>he's fine with buying older refurbs
>as long as it's not professional grade production equipment
Why would you unironically buy a 2012 TN Panel ThinkPad when you could have a Retina Pro or iMac? They run Linux and windows you know
>he's fine with buying older refurbs
>as long as it's not professional grade production equipment
Why would you unironically buy a 2012 TN Panel ThinkPad when you could have a Retina Pro or iMac? They run Linux and windows you know
In what case I should run Linux if I can stay with macOS?
they are overpriced even used. you pay for the apple name
Okay show me a solid metal ThinkPad with a 2k display and NVM SSD for $600
Anyone else remember the Nvidia graphics issues with these? Fuck that
Why would I unironically buy a useless fashion toy when I could have a W520 with a great display, fairly modern quadcore CPU, a great keyboard and trackpoint which is also easy to service and durable?
that doesn't exist and you know it.
That's the point dumbass, that's what you're paying for. Totally fair for a $600 asking price
not even 1st gen mbp goes for that much. try $800 for the shittiest condition.
Right after you show me a rugged MacBook with an i7, no-glare touchscreen with Wacom active stylus, upgradeable 8GB of RAM, and the ability to use an external GPU for $400
>chink shit aluminum
>solid metal
Why would I want a laptop that dents and bends?
show me a plastic macbook with decent screen and modern hardware.
it's almost as if there is different hardware to fit different needs. like where a businessman doesn't need top of the line monitor to write documents.
Because the 2012 tn thinkpad is going to be 1/3-1/2 the price, still run OSX with minimal fuss, and it will usually be docked anyways
Dents and bends > creaks and snaps
>professional grade
They're no different from other consumer laptop brands. The only actual difference is that the case is shinier. For every "stop crying you neckbeard" lecture on Sup Forums there are a hundred horror stories on normie media about how their MBP exploded for no reason. Keep in mind that aside from phones, people tend to treat Apple electronics with obsessive care; the only reason Apple customer service has a positive rep is because it's cheaper to just give people fresh replacements than to try to fix what isn't meant to be repaired.
Unfortunately, because company hardware choices are decided by clueless middle managers, more companies are trying to copy Apple's business model and market their own shitty consumer laptops as mobile workstations dressed up as bad Apple ripoffs. So I guess it's a moot point because all laptops suck now.
Name even one consumer notebook with a laminated 5K display
Hard mode: for less than $2,000
I swapped my T530 from an i5 to an i7 in under 5 minutes.
I repair Macs at work. They are unfucking repairable, parts are expensive, and 60+ screws to get at anything that matters.
Whoops, it's all soldered.
Repair a MacBook Pro:
>unscrew bottom 6 screws
>lift off bottom panel
Repair ThinkPad:
>unscrew bottom 17 screws
>place them carefully on a diagram since they're all different lengths and sizes
>carefully rerout the display and fan cables so as not to damage them
>remove the entire keyboard and bottom case / palm rest
>unscrew 6 more screws to remove all metal and plastic protection flaps
Yeah macfags truly suffer
>Repair a MacBook Pro:
>>unscrew bottom 6 screws
>>lift off bottom panel
There are none.
Absolutely none.
>Repairing a MacBook newer than 2012
my 2011 thinkpad that was $150 has the same specs as your retina pro
Wow how'd you solder an SSD and install a 2k display? iFixit selling new parts?
Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?
>solder an SSD
SATA exists, not every laptop has non-replacable parts
>2k display
That's worth $700 to you?
>oh god this display is only 4k, my eyes are burning
what would soldering your ssd on accomplish? I replaced my 3g modem card with an msata SSD. also I don't use a peasant 2k display mine is a 4k ips panel from alienware and it was only $120
The guy who blocked FBI backdoors while Lenovo was busy building them into the ThinkPads for China?
you mean the guy who announced that he was blocking the FBI backdoors to gain public favour but then behind the scenes was actually helping them and then got assassinated by russia because of it?
>poorfags don't understand soldered Flash SSDs are faster
>4k IPS panel
Fuck Apple and all it stands for, but you're bullshitting.
Except those backdoors existed the entire time, were already being used, and the whole story was a bullshit narrative by a media that worships Apple like a church.
Granted, Lelnovo is no better, but even chinkpad fantards will acknowledge that.
>flash SSDs are faster
>only NVMe is faster than SATAIII
What laptop are you referring to? Thinkpad x220t?
That, or the X230t
seeing this topic just after browsing for a macbook retina from 2015. 600$ at best for 3 year old hardware. none of the offers was free from significant signs of (ab)use.
>not even fhd
I'm just not a faggot.
>no-glare touchscreen with Wacom active stylus, upgradeable 8GB of RAM, and the ability to use an external GPU for $400
All that for $400?
Whats the best model year for the "older" mac book pro?
2012, still overpriced of course.
Again, it's the ONE comprimise in the entire laptop. You can also connect a 4k to a PCI/EC eGPU for desktop-level power.
Yes. X220 Tablet with a Sandy Bridge i7, 8GB of RAM (Upgradeable to 16GB), and ExpressCard (which you can get a GPU dock for for $50) is $300 on Ebay right now.
Ivy Bridge i7 in the X230 Tablet is only $90 or so more, and nets you double the RAM upgradeability.
x220t likes to be a gay dick eater and randomly click when plugged into power though
Seems like a problem with your specific model, or a problem pulled out of your ass.
Personal preference?
MacBook Pro 2011 minus the Wacom pad
Pretty common problem on a lot of them as they get older.
Then what is Linus Grossman doing?
Mine works fine.
>no anti-glare touchscreen
>Majority of options on Ebay are more than 400 USD
The ones that aren't are broken, missing parts or have a shitty OS.
So current gen non U i7 CPU with Iris iGPU, x40-70 series GPU, NVMe SSD, 2880x1800 IPS screen, backlit keyboard, 802.11ac, USB3 and 2x Thunderbolt ports?
>Asking for touchscreen when you have goat multi-touch trackpad
Are you serious?
Literarily 4th one that ones that popped up on ebay and it has been upgraded to hold 2HDD/SSDs and guy even throws in a USB DVD drive. Show me that Thinkpad.
There are no 5k laptops at all in Human History, moron.
>hurr show me a unicorn
That isn't 400$, user.
Just like the Thinkpad you/he was talking about.
There are 5K iMacs "macs are just overpriced consumer shit" that cost less than two grand.
That doesn't exist in the consumer market, especially PC consumers. Try to find even a 5K monitor 27" that price, you can't. Yet Apple gets you the entire machine too
I like how you have to mention 802.11ac, usb 3.0, and a shitty nvme solid state drive like those are major game changers or anything hard to install.
I don't like the keyboard or track pad
my thinkpad is only 6 years old :_)
Let's try this again, read slowly this time:
>There are no 5k laptops at all in Human History, moron.
I like your scavenger mentality of buying junk and investing even more money to make it capable of handling any legitimate work.
Because besides the abysmal TN panel, the laptop is great. I will never buy something that you can't service, pic related.
and yet it's still cheaper to be a tech scavver
>Dents and bends > creaks and snaps
You can buy cheap replacement covers from Ali Express.
Looks like a decent deal tbqh minus lack of storage if you're fine with Windows because I can't image any of the extra stuff working under Linux.
Maybe if your time is cheap enough to cover the difference.
How about buy both? I have a MacBook Air 2014 and a Thinkpad t420. They both have their individual uses.
My MBA (11 inch) is good for on the go with fast boot up, and quick internet browsing. The trackpad touch gestures are really good, long battery life, and the laptop has a quality feel to it.
The Thinkpad is rugged, but heavy. It's more of a desktop replacement for real work. I can run vitrual machines, heavy internet browsing, play lower spec games (I don't), and it's about the same speed as my old q6600 desktop. The fingerprint sensor is great too. The Thinkpad does have its cons; the screen entirely sucks, the trackpad isn't too good, and the clit tends to keep moving after guiding the mouse with it, and the speakers are shit.
If I had to recommend one though it's definitely the Thinkpad without question. MacOS app store is shit.
You can buy a replacement sturdy aluminum chassis cheap off eBay. Only you know, it won't creak and snap
Because even if i install GNU/Linux distro, then proprietary botnet is still here on Retina Pro or iMac
well I got a 2012 mbp (non-retina) for 300 EUR...
And yes, RAM, harddrive and battery are user-replaceble and upgradedable.
Why would you unironically buy exploding overheating macshit when you could have a Thinkpad?
A dollar a minute ain't cheap
they can't use libreboot (except for one really old one)
did you do that on purpose
The wacom should work under linux, my x61t did, but the rotation toggle button was a bit of a pain to set up right.
Sure thing, big boy.
It all works fine... ThinkPads are the most-supported laptops. Have you ever looked at the LibreBoot compatibility list? People love these computers.
>Lack of storage
$5 caddy, $40 hard drive
>Compatibility in Linux
extremely high
Jesus fucking Christ that's more expensive than Panasonic.
>Okay show me a solid metal ThinkPad with a 2k display and NVM SSD for $600
Okay show me solid metal macbook with a 2k display and nvm ssd for $600
Confirmed for someone who has never opened post-2011 macbook
Ya fuking cunt, its all glued and soldered
Does that have 2k resolution? That shit is six years old, it should be worth $100 max
Apple hardware is a scam for AIDS infected fags.
What things can I upgrade on my t420 to make it better?
Since Elcapitan was the last version officially running on the 2011mbp series.
So the chances that they will drop the 2012MBP:s from the raster next release of MacOS. So thats one reason not to get the 2012:s and use OSX/MacOS on it
Show me a Mac with a docking station (Not just a USB one... i want to charge via the docking).
Show me a Mac with expandable harddisk space.
or a certified Ubuntu Mac
One with a touch-screen
Or maybe a laptop with a graphics card in the ballpark of a nvidia Quattro
A laptop that you can lock down with a security wire.
A laptop that handles PXE
And when buying refurb stuff. you will always pay 25-50% more just for the Apple brand.
2011 macbook
That hardware isnt even officially supported anymore...
Literally no guaranties that any osx/MacOS after ElCaptian will work...
No trackpoint
I don't like their multi touch garbage
Quit your bullshit. You can run Sierra on 2011 mbp and will be able to run high Sierra as well. So you have at least 2 more releases.
those new apple devices get scratches and probably break after a 5cm drop
>Repair a MacBook Pro:
>>unscrew bottom 6 screws
>>lift off bottom panel
It's actually 10 screws. If you want to replace the keyboard you have to rip everything out. Fans, hard drives, RAM, motherboard, glued in battery and all of the cables and little brackets that are in odd spots. Just for the keyboard. Then let's say that the keyboard is a different language. You'll have to replace the entire lower housing and pull out the trackpad which is nearly impossible, so never count on being able to reuse that.
With my ThinkPad T400 that I'm typing this from you just remove 5 screws from the bottom that are all the same length (macs have three of ten that are longer near the hinge). Then you flip the laptop over, open the lid, and you gently pop off the palm rest and unplug the cable with the trackpad, so if that goes bad I can just replace the palm rest and trackpad and not the entire bottom of the laptop. Same with the keyboard where it's an easily accessible module that I can swap out for other languages without removing the motherboard or replacing anything but the keyboard itself. On the surface ThinkPads look harder to repair but it's a million times better. Trying to repair MacBooks is absolute suffering.
t. owns a repair shop
didnt some fagbooks support libreboot?
I didnt say you couldnt!
I said that they dropped the support!
So running Sierra on a 2011mbp is like running windows 10 on a laptop designed for windows XP, It will probably works but Microsoft/the manufacture does not care in the same way that Apple does not care about the 2011mbp and soon the 2012 ones...
screws are much better than those plastic things that break or are unopenable without damaging the case.