AMD RX Vega’s pricing was “not just for launch, but ongoing”

>I spoke to AMD’s Gerald Youngblood on the showfloor of Gamescom today about the struggles with both stock and pricing of Radeon graphics cards, and specifically about whether we were ever going to see Vega at its original launch price. So, how much does Vega really cost?

>“Our SEPs, and the price tag that we announced,” Youngblood says, “is our full intention of where we would suggest the product be priced. Not just for launch, but ongoing.”

>What happened, though, was we launched the product and the demand was really huge. Now we’re focused on replenishing so that there is plenty of stock so we can encourage our partners to hit the SEPs that we announced.”

In a shocking turn of events, known liar Gibbo proven once again to be a known liar. Hope AMD sues the shit out of the cocksucker for libel and ceases supplying his store. Congratulations to all the YouTube box readers who went out on a limb on claims single sourced from a known liar!

>70 Mh/s Gibbo


Delete this

>rumours of Vega being a super mining card get shit out on the internet
>Miners and scalpers buy the stock up hardcore
>prices jump up because supply wasn't that good


Gibbo was the one that started that stupid-ass rumor.

>Gibbo was the one that started that stupid-ass rumor.
You mean 'known liar Gibbo was the one that started that stupid-ass rumor', right?

This is Gibbo in a nutshell

>Buy shitloads of AMD GPU's
>Make up shit about massive hash rate

I hope this comes back and bites him hard on the ass.

Hey, how did the Miner Bios turned out? did it improve the Hashrate greatly?

Britbongs should report him to the police

Not much from what I have read. Sits around 40Mh.

How much can they push this with further optimizations and undervolting to increase efficiency?

You can only report someone to trading standards and even then they don't do jack shit. You would have to take them to the small claims court and have a valid reason for doing so. Lying about performance is not valid. Lying about price maybe (if they say it is a certain price but then charge you something else). If the product is defective and they refuse to replace/reimburse that is another matter entirely.

Unfortunately Fibbo can make all kinds of outrageous claims and get away with it.

Not all silicon is equal. Not everyone will be able to undervolt as much. Primitive Shader Culling should give a big boost in performance for the same or less voltage.

I don't see how primitive culling can help on a non geometry workload like mining


No one cares.

I will believe it when I see it. Even the so called bundles are a scam since their base price is calculated off inflated gpu price. New egg leaf blower 64 is basicly $689? Fuck that shit. For $20 more you can get the cheapest 1080tis.

Do you understand what the S in MSRP means?


Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs'
Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plug 'mbbill/undotree'
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plug 'francoiscabrol/ranger.vim'
Plug 'lifepillar/vim-mucomplete'
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'fatih/vim-go'
Plug 'alvan/vim-closetag'

That's a whole lot of words that tell us nothing.
AMD is stuck in-between their MSRP lies.

They fudged the Vega price and now they won't admit it.
It's pathetic

>“Our SEPs, and the price tag that we announced,” Youngblood says, “is our full intention of where we would suggest the product be priced. Not just for launch, but ongoing.”
>Not just for launch, but ongoing.

Are they gonna be stocking more Polaris chips? I'd be more interested in getting an RX580 right about now as they're more bang-per-buck if you consider the MSRP

The width of your tabs triggers me

>nvidia shills nowhere to be seen
Damn Sup Forums btfo

So you sent using (you) right.
How new are you?

>paying $370 for a $229 MSRP card
>a good deal

Who the fuck is Gibbo

If one thing i know about nvidia shill is unlike AMD & Intel shill they know when to fight and when to retreat.

Smart man who jew'd people and lied about the hash rate for vega

I've actually seen some pre-order deals on Amazon for ~280-290$ but who knows when they'll ship.

>amd printing money by selling to cryptards