This shit keeps getting shoved down my throat.
So how is it? Is it good or is it botnet
This shit keeps getting shoved down my throat.
So how is it? Is it good or is it botnet
Piece of stinky shit made by faggots
Who the fuck is stupid enough to not know how to write proper modern English. It's the most simplistic Germanic language there is.
You pay money for a computer to tell you you aren't plagerizing. The real scam is academia.
LangueTool is better!
For French grammar correction, grammalecte is better!
non-native english speaker?
Are you serious?
>Grammarly uses cookies and tracking pixels to collect information that helps us provide our Products to you. We also use these technologies to help deliver ads for relevant Grammarly products and services to you when you visit certain pages on the Site and then visit certain third-party sites.
It's the same as every other free service. It tracks and profiles you. Except this will know everything you type.
Perfect English here.
Don't fall for the "le grammar is important" meme.
As a screenwriter Grammar is the last thing we care about, we often put comprehension on the top of our personal lists of musts.
I'm a non-native English speaker.
Except if you speak Spanish, which is the simplest Latin language, your language is most likely more complicated than English.
>For French grammar correction, grammalecte is better!
Nothing tops Le Robert Correcteur for French language. You have to pay for it in theory, but you have the best tool available.
If you're stupid enough to have to ask, then I wouldn't worry because you likely wouldn't have the intellegence to use it either.
I remember that 3 month period of time when HN was all about that fucking naming convention
I have some colleagues who use it.
It is very insightful, gives you a list of overused words, grammar errors and a ton of things.
I personally find content altering help tools as bad as plagiarizing.
The current American president have a very distinct way of speaking.
When he gives a speech he wrote, he has very poor grammar.
When he is giving someones speech the words are slightly more elegant, but it is very clear that he didn't write it.
I tried their free tier. The Chomium plugin is slow as fuck and not much better than the built in spellcheck.
Tell me how to have perfect grammar!
They don't even have a CLI interface for it that you could use like aspell. It's a botnet, and a crappy one at that.
i'm norwegian, so it's useless for me
If it gets rid of "payed" when not referring to rope then I'm all for mandatory installs of it.
I thought that was french
No, French is actually the most complicated Latin language.
Bad habits.
>Don't fall for the "le grammar is important" meme.
Not if you do Law.
Cases are won or lost on grammar.
And syntax is ALWAYS a good thing to have.
Believe when they say fumos can do everything.
Hang on, so you're not a contestant?
How was it anyway?
I'm not the owner of that fumo.