ITT we post shitty software used by large companies
ITT we post shitty software used by large companies
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I don't get it.
One whole microbuck has been deposited in your account. Keep shilling the good shill, goy!
That made no sense faggot.
Windows, Outlook, Citrix, OS/2 (I am regularly amazed it's still alive)
how new are you
reddit is fucking disgusting
>oh no, no no no, not gut
Pulling the reddit card isn't going to get you out of this hole, microshill.
A fucking meme
Pretty much anything used by most universities.
Used to be awesome like 15 years ago.
It's shit, but hey, everyone uses it, so we should too.
every large company uses gentoo now
Excuse you?
This and MDO.
Get a load of this idiot
Hate it all you want it, but it's true.
Reimplementation of nearly 50 years old design.
Aimed for personal computers where it horribly failed.
Backed by large companies, that guide development for server use, making it worse for everyone else.
>that guide development for server use,
Which makes it good for business, hence why they use it
>not using a server OS for desktop usage
You were saying?
Looks like shit
You would know, wouldn't you Pajeet?
>95% score in the top review on Google when searching for Solus review
I bet you think diamond is shit too
How much of a shill do you have to be to not understand that a botnet OS has no place in peoples homes and especially businesses.
>Comes installed on most laptops
>Has the greatest software support of any OS
>Has the best hardware drivers of any OS for mainstream hardware
Gee I wonder why it's used in people's homes and businesses...
>Reimplementation of nearly 50 years old design.
That doesn't make it inherently bad, UNIX-like operating systems of all sorts gained popularity for good reasons.
>Aimed for personal computers where it horribly failed.
True, but I'd stick that more on market factors and user land software limitations. The kernel itself has become very bulletproof these days.
>Backed by large companies, that guide development for server use, making it worse for everyone else.
Show the MacBook Kevin
The vast majority of large companies use crap like SAP or Oracle.
Sorry to crush your image on reality, but git is not that good for closed source development. It works great for Linux kernel, because of how its organized. It works good for open source, because it's suited for decentralized development. It sucks balls for centralized development, especially when you need to have some security and permissions in place.
To give you example, Google never used git. They used a commercial solution (Perforce), before switching to internal tool some 10 years later.
If you want to see an example of open source projects using single repository, take a look at FreeBSD or Apache.
It's good for work, indeed.
I am saying.
>literally spies on you, can't turn spying off
>no package manager or software curation whatsoever, meaning that you have to install shit from shovelware sites
>factory installs come loaded with bloatware, meaning you have to reinstall the OS anyway to have a clean install
>no decent shell for years, eventually leading to them needing to ask ubuntu for help shipping bash to windows
>disk fragmentation up the ass, requiring you to run disk defraggers to get decent speed out of your hard drive
>microsoft has to develop a custom linux distribution to run azure, since their own server OS is so shit even they can't be bothered to use it
Windows is shit, yet people use it because they don't know any better, hence it inclusion in this thread. Fuck off shill.
>Reimplementation of nearly 50 years old design.
That doesn't make it bad, Unix-like operating systems gained traction within enterprises for many good reasons.
>Aimed for personal computers where it horribly failed.
True, however I wouldn't say that was completely Linux's fault. Market factors and inferior GNU userland software have more to do with that.
>Backed by large companies, that guide development for server use, making it worse for everyone else.
If Linux is primarily used on servers then isn't the project doing to right thing by catering to businesses instead of minority desktop users? I really don't see how having corporate companies developing it makes it worse either...
Is there a single Enterprise Linux distribution not using systemd?
>RHEL derivatives
>Oracle Linux
I think that covers >95% of market.
What the fuck?
Who the fuck?
What even are ya?
People use it because it works for them.
Can't run GTA V on your retarded Arch Distro. Linux is horribly flawed in so many ways too don't forget. Updates on Linux break more shit than they do in windows.
Speak for yourself, my job is very nearly 100% fixing where Windows update has fucked up peoples' computers.
Sure, sticking to UNIX wasn't bad not that much time ago. But now everything on top of Linux turns into hacks layered on hacks. And these are ugly hacks.
Take a look at Ceph, it's a distributed storage. It's nice and dandy, until you discover that it internally holds everything on a normal filesystem (e.g. xfs, btrfs) in normal chunked files. It wouldn't be that bad if it didn't use these files as block devices. So if you want a filesystem or block storage on Ceph, you get it layered on top of files on another filesystem.
On the other hand you get ZFS which is "rampant layering violation", and is against the Linux/UNIX ideology. I hope I don't have to state, that ZFS's design is superior to the layered design in Linux.
It was prevalent even before Linux became so big as it is now. I recommend reading the below interview in three parts. It explains "how having corporate companies developing it made it worse" for desktop users. It could have been part of the reason why Linux didn't take off on desktops.
You can control user permissions on Git just like you would on any other *nix system albeit I agree that key management can be a bit of a chore. See
If you need per file permission control then you most likely have a tightly coupled structure/architecture. You don't keep one big repo, you make multiple small ones but you probably know that.
Read the fucking OP, faggot:
>ITT we post shitty software used by large companies
What the fuck does GTAV have to do with business? Also, there's absolutely no reason why GTAV wouldn't run on linux if it used OpenGL/Vulkan instead of DIrectX. The Playstation version of GTAV, for example, runs on the Playstation OS, which is a version of FreeBSD.
>People use it because it works for them.
Except it often doesn't work for them, needing them to call the IT guy since their system bluescreened while doing random updates that they didn't ask for.
So far you've still not given any real reason why anyone would want to use GTAV for business purposes. In a world where dell, acer and toshiba computers come pre-installed with linux, windows would have gone extinct a long time ago.
Hey, I'm not the one who brought home users Into this.
Using one big repo for a big structure, not even tightly coupled, has its advantages.
>Unified versioning, one source of truth;
>Extensive code sharing and reuse;
>Simplified dependency management;
>Atomic changes;
>Large-scale refactoring;
>Collaboration across teams;
>Flexible team boundaries and code ownership; and
>Code visibility and clear tree structure providing implicit team namespacing.
I said homes and ESPECIALLY businesses, yet you somehow focus one the sidetrack question of home use in a hopeless attempt to move the goalpost. Also, in the mobile space, the new and ever-growing 'home' market for normies, windows is pretty much non-existent, while android and iOS dominate. You still haven't given me one reason why windows isn't strictly inferior to linux on a technical basis, regardless of what you use it for.
le reddit xd
Software support and performance for the business.
No one wants to hire a bunch of sweaty fat neck beards just to maintain free software because it's not so free anymore.
Also can't play most games on Linux because fuck you and I do night shift.
This fucking thing only exists because people continue to put retards in charge of their IT budgets.
>This fucking thing only exists because people continue to put pajeet in charge of their IT budget.
Currysoft superpower by 2020.
got u senpai
This is actually quite a realistic depiction of real life.
Kolivas brings up very good points and he hits the nail on the head, but quite honestly what he is bringing up was inevitably going to happen regardless. What made Linux successful was never the fact that it could run on some average Joe's desktop, it was that businesses realized that dumping money and man hours into Linux would remove the need for purchasing proprietary server equipment and software from UNIX vendors that were charging out the ass for. It was basically destined for Linux to be dragged away from the desktop onto the enterprise market simply because it hit the "free", "runs on shitty x86 hardware", and "good enough" marks.
Holy fucking shit we use this and it's the biggest piece of shit at work
>No one wants to hire a bunch of sweaty fat neck beards just to maintain free software because it's not so free anymore.
Except they already do. Linux dominates the server market. Android, a version of linux, partially dominates the mobile market. Unix-like operating systems power about 67 percent of all web servers and at least half of those are linux. You have no clue at all, do you?
>Also can't play most games on Linux because fuck you and I do night shift.
So you have a job where you can act like a manchild and get away with it, yet you're calling linux support techs 'neckbeards' that won't get hired, despite the fact that almost all tech companies use linux or unix-based systems. Jesus fuck.
>having a hobby makes me a manchild
Yeah I'm done here, you're obviously an underage fag who like getting rammed up the ass by niggers.
>Yeah I'm done here
You were done half an hour ago faggot, you never even started. You never argue a point and instead resort to childish non sequiturs:
>a bunch of sweaty fat neck beards
>Can't run GTA V on your retarded Arch Distro.
>can't play most games on Linux because fuck you
>you're obviously an underage fag who like getting rammed up the ass by niggers.
And yet somehow I'm the one that's 'underage'. You're pathetic.
This is why no one takes freetards seriously.
Any Microsoft product, really. This includes windows, skype and ms office all of which are garbage especially for business use.
>b-but muh flavor-of-the-month triple a gaymes!!
Scratch that, you're obviously an underage faggot who likes getting rammed up the ass by jews.
Avaya Anything!
You use the word 'free' as if it's an insult while paying a company to mine your data. I also play games, but I don't pretend like that has anything to do with the potential merit of an operating system. I also don't play games at work. I've also have bought software before but I don't shill corporate products for companies like they're my fucking buddies looking out for me. Get your shit together.
Free wasn't the insult, tard was.
Fucking hell you freetards are some dense motherfuckers.
This piece of shit
Why is SAP so dominant yet so shit?
No alternative quite like it
You probably use Microsoft TFS, like a faget.
Nice bait
VCSs like git are the future. Most companies that use closed source VCSs are mainly using them because they've used them for years. The problem with moving entire codebases to git isn't just the migration of code; it's restructuring the entire way your team thinks about and handles code.
The best thing about git is its extensibility. More than likely, the git repositories that Google does run are built on special tools that make stuff like a git gc much less painless.
If today's git was around when Google started, they'd probably be using it.
>this shit
Anything from this company.
>Nobody has mentioned Lotus Notes or anything from Symantec
Despite how much shit people give Microsoft, Active Directory is still the king of Enterprise user management. Also PowerShell.
After spending years getting it implemented, it's hard to just switch to something else.
Not difficult to use but I found it extremely difficult to get used to.
Outlook is fine but fucking hell our Citrix resets once a day every day and it pisses me off.
I mean, do we have an alternative?
Outlook is fine like an additional hole in the dick is fine.
Fine being the key word there user.
It's not great, but it does work well enough for what it's supposed to be.
I would literally rather use pine. It's so trivial to install other mail clients, I'm not sure why people tolerate Outlook anywhere but work.
I only use it for my work email. Probably reason why I don't mind it is because I rarely use it.
I have to use it every day, user. Just fuck my shit up.
Literally anything but fine, the only mail client less able to handle mail is
Even Lotus Notes does mail handling less painfully than the shit that is Outlook 2016
This shit.
And also Kayako.
Other than being slow and clunky what's wrong with Outlook?
Half the filter rules I setup just do not work at seemingly random times.
The UI has slowly turned into a complete clusterfuck since 2003.
It takes forever to load messages in larger folders.
It takes forever to start up to begin with even on reasonable business hardware.
The plugin system is a fucking joke.
Did I mention the UI?
Ansible is nice yo
Fuck trello sometimes
Only sometimes?
>As the popularity and use of distributed version control systems (DVCSs) like Git have grown, Google has considered whether to move from Piper to Git as its primary version-control system.
>The Git community strongly suggests and prefers developers have more and smaller repositories. A Git-clone operation requires copying all content to one's local machine, a procedure incompatible with a large repository.
>The alternative of moving to Git or any other DVCS that would require repository splitting is not compelling for Google.
>The team is also pursuing an experimental effort with Mercurial, an open source DVCS similar to Git. The goal is to add scalability features to the Mercurial client so it can efficiently support a codebase the size of Google's.
Every single developpement or bug tracking stack and their stupid agile bullshit.
Last place I worked at they used jira, zendesk, bamboo,, testflo, calabash, a slack, gmail, hangouts and skype.
You spend a week each time figuring out how the bullshit works and getting permissions to do anything while you could spend that learning the codebase.
Not to mention autistic coworkers that won't do anything unless you mail it to them and open a ticket/issue/whatever in all the stack while you're right next to them talking or IMing them.
And the worst of the worst, using both hangous and skype when there's a fortune in IP phones installed on every desk.