user
>would have no issues if he wouldn't use a pozzed os
>was considering switching to chrome instead
>"thankfully moonfurfag fixed the rendering on my shit os!"
Hey if palememe does works well on your nsa/windows then stay there, you did the right choice. Firefox should be only for linux users so that the firefox devs don't have to waste their time on patching retarded issues.


regular firefox supports ublock, shame it doesn't support umatrix or noscript

>he's still mad because he got btfo

I guess I'll stick with it then, thanks user.