

We're next aren't we? How do we save Sup Forums?

But I want Sup Forums to die so I can leave.

delete Sup Forums
ban phoneposters

all problems solved

better ban the "muh Sup Forums" creaming faggots

you have to go back to your containment board.

Why not we just ban both of you

Fuck off back to your Tumblr echo chamber, you dirty tranny. You wouldn't make it in the real world, ya mentally ill faggot.

nobody likes you or wants you here You need to go back tp Sup Forums, and taje your Drumpf fanfics with you

>mfw a polturd is angrily shouting buzzwords near me

Stop appropriating Ron Paul for your stupid shitpost, you Sup Forumsack.

If you delete Sup Forums, you'll only make things worse than they already are with the Sup Forumstypes crossposting.It won't solve anything at all.

>he hates muslims

I'm getting tired of Sup Forums vs anti-Sup Forums derailing threads all the time. I swear so much of it is just faggots samefagging and pretending to get upset over everything.

political incorrectness has always been a part of Sup Forums, nigger. Now back to your >>>/reddit/ safespace.

>political incorrectness
>right wing stormer shit

remember hal turner.

Damn quads

political incorrectness and calling people niggers is "right wing stormer shit" according to basically everyone nowadays. If we do nothing there is no doubt Sup Forums will be the next to go.

>Sup Forums will be the next to go.
Thank god, I'll be off the ride then.

There is nothing more politically correct than orthodoxy, by definition. Simply kill off all the US party hacks who are samefagging and falsefagging, or just do× the living fuck out of them, and the problem will be solved.

>If we do nothing there is no doubt Sup Forums will be the next to go.
literally all it takes is for you guys to stop LARPing as Nazis. Maybe if you finally got laid you'd realize you are wasting your 20s, the best part of your life, by saying stupid shit on the internet, by copy+pasting opinions of other people even dumber than you are.

Just fucking kill yourself. You are worthless.

I hope this place dies. I want to get off the ride.

>How do we save Sup Forums
4chan died when it got sold off

They crosspost anyway in even the most unrelated threads.

God I wish that were me

Sup Forums is a vital resource for trending opinions as well as a containment site for dangerous autists. deleting it would open the floodgates

Half of them are false flags and samefagging anyways. You could post something even neutral of Sup Forums and reply to yourself FUCK OFF SJW and none would be the wiser.

Sup Forums would have been the first to go if it really posed any threat, truth is hiroshima is in cahoots with anyone who wants to buy autismo data to refine psyops

>We're next aren't we?
No. We are not Nazis

somehow both and i just want to die some times.

oh sweetie...

"hate filled white supremacy"

we're a target for sure. but I like to think Sup Forums is too important in psychological warfare to give up.