Do you want this phone?
Librem 5
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can i play candy crush saga on it
How is this better than sailfish os?
It's not sailfish os, that's better.
>Does not run Google Android
Who needs access to big amount of software
Enjoy no usable software. Why won't i get nokia 3310 and do more?
>While Librem 5 is still in its very early stages, Purism already has a price for it: the company expects to sell them for $599
I'm poor. Will EFF give me money to buy this phone?
$1,500,000 for a fucking FREE software
Fuck off idiots I'd stay with my brilliant Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Global
Freedom is important
FOSS is enough
Yes that's why I was wondering if EFF will help me pay for the phone or do only rich people have the right to freedom?
can you even control the radio
No, being able to install a distro you like and getting updates forever is a big deal
I don't know, but the price isn't so high. remember you won't have to change this phone soon, you'll get the updates for the linux distro.
Gee you sure can't do this on android already or replicant if you want to be a freeturd.
Just go for a 15 year old UMPC if you want to be a flake.
You won't have to flash the OS in Librem phone
>can't install gentoo
>no punchcard reader
>no rca jacks
>no rotary controls
meh I think I'll pass
This isn't a good thing, you can't get your pseudo wannabe hacker high from following instructions somebody else made online
>A53 cores
Cash grab
The price of freedom is just $600
new: the raspberry pi3 phone , buy now
>no blue bubbles
lmaoing at ur life loser
>Investing in chinaman botnet
you are not as smart as you thin you are m8
>being able to install a distro you like and getting updates forever is a big deal
If only you're a NEET and have nothing to do with your own life.
>If only you're a NEET
Or maybe if you want to get a phone with support for more than 10 years
looks like your typical crowd funding scam
only a retard would give them money
Stopped reading here.
t. thot
>caring about updates is for le neets
t. satisfied Wannacry/Stagefright customer
>chink locked down management engine'd SoC
>open source
nice scam
>on a phone
>not on a phone
if i remember these purism guys pitched a libre laptop with all these promises of it being completely open etc.... when it shipped it was pricey and came with alot more firmware blobs than promised... and they just shrugged and said we did our best
thats exactly what is going to happen here...
we reverse engineer 2g baseband but now its depreciated... by the time we get around to opening up 3g baseband we will be on 5g...
black boxes are black... who woulda thunk
I just got a flip phone. Keep it off with battery out when not in use. Problem solved.
>can't actually be used to call people if you don't have internet on it 24/7
Great idea
Enjoy your webapps freecuck
so this is the power of paying hiroshinoot to spam Sup Forums with these threads
I ordered one, because I have more money than sense and support the idea. It'll be very similar to my Novena though - same chip.
Why would I want to run distros infested with systemd?
thoughts on owning a novena ? what version did you get ?
luv bunny i just couldnt pony up re specs
you're literally retarded
>Hardware Kill Switches for Camera, Microphone, WiFi/Bluetooth, and Baseband
Oh boy, why I'm poor? I would totally buy one.
Yeah right, they mention the i.mx8 to lead buyers on, but are actually planning and developing to ship it with i.mx6 which is a9. Fucking disgusting.
Yes, and no.
I want a smartphone with a similar goal, but I'm not willing to crowdfund librem now just to wait a couple of years for the hardware.
Beagleboard phone.
How the fuck did they manage to find a radio that let them run their own firmware?
>management engine'd SoC
source? How can they call it open source/free software if this is true?
wtf i hate headphone jacks now
lol this, basically
What is basic reading comprehension?
>$1,500,000 for FREE* hardware
>*Free in the sense that it respects your freedoms; libre, not gratis
ftfy, user
A 32GB iPhone goes for +600 American dollars, so I don't know why you're bitching. Or did you not realize that $500, while expensive, is not entirely unexpected for a flagship phone?
Let me guess, you bought your phone on a payment plan, and didn't even realize what the cumulative cost of that phone was, did you, Tyrone? I suppose I'm asking for a lot expecting a typical American to do simple maths.
Right, because I'm better off getting ass-fucked by OEM's and their ``enhanced" respins of Android, on top of five-year-old kernel and delayed security patches.
Why would I use anything with GNU or Linux? They're shit.
Yes I do.
Ow yes. I'm afraid it will be very expensive, though.
If you run, for example, Debian you'll have a metric fuckton of installable packages.
>Not writing your own custom software
>librem 5
This is your problem you think the librem 5 is a flagship, and not just a memed out low end device.
Hey it's another low end device with a huge autism tax.