I dont understand why people feel the need to bring (bad) web technologies to desktop. I understand desktop is in stagnation and everything is either mobile or web now, but for the love of god, who in their right mind would use electron to develop file system.
New file manager for linux developed using Electron
>who in their right mind would use electron to develop file system.
A file manager and a file system aren't the same thing, mongo.
people keep falling for the memes I guess
so how many chromiums instances we'll have soon?
>editor -> chromium instance
>browser -> chromium instance
>terminal -> chromium instance
>file manager -> chromium instance
also, whats more stupid, each of those "apps" bundles 30-50 mb chromium. so you have 5+ chromium applications in your applications directories lol
Shit programmers.
Mainly webdevs that can't into fucking C or C++ so they absolutely fucking have to force everything through HTML/JS to get shit done. Using an entire fucking browser as a base just to make something tiny is unacceptable.
Why not just invent a fucking package format for storing a webapplication in, one that any browser can just open? I don't see why the browser itself has to be packaged with the application, it's just redundant.
Get your webshit OUT of my desktop.
Damn, fuck the millenials and their Javascript bloat.
Those retards can't even get into a proper langage like C or C++.
All you people bitching here, have you guys even tried working with a C++ GUI framework?
They pretty much all suck balls, especially on Linux where you need to account for a wide range of different desktop environments and window managers and library versions.
Just letting the browser's own rendering engine handle all that stuff for you and get the newest updates directly from Google is unironically a good idea.
You're all just triggered because devs are making their own jobs easier (and also easier for others to contribute).
A Qt application eats 100 Mb RAM AT MOST. Electron is a RAM swallower because it runs fucking embedded V8.
>A Qt application eats 100 Mb RAM AT MOST
It also is a pain to maintain due to version differences, which is why most Linux distros offer version 4.something and version 5.something.
>It also is a pain to maintain due to version differences
Qt dev here, it's not. You just don't fucking know what you're talking about.
In most cases, there's backwards compatibility within main versions, so your 5.2 shit will work just as well on a system with 5.9, and 5.9 shit will likely work just fine because what fucking distro doesn't have Qt 5.9 by now, holy shit.
And then there is also QML and QtQuick to make things a million times easier.
That's ehy Google made chromeOS
Oh, so it's like a retarded ranger. Sound great
Even worse when they do not update them.
>It’s called JumpFM and it’s described as a ‘minimalistic dual pane file manager for Linux’.
>proper languages
>And then there is also QML and QtQuick to make things a million times easier.
Might as well just be using XML and CSS with JavaScript.
>especially on Linux where you need to account for a wide range of different desktop environments and window managers and library versions.
False, you don't need to account for any on that on GNU/Linux.
You say that like it's a good thing. More than 10MiB for a trivial application like that is a disaster.
QML is cancer
>False, you don't need to account for any on that on GNU/Linux.
The explain to me why GDM is a dependency for libgtk-3-0
It is not. Stop using shitty distros.
thanks mr shark
It has a gorillean dependencies, among other things it depends on libgtk-3-common which depends on fucking adwaita-icon-theme (yes, a fucking icon theme for installing libgtk-3-0 on Ubuntu and on Ubuntu-based Mint).
Use tk, motif, whatever windowmaker uses or sdl.
>so your 5.2 shit will work just as well on a system with 5.9, and 5.9
Funny how you deliberately excluded the versions I mentioned, namely 4 and 5, because those aren't compatible.
Which brings me to my original point:
>especially on Linux where you need to account for a wide range of different desktop environments and window managers and library versions.
Except you do not.
>not a proper language
Yeah, you do. We just talked about this. Fuck, you're stupid as hell.
No, it is not.
>no standard data structures in standard library
>proper language
>Yeah, you do
How so?
>We just talked about this
No, not really. You just barked some irrelevant shit about gtk being bloated and requiring many dependencies.
This post is hilarious. How can you, of all people, talk about people not understanding C or C++ when you yourself fail to grasp even most basic things.
No, it can't be packaged into container that runs in any browser. It only uses JS+HTML for UI, and internally it still implements the functionality using C and C++.
>needing data structures
>not just making your own or using library
If only there were GUI library that was cross platform, used platform native windowing stuff and exported C API so you could use easily with any langauge.
But such thing doesn't exists so we are stuck with webapps.
It would be a pretty good idea if Electron/Chrome's V8 wouldn't devour RAM like your average 'murican in Micky D's.
I just don't understand what the hell is going on anymore
>doing stuff on desktop is not the way to go
>move everything to the cloud and redirect resources from desktop development
>it's cross-platform and you can do it on the go since you do everything in the browser/cloud regardless of device
>oh shit, we have to go back
>rather than going back to classic desktop design, they repurpose the tools/frameworks for desktop development
>said tools were originally intended to create stuff for the web and not the desktop, so the repurpose is kinda duct tape-y
>it sucks ass
>we are here
the future looks kinda bleak
nobody likes QML rofl, just stop trying
Installing GTK installs a bunch of X libraries and wayland libraries (on Ubongo and others) and a bunch of icon themes and tonnes of irrelevant shit.
Not only that, but GTK2 and GTK3 both maintained, because the versions have diverged and a bunch of stuff depends on GTK2.
Installing libgtk on any distro will pull several gigabytes in dependencies, including different rendering engines (such as oxygen).
It's absolutely bonkers that something as simple as drawing to a screen should be som fucking complicated, which is why JS+HTML for GUI is a good idea if you want a minimum of portability between different OSes and even fucking different desktop environments and distros.
Data structures are the deciding factor of a proper language now? What the fuck are you on?
>Installing libgtk on any distro will pull several gigabytes in dependencies, including different rendering engines (such as oxygen).
Your browser requires libgtk or qt anyways.
wow it's nothing
See below
No, a powerful standard library is the deciding factor of a proper language.
This is why we dismiss D, because everything in the standard library depends on the garbage collector.
This is why we laugh at Haskell, because instead of actually having useful stuff like sockets in the standard library, it has stuff like defining basic arithmetic operators.
This is why we laugh at Rust, because its standard library is still quite buggy.
He's on Sup Forums.
But it will also work on KDE, Xfce, or on macOS or on Windows, and the dependencies are handled by Google and not a bunch of neckbeards who do it on their spare time every once in a while.
> ?t=1&cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjc18y&refsrc=email&iid=dec8eac068d24013ba12c1b01de761b6&uid=1910630125&nid=244+272699400
Cut this bullshit! Sup Forums spends all day crying about 'muh botnuts' yet here you are, contributing to surveillance with these tracking parameters.
> minimalistic
> a terminal tool that lets you add bling to the ls command
> A Few Minor Issues
> JumpFM will only list the first 100 files and/or folders in a directory
> Minor
> as this could impact on performance I’d advise against setting it to a ridiculously high number
Jesus fucking christ, stop the bus, I want off right now. Fuck JavaScript toddlers.
No shit it uses C an C++ internally, that's the browser part.
or instead of targeting a specific toolkit, you target something like wxwidgets, which act an intermediary for several toolkits
It has more than just browser. The program in OP, for instance, has functionality for full access to filesystem, which browser does not provide for obvious reasons.
So it's basically just a prettier Midnight Commander?
>Installing GTK installs
Don't use gtk then, use another library. Jesus.
>X libraries
You would have them installed anyway if you wanted to use anything with a GUI.
>but GTK2 and GTK3 both maintained
GTK2 is not maintained. Moreover nobody maintains both frontends at the same time.
>Installing libgtk on any distro will pull several gigabytes in dependencies
Less than 50MiB.
>including different rendering engines (such as oxygen).
Not on my machine.
>It's absolutely bonkers that something as simple as drawing to a screen should be som fucking complicated
Use SDL, framebuffer or something. I also suggested some other GUI libraries.
>which is why JS+HTML for GUI
...which is a giant memory, cpu and disk hog. A browser needs more than 150MiB on my machine without counting the dependencies. It also drags gtk and X.
Not to mention that you need to be careful about people who have older browser versions, have js disabled, have disabled botnet features from their browser with the result of your shit being broken, etc.
>fucking different desktop environments and distros
Any native program already had that.
>But it will also work on KDE, Xfce, or on macOS or on Windows
So will something in GTK, motif and QT.
Still haven't proven your claims.
>Don't use gtk then, use another library.
The others are just as bad, I'm just using GTK as an example.
>You would have them installed anyway if you wanted to use anything with a GUI.
The point is that I don't want to deal with that stuff manually, it should be handled automatically.
>GTK2 is not maintained.
Maybe not anymore, but it still lived long into GTK3's lifetime. I mean, the latest contribution to Murrine (a GTK2 rendering engine) was a year ago, and there are still a fuckton of applications that use GTK2.
>Less than 50MiB.
>Not on my machine.
>...which is a giant memory, cpu and disk hog.
So is running any GTK rendering engine ffs.
>A browser needs more than 150MiB on my machine without counting the dependencies. It also drags gtk and X.
Not to mention that you need to be careful about people who have older browser versions, have js disabled, have disabled botnet features from their browser with the result of your shit being broken, etc.
This is handled for me by Chrome developers, I don't have to give it a rat's ass.
>By default JumpFM will only list the first 100 files and/or folders in a directory.
>There's no pagination for the results
>You can raise the files limit in the settings file, though as this could impact on performance I’d advise against it
>implying it's acceptable for a file manager to be unable to display thousands of files at once
>Cut this bullshit! Sup Forums spends all day crying about 'muh botnuts' yet here you are, contributing to surveillance with these tracking parameters.
Thanks, man
Also, running a chromium rendering engine does not actually involve physically launching a browser, just a minimal engine instance.
I have, fuck off.
I wonder, when was the last time you tried writing a GTK application for Windows and macOS?
For Windows, I had to manually install GTK and a bunch of dependencies to get it to work. On macOS, the recommended way to install GTK is through homebrew or macports, both which most people don't really have.
Hahaha, oh wow.
So this is the power of Javascript...
>have you guys even tried working with a C++ GUI framework?
Yes, Qt.
>They pretty much all suck balls
true, there is an extra compile step with Qt, but still easy to setup, even with cmake.
>you need to account for a wide range of different desktop environments and window managers and library versions.
Use a toolkit, (a lighter one than electron that is)
>Just letting the browser's own rendering engine handle all that stuff for you and get the newest updates directly from Google is unironically a good idea.
It is just a worse solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
>You're all just triggered because devs are making their own jobs easier (and also easier for others to contribute).
The only thing electron changes is that it enables bad developers to not learn more than one programming language.
Making a Qt widget is not a lot of work or effort, the only "problem" is compiling it for each platform, but why not use a tool to automatize that stuff easily.
Web developers are a subtier of programmers who never learned how to program.
You beat me mate. It's just that the last time I used electron on my c2d it felt sluggish.
Guess I have to learn js. Can't impress any employer with my helloworld.c anyway.
>The others are just as bad
You literally use the second most bloated toolkit as an example.
Motif for example depends only on a few x libraries.
>The point is that I don't want to deal with that stuff manually
You don't have to however. The package manager will install the dependencies.
> and there are still a fuckton of applications that use GTK2.
They support only gtk2, not both (unlike what you claimed before).
How can I convince you exactly? You don't seem too open-minded.
>So is running any GTK rendering engine ffs.
Not really. Nothing compares to running shit inside a browser.
Moreover when you use GTK the actual code would be in C, not in javascript.
>This is handled for me by Chrome developers
>I have, fuck off.
No, you still have not proven anything.
>when was the last time you tried writing a GTK application for Windows and macOS?
I don't use windows. That being said when I used windows cygwin made all this very easy.
>I had to manually install GTK and a bunch of dependencies to get it to work
You would only need to do that when developing (and I doubt that you would need to install the dependencies separately). If you are not a developer it will come bundled with your application.
Samefag? I guess that this is the case due to the r eddit formatting.
>I don't use windows. That being said when I used windows cygwin made all this very easy.
Not the person you're talking to, but are you suggesting asking users of your program to install cygwin?
You would only have to drag the cygwin dll with your program.
>You would only need to do that when developing (and I doubt that you would need to install the dependencies separately). If you are not a developer it will come bundled with your application.
>statically compiling gtk into your application
fuck that
>statically compiling gtk into your application
Who said that?
>If you are not a developer it will come bundled with your application
I didn't mention static linking anywhere in my post. It is common for windows developers to bundle multiple dlls along with their application.
>bundled with your application
>statically compiled your application
>same thing
Really Makes You Think.
>It is common for windows developers to bundle multiple dlls along with their application.
Well static or not, fuck adding gtk to every application you have to deploy.
GIMP does that.
yeah and that's not the only reason why nobody uses GIMP
Photoshop bundles a metric shitton.
>because photoshop is doing something in shitty way means that everybody should do it in shitty way
yeah no
Of course they're not compatible you retard, for the same reason that chromium 1 is not compatible with chromium 60. That's why distros include both, unlike electron that leaves you no choice but to bundle it up with every application.
pcmanfm master race
Also, why would linux even need a new file manager? What can they do that all the others can't?
But at least everyone loves Photoshop.
Really, though, for Windows, you either gotta develop using Windows APIs, making your program Windows only, or bundle something along with it.
The voices in the head of the one who defends a bloated botnet framework based on a browser language.
What does the G stand for?
It can show up to 100 files.
Green Is My Pepper
>I dont understand why people feel the need to bring (bad) web technologies to desktop
MS already did that since Windows 98.
Let's count 'dem layers of abstraction.
>graphic system
>windowing system
>chromium JS engine
That's too much, isn't it?
There are definitely many more levels of abstraction between graphic system and raw hardware.
It's not like you'd want to tear down layers between graphic system and raw hardware.
>tear down
How's that relevant? user's argument is 4 layers of abstractyion is too many, reality is there would most likely be 10 or more.
thanks mr shark
>a powerful standard library is the deciding factor of a proper language.
Thanks mr shark
>where you need to account for a wide range of different desktop environments and window managers and library versions
don't flatpaks solve this exact problem?
Now if only we had an operating system where the entire OS is chromium...
Ironically, ChromiumOS isn't cromium and is actually gentoo under the hood
Not him, and I haven't used electron, but it probably has a JS API that gives you file system access, otherwise the whole thing would be pointless.