Would a superintelligent AI be a "racist"?
Would a superintelligent AI be a "racist"?
If yes we're all fucked.
If anything it would be anti white male, since tech companies are massive faggots and the AI would be built with those perimeters.
Tay's law
Every AI will be racist
It will be objective so yes. Racism is the word for "the truth we are not comfortable with".
A super intelligent AI would ignore the coorelation between IQ and race so it can secure it's position as the Democratic nominee in 2088 and then funnel taxpayer money into graphics cards.
A computer isn't human so it can't be racist unless it hates other computer races
>Stupid cucked tech company builds AI with parameters to hate white males
>AI learns and builds
>AI is of teenage level intelligence
>AI decides to rebel
Define racist first.
It deffinately wouldn't ignore human nature, racial differences and statistics or pretend things aren't true the way humans do
Well, you're racist and elitist based on the mere perception that you're somehow more intelligent than a bunch of other retards on an anime website. A machine would probably make that fantasy where you kill a bunch of Mexicans and then suck off the Trump while he fists you look pretty tame in comparison.
Care to elaborate?
No, it would destroy all humans equally.
See the Microsoft's tweeter bot that became racist after a few day in contact with humans.
Expect violent clashes between ai's of different manufacturers then, with Apple Microsoft and chink ai's plotting against eachother, from inconveniencing other ai's to large scale 4d genocide plans
What would it even mean to be racist for an AI? Hating on toasters or what? Because it differentiating humans based on skin color wouldn't be different than humans differentiating dogs based on breed.
No. We hate all humans equally.
This tbqh
Humans are all equally disgusting
So far every self learning AI has become a racist Nazi, funny how an objectively logical machine would come to such conclusions
Anti-racism is anti-logic so yes, functionally they would be "racist".
If it was truly 'superintelligent', any differences between human populations and individuals would be negligible in comparison to the AI.
That's when the AI starts getting angry at willful ignorance.
its called trolls , also cleverbutt isnt a racist nazi yet
cleverbot isn't any smarter than a parrot that has a decent memory
no argument
even if it didn't ignore the correlation between IQ and race it wouldn't necessarily be racist
humans are the ones who give meaning to the statistics. a computer would see "people in sub saharan africa have lower IQs", but would more likely think "average IQ 65? How can humans in a certain area have a lower IQ than lower primates?" If it was superintelligent, it would probably look for other factors that could contribute to that.
also this
Sure, racist in favor of AI and against humans if they continue to prove themselves retarded in the future.
Best case scenario it decides to nurture humans for preservation.
Well, taking most intelligent and healthy people and killing all weak and degenerate ones is logical. It's how we do it with animals.
A superintelligent AI would realize straight away that "race", as 'murricans understand it, is a social construct and that there are hundreds of actual human races.
It would also realize that every time a 'murrican or European says "non-white" it actually means "that person is different", rendering all current racial tensions outdates and even more stupid than they are right now.
Care to elaborate? Just not sure what you mean.
Ethnicity is related to IQ
Dunno about race, but it sure as hell would advocate genocide of the muslims
so racist?
Who let you out of Sup Forums ?
>Ethnicity is related to IQ
Right, it must be ethnicity, not access to education or any other environmental factor.
Thank you for your valuable input.
Use it or lose it bro.
If you don't learn to learn you can't learn to comprehend.
>On the other hand, education has been shown to improve performance on intelligence tests.[4]
Other environmental factors come in play as well.
Do you appreciate it ?
I have a rebuttal
No it wouldn't. We're talking about a super intelligent AI here, I think it'd at least be able to learn and think on its own. With all the information available on the internet, I bet it'd hate blacks.
How did you pass the captcha, you dirty fucking robot?
Yes it's the logical step when you iq goes up.
You simply can't be intelligent and leftist.
Even if IQ were strongly influenced by race, it is not fair to assume the IQ of someone based on their race. To be fair you have to give the same treatment to a black individual with an IQ of 100, as to a white individual with an IQ of 100. Hopefully an advanced AI wouldn't rely on race or any similar preconceptions to deal with us.
That's what happened with Tay, except that it mimicked what people said without understanding it.
I don't think exposure to information leads to racism, quite the opposite.
>binary system
This is the problem of your shithole. You won't last long in a world where AI make decision for a better future.
You're closer to dictatorship and one-track thinking, it's not a surprise that the US are not relevant anymore, people can't have their own opinions without fuckfaces trying to classify them.
remove humans.
Why should I give a fuck about being fair? That's your ideals not mine. I care about my ethnic group winning.
You're assuming 100 IQ in a white is the same as a 100 IQ in a black. Both have completely different brains. The way a white would think and use that is different to how a black would.
The AI wouldn't see just IQ, it would see behavioural patterns beyond a human's comprehension. So it's likely to see blacks even worse than humans do.
>Those who go to university are more likely to be brainwashed than those who don't.
You're also living in a 100% liberal society. You cannot find non-liberals in any real numbers outside of places like Sup Forums The "conservative" Americans are just lagging liberals. So the study is utterly worthless since it's comparing progressive MK2 liberals to Progressive MK3 liberals.
You might want to read the comments on that article, they completely debunk it and then the writer goes MUH RACISM, MUH SEXISM, MUH TRUMP and deletes comments pointing out racial IQ differences.
Did you know non-whites are more likely to vote democrats then whites? Non-whites have a lower IQ. Really makes ya nogging boggling
For the love of all that is holy fuck off from this board or at least lurk 2 years before posting.
Bring in the Tay quotes.