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All you Linux cucks with your backdoors, bugs, and bloat. Join the BSD masterrace.

Can I have a rare BSD disc image file?


Whats the difference between Kubuntu installation vs Ubuntu minimal + KDE?

Rolling for the flat semen demon

Yeah sure I'll get right on that, I'll run BSD on my fucking laptop. Dipshit.

I'm learning Linux in school right now, I plan on buying a new hdd /ssd for keeping my OS on, is there any reason why an ssd might not be the best choice?

the "kubuntu-desktop" metapackage pulls in a good amount of other software.

I just dont want all of those preinstalled programs because i dont like any of them. I only want to install my preferred ones.

good, then install ubuntu text-only base then install the standard kde package (literally called kde-standard IIRC) then install the extra stuff you need. Avoid the "kde-minimal" metapackage, it's a bit too stripped down.


Why isn't Selim on there?

What's wrong with BSD on a laptop?

freebsd devs dont even run their own system on their laptops, but openbsd devs do - so it's more likely to have laptop drivers. plus you'll probably find yourself compiling a lot from source, so the lower end hardware and heat dissapation may slow things down.

FreeBSD works fine on my x220.

read my post you fucking idiot
i'm not giving specific cases, i'm saying in general.

Who cares if they don't have drivers for some acer.

again, that isn't the point. in general, freebsd is lesser supported than linux on laptops. why is this so hard for you to understand?

Arch is just a stepping stone.

was it difficult to get wifi drivers?

Depends. Rolling distros upgrade quite often, and too many writes can be bad for it. If you are planning on using a more stable distro it is a fine choice.

I'm saying who cares if normalfag laptops are not supported, as long as those that matter are.

Worked out of the box.

>it doesnt matter
>only mine matters :DDD
why are you like this? i'm trying to say that openbsd is often much better on laptops due to the devs using it on their own, but the only thing you can come out with is 'werks for me' and 'who cares, as long as it werks for me :DD'. is it so hard to understand the differences between individual cases & generalisations?

i might give it a shot on one of my thinkpads for fun.

I can't get mining eth to work on arch, do I just switch back to windows or keep trying

How do I make my kernel smol?

is this a troll post ??

in the kernel config options check "optimize for size"

I get what you're saying and I never said you were wrong.
I'm saying it doesn't matter because it's not like some dumb chiclet HP user is gonna need FreeBSD support.

So I just installed Desktop Ubuntu.
What now?

use your computer ??

wow you accomplished something no one has before you. you're such a hacker lol epic nicely done ur cool now

thanks a lot faggots
I was asking more like what essential configurations or programs I should do/install.

how about you use your PC and install what you need. don't go installing shit for the sake of it

I wonder how insecure someone has to be to interpret that post as bragging rather than asking a question

I created ~/.Xresources and tried to change the Xterm background color with XTerm*background:green
then I ran xrdb ~/.Xresources

then I checked with xrdb -query and it registers my change.
However my terminal background is still white. In fact, nothing that I change in xresources is applied.
This is a basic arch install and I don't have any other terminal. The only special thing I am running is i3 with larger font size for the i3 menus and bar.

Please help. The background is blinding white and the text is tiny.

I did that and disabled most of the features and made everything I could a module.
The kernel is 3.7M on disk, the system still somehow eats up 18M when I boot with the `init=/bin/sh` kernel parameter.
I put the names of the modules that were being used while the system was running normally in a file and loaded them when I booted up with just sh as the only process and the RAM usage went up from 18M to 27.6M!
I guess I don't need every one of those modules, but still.
Pic related runs gentoo with xorg and a wm and 3 terminal emulators and somehow his RAM usage is only 24M!
How is this achieved?

could it have something to do with caching?
did you check if the memory is actually being 'used' or cached?

I checked via htop, it should show the same thing as screenfetch.

try the drop caches thing anyway

sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

>no free drivers
>people use available nonfree drivers
>hardware manufractors see no reason to provide source code
>no free drivers
>try to wake up
>can't wake up

Still the same.

BSD has no drivers
t. I like BSD more but use GNU/Linux because it actually works.

linux would never have gained popularty without proprietary drivers, popularity means more people who dont use windoze, so in the end it did more good than evil

Guess I'll reconfigure the kernel again.
There might still be some things that could be disabled or turned into a module.


what does your make.conf consist of?

I'm not using Gentoo, I'm using Source Mage.

Why use xterm anyway? Why not something like rxvt-unicde?

I'm currently learning how the i3 window manager works and just wanted to know how can I adjust my brightness and volume settings? Multimedia keys don't work. Also how would I adjust them without multimedia keys? Another thing is how can i close windows that won't accept ctrl+alt+q?

Try a hex color.

You can adjust brightness and volume by binding keys to shortcuts which change them. Why do you expect your multimedia keys to work if nothing is "listening" to them?

so what options does the compiler build the programs with? im sure every distro uses make.conf, and i know the BSDs do.

Get out and don't come back until you've read this whole thing i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html

look for shit like these:
-kernel-integrated compression algorhytms (used for initramfs, certain compressing filesystems etc)
-virtual machine guest drivers and optimizations
-legacy shit you will never used

what is this and why is it "using" 99.99% of IO every 2 seconds?

This is the closest thing to what you're asking that I could find, /etc/sorcery/compile_config:
if [[ -e $LOCAL_COMPILE_CONFIG ]]; then


I don't think Source Mage has global options like that and I'm not using sorcery to compile the kernel anyway, just plain old `make nconfig`, `make`, `cp arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-` and `make modules_install`.
Shouldn't I be able to pass those options while building the kernel like that?

I have A solution for the media keys, but I'll wait a bit and see if anyone has a better (more standard?) answer.
However, I'm curious what windows you're talking about that you can't destroy with your ctrl+alt+q hotkey. The only windows I've ever run into in i3 which wouldn't close from my hotkeys are windows which were broken/frozen

those options are right in menuconfig

Well, like I said I know I disabled virtual machine drivers and I disabled support for initramfs because I don't need it.

it may not be the issue of the kernel. it's all well and good disabling lots of shit on 1 program, but do all the rest have lots of options you don't need enabled and built with optimize for size?

I'll see what I can do about other programs later, but when I boot with `init=/bin/sh`, the only program running besides the kernel is sh (according to htop at least).
And system RAM usage while having only sh+htop running besiedes the kernel is basically kernel RAM usage.
And like I said here , kernel alone uses ~18M, kernel+modules (maybe I don't need all of them) is ~27M.

It's a kernel process handling interrupts from some ahci device that you have.

what shell is that? as in is /bin/sh a link to bash or something?

because I am new2linux
will do, thanks

Yep, it links to bash.

try using a lighter shell like dash

Discord wouldn't close.

Is this good?

I guessed as much, but I wanted to find out more. Like what device exactly and should I even be concerned (I probably should be -- don't remember seeing it ever before).

Might be a problem with your system tray because some applications like discord catch the kill signal and minimize instead. For me it minimizes to the system tray when I close it.

There also might be an option to disable that in discords settings if you would rather the whole application just die instead of minimize.

i don't know much about that system im afraid. you should put "CFLAGS=-Os" in the command to make it build with optimized for size. if that's the correct command for that option. but from what i know that looks fine.

Kernel lets you specify what process it executes as init.
If you put a shell there it will run it as root which is usually done to rescue your system. It's also a reason to consider full disk encryption, since otherwise anyone can modify the boot process and gain root access easily.

Dash is bad for interactive use since it lacks history, command completion, and some other conveniences. Use dash for scripts and bash/ksh/zsh for interactive use.

we're not looking for usability, we're looking for memory optimisations

Not much difference at all, still 18M.

well i'm out of ideas now pham :(

Then you might be better off using busybox.
The busybox shell is a modified (d)ash with command completion and history (I think) and since busybox comes as a single executable you will save some memory because the program code will be loaded only once and shared between all running utilities.

Fun fact: Arch Linux was Canada's way of apologizing for OpenBSD.

I'll reconfigure the kernel and see what else can I drop or make into a module.
Btw these are all the modules my system is using while running normally.

I'm sure I don't need all of them, like firewire, I previously left it enabled for some reason, but I guess every little thing makes the kernel bigger.

are you using fuse? isnt that some kind of filesystem module? if you've built all the filesystems you're using into the kernel i don't think you'll be needing it.
are you actually planning to use this system or is it just for fun getting the memory footprint really low?

>i don't think you'll be needing it
I don't think so too.
>are you actually planning to use this system or is it just for fun getting the memory footprint really low?
It's more for fun, I want to get the memory usage as low as possible, but I also want to have a useable system.
I need stuff like snd_hda_intel, i915 and iwlwifi.
I know I could just disable almost everything, but what's the point if it renders the system unusable?

Fucking GNU/Noob here. Are the suggestion in this article good? Do better programs exist or not? I use Ubuntu 16.04 on a dual boot machine.



Feels good man

Yes, most of those are basic as fug. That list good for starters.

Has anyone noticed the weird behaviour the networkmanager has against wifi cards and especially the intel ones?
The latest debian, stretch, that i've been using since it was testing, has had network manager dying, the service, and the userspace program reported "device not ready".
This problem exists in all my streatch installations, atk9k cards have it too, but the intel ones have tremendous latency when connected, so I presume that the network manager has some serious unresolved issue.
There hasn't been any fuzz around this problem, so i assume that this is exclusive to debian.
I know the card or the driver are not dead since I use command line to connect to networks or sometime wicd, which works fine.
Has anyone seen this problem with networkmanager?
I've tried irc but pretty much is dead. I didn't find any relevant bug report because i didn't know how to seaech this particular issue. Also the kernel only informs me that I couldn't connect to the network.

I have an Intel care and use NM, so no. Maybe it has issues with your card, but not with all Intel cards.

I have an Asus X552C laptop, with a Mediatek MTE730E WiFi+Bluetooth Combo that's giving me problems since forever (before with Windows, now with Ubuntu). My machine is double boot (Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 16.04, I need both OS), so another Sup Forumsentooman here at /fglt/ told me that to replace it with a linux-compatible one I should get something Atheros. So, guys, what would be the best model for it? Something that's available on Amazon (so I'm sure I can get it in Italy), is compatible with the rest and doesn't cost too much, if possible.

Nice. Thank you man.

As i said, it dies with ath9k cards too.
I have also an realtek card and does that too.
I have the same config on my desktop and laptop and does it too.
Seriously, i've been using debian since etch and I am a perma user of testing, i cannot locate the problem no matter how hard I try.

>uses networkmanager
>experiences weird behaviour
you deserve it

I don't know if you want a mpcie card or you are fine with a usb one, but the wn722n is pretty much the best money can get you and it is tested and it is compatible with almost all kali's penetration tests.

Install netctl.

I'll check that, thanks

Do you reproduce the same problem with Arch Linux?

this is relvent how??

Everyone knows that debian can't into wireless.

did you even read his posts? he says he's been fine using debian since etch

>did you even read his posts?