What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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I had a windows phone and it was way better than Android or IOS. It had no apps which is what killed it. It's a shame because it didn't lag like Android and wasn't full of Apple nonsense.

>have no apps
>main competition is offered for free
>still insist on charging OEMs for licences
the company was led by an utter mong

Newest release of windows phone 10 crashes multiple times a day

this moment sealed the fate of Windows mobile OSes.

No one wants to develop fof it


even MS develops iOS-first now:


Steve Balmer left and that Indian cuck Nutella took over and fucked it all up.



No apps.
Which is pretty much a result of Microsoft betraying their customers and developers three times already with Windows Mobile/Phone.

even fucking office mobile came first on iOS. They just accepted their fate. The wisest thing to do is give up on a crippled version of Windows and just put complete, desktop tier Windows on phones, that's their only hope, and that's what they're doing with that whole ARM compatibility thing. It will be the ultimate bloat, but at least we will see interesting little PCs

> betraying their customers and developers three times already

People took the worst OS on desktop and decided to port it to your phone, thinking "what could go wrong?"
People unironically thought nothing could.

First, they killed Windows Mobile 6 in favor of Windows Phone 7 abomination.
Then, they stopped supporting Windows Phone 7 like a year after it was released. Everything made for WP7 wasn't compatible with WP8.
And now, they killed support for whatever WP8 was using in favor of UWP. Not to mention that many phones (only high-end ones) simply couldn't upgrade to W10.

Meanwhile on Android, you can still install and use apps that were made for Gingerbread.

>the worst OS on desktop
windows isnt the worst OS on desktop

Not surprising considering Windows has the worst source code (supposedly) ever written on any OS.

Not even close

When windows 2k or me (either of those) source code got leaked, everyone praised how beautiful and efficient it was written.
The "windows is badly written xd" is millenial tier hater bullshit.

>What went wrong?
Windows as a Service

yeah, but today it's different, Windows frequently crashes, inconsistent UI and botnet tier "features"

t. government phone owner.
My htc M9 has been stable as balls and have yet to suffer from SERIOUS lag.

And 17 years later, it's bloated, spaghettified and pooinloo'd beyond belief.

This. Lumia 920 at home and still works great. Lumia 950 at work, best phone ever, imo.

>charging OEMs for licences

this basically.

>And 17 years later, it's bloated, spaghettified and pooinloo'd beyond belief.
Have you seen it?
Wouldn't mind some source...

The windows phone had an assload of issues. One of them definitely being the mindshare on the market. Apple and Android already dominate so it's a hard market to break into.

I was really considering getting one at one point. I don't remember which conference it was exactly, but it was the one where they introduced the HoloLens as well. The idea of walking around with just my phone and a laptop shell or a dock which I could plug in to any PC was a really tempting promise. But it was halfbaked, not released properly with enough support and died a boring death.

That conference was the best thing I'd seen in years from MS and none of it was delivered properly. Hololens is forever in dev. Windows phone was shitcanned and anything else worth remembering was probably half baked too in retrospect.

(NT10 is still fairly solid, to the extent that core functionality is largely intact. I don't use the new features too often)

Full Windows phone anyone?

No apps, the next try should involve x86

>didnt have many apps the kids like
>didnt get pokemon go

Had a Nokia Lumia 710 back in 2013. Amazing device, great camera, and honestly a better OS over both Android and iOS.

The only thing that killed the Microsoft phones was the marketplace.

I am with this user. I liked WP more than either iOS or Android, but I need applications.

If you do not need to use applications, you do not get a smartphone.

Ballmer. Windows Phone really was the nicest smartphone OS. The UI, although a failure on desktops, works very well on touchscreen devices. It wasn't bloated and ran smoothly on hardware that android or iOS couldn't dream of running on at all. Lack of app support killed it, it lacked a lot of "killer" apps like snapchat which normalfags can't do without.

This, NT is actually very well written.

I have a Lumia 650. The OS works like a charm and has all the features I need (it's a phone, I don't need all the crazy features some Android devices have). Never lag, seldom crashes. OS UI is very consistent. Microsoft just fucked up everything else. Marketing, apps, major updates, getting developpers to the platform, availability of (Microsoft) hardware, technical support, RMA's, lack of communication and strategy at Microsoft, overpriced phones, no phones with physical keyboard, weak enterprise support, the destruction of the offline Here Maps (unique feature at that time and best navigation app ever written), arrogance at Microsoft, the development platform itself, poor Office apps (Microsoft Office apps on iOS and Android are better), no collaboration with Google for Google apps on the platform and so much more...

How could they fuck this up so bad? I always believed in Windows Phone and a possible revival until a few months ago when Microsoft seized all communication and production of Windows Phone. Microsoft missed the biggest boat ever on digital communication and phones and one day it's going to be the downfall of this once great company.


Their phones always looked boring to me, compared to the alternative, 2bh.

Very generic looking.

>those chins
holy fuck this is terrible.

>How could they fuck this up so bad?

You can't blame Ballmer for this shit. Ballmer sure as hell knew he needed to attract developers for his platform to make it into a success. Exactly this is what Microsoft did not do.

Microsoft sat with their fingers up their arses for FAR too long. Turn up 3 years late to the smartphone scene, when everyone already has iOS and Android, and why would anyone want to start again from an empty app store? To put it into perspective, when Windows Phone launched in 2010, Apple had just passed 3 billion app downloads.

yeah, but Microsoft already had Windows CE and Windows CE based phones (Windows Mobile 5/6), which were actually quite popular and respected. Before apps were a thing, Windows CE based OS'es had tons of applications (the .CAB installers). Also Microsoft had a big reputation. At that time, it was still possible, but Microsoft just didn't seem to care or just failed so miserably as described in

>windows crashing more than ever

That's absolutely incorrect. BSODs were way more common in the early 2000s and 90s.


>Windows frequently crashes
it literally does not and if you had ever used Windows before 7 you wouldn't make such a retarded statement.

>inconsistent UI and botnet tier "features"
The fact that you don't like the UI or believe that the telemetry is excessive has nothing to do with the quality of the code.