Ayy Sup Forums bois I need some quality banter discussing VPNs
Currently looking at NordVPN, as I'm looking for an unlimited bandwidth and relatively cheap service.
2 years for usd $79 is quite appealing.
Any experiences? Other suggested VPNs?
Ayy Sup Forums bois I need some quality banter discussing VPNs
Currently looking at NordVPN, as I'm looking for an unlimited bandwidth and relatively cheap service.
2 years for usd $79 is quite appealing.
Any experiences? Other suggested VPNs?
inb4 pia shills
I have Nord.
Give me a torrent you want me to test for speeds.
Also I think you can get Nord for $72 for 2yrs.
I have asked them whether they offer port forwarding. They said no.
They have specialized servers for torrenting, but those only allow you to download torrents, not upload them.
You also can't host any game servers or anything else that requires port forwarding.
Honestly I'm not *too* concerned regarding speeds, as my internet connections are all relatively slow.
I'm just looking for overall impressions as my research lead me to Nord, basically if you have any complaints I'd love to hear them.
If you have a code or other information about the $72 as well, the cost isn't huge but any savings are nice.
Currently says $79/2yrs on the website: nordvpn.com
look at that chart, it should offer some good details and comparisons.
Thanks, this is definitely good to consider.
How is this thread not just shilling for NordVPN, we have this identical thread every few days.
And how is anyone suggesting PIA automatically a shill? They're cheap and people have been using them for years continually without issue.
Depends on what you plan on using it for.
Hello nordvpn marketing team
I've been looking for a vpn with unlimited bandwith and good speeds. Any good ones? I'm not too worried about seeding.
Didn't like it. Now I use something else.
I'm concerned that PIA is based in the USA, which legally speaking requires full logging of all users.
I need something outside of the USA
No legally it doesnt.
>PIA absolutely does not keep any logs, of any kind, period. While this does make things harder in some cases, specifically dealing with outbound mail, advanced techniques to handle abuse issues, and things of that nature, this provides a high level of security and privacy to all of our users. Logs are never written to the hard-drives of any of our machines and are specifically written to the null device, which simply acts if the data never existed.
>The Mandatory Data Retention logs in the EU and many areas applies to Telecommunications and Internet Service Providers as they are a "Public Communications Network". This is not applicable to our VPN service as we are a private network.
>Due to this, we're unable to provide information on our customers usage of our service under any circumstance, including subpoenas and court orders, which are extremely closely reviewed before we make any response by our experienced legal team.
>We can unequivocally state that our company has not and still does not maintain metadata logs regarding when a subscriber accesses the VPN service, how long a subscriber's use was, and what IP address a subscriber originated from. Moreover, the encryption system does not allow us to view and thus log what IP addresses a subscriber is visiting or has visited.
Torrenting (leeching, no upload needed.)
Video streaming US Netflix
General safety from government and company algorithms
&& which did you switch to? Are you happier with it?
Who the fuck trusts a VPN service with their data? It's almost like you're making NSA's job easier. Get a random VPS, install openvpn, profit.
>hurr durr but the NSA will still spy on that
At least it's only the NSA, not the VPN company AND the NSA. The whole point is, a hosting provider is highly unlikely to spy on its clients as they're all used for various and diverse purposes, while a VPN provider only has one thing passing through their network: precious traffic data belonging to reddit-tier users who know _just_ enough to use a VPN but aren't knowledgeable enough to set one up themselves.
>there are people out there paying more than 50 euros a year for JUST VPN service
>meanwhile I have my bouncer, seedbox, VPN and various other shit running on my 10 euro/year VPS
Welcome to neo-Sup Forums, ladies and gents.
>I need something outside of the USA
>Video streaming US Netflix
You aren't getting one without the other, either the VPN provider operates an american data center and is subject to US law, or they don't and you wont have access to a US based IP address for netflix.
You can't have one without the other moron.
No way in hell would a VPS at $10 a year that could even come close to providing decent bandwidth for VPN, let alone the actual CPU power to handle a VPN connection at more than a few mbps.
It's rather hard for the USA to sue a company based in Panama..
We saw that recently with the "Panama Papers" tax shelter
....yeah instead they just shut down their data center and seize all the hardware.
and I'm SURE whatever tiny panama based VPN you decide to use can afford to replace an entire data centers worth of hardware at the drop of a hat and just set up shop somewhere else. /s
Honestly, it's easier to do what PIA claim they do than it is to do anything else.
The easiest thing for PIA to do is to never save any logs to begin with, so that's what they do.
And they set up the encryption on their system so even if they live monitor what's going on they can't pinpoint exactly what customers is doing what.
That's the benefit of a massively shared VPN, and the fact it's been built to specifically make sure they themselves CAN'T Log or monitor traffic.
The US government, or any other government can demand they release anything they poses, but if they've never possessed anything, they can't give it away can they?
But no, PIA MUST be lying because they're popular. Good logic you've worked through, retard.
I can tell you that Windscribe is fucking trash.
OP hasn't said anything negative about PIA, I just simply stated that I feel better using a company not based in the USA.
>inb4 pia shills
posted 73 seconds after the OP post.
Yeah that wasn't me senpai
root@serv:~# speedtest
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Testing from Interneto Vizija ([redacted])...
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by Kiwinet (Siauliai) [43.38 km]: 8.584 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 233.26 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 125.27 Mbit/s
lol oh okay, so you have poorfag internet.
well have fun with that.
My $40/year VPN through PIA gets 500mbps+
I also have VPS I pay $3 a month for (US based) and use as a proxy, which can get ~600mbps+ throughput as well.
I have 400 mbps downspeed, and I'm guessing PIA covers that speed? And can you explain why you use PIA then use VPS as a proxy? Is that just extra assurance or what?
PIA is good VPN because they have tons of data centers across dozens of countries. Great for avoiding region specific IP bans. If you need something you can only purchase using a french IP address? PIA has you covered, etc,etc. PIA also offers a SOCKS proxy based in the Netherlands that I use for torrenting (since i'm torrenting on private trackers, anonymizing my IP is enough where I dont need encryption from a VPN)
I use the VPS to get around shitty ISP peering, occasionally my ISP will have a ton of traffic going to netflix or youtube (pretty much just these two). During peak hours it's especially bad, where 1080p 60fps youtube buffers like crazy and becomes unwatchable. So I just SSH into my VPS and then piggyback a SOCKS proxy connection on the back of the SSH connection. This allows me to set it up so I can have firefox running through a proxy to avoid ISP congestion. My torrent client running through the PIA proxy. Then the true VPN service I leave for when I need to get around region blocks.
Like streaming BBC content from a UK IP address, or similar.
the nsa logs everything that goes through the US, and they give jack shit about the law.
i'm , btw
i'm interested on a vpn too. i want something that is complete out of the US and very TOR friendly. suggestions, pls?
yeah, I haven't gotten into private trackers yet. I really just need a way to torrent without my isp smacking me with the book.
Just a SOCKS proxy was enough to do that for me, but it will depend on your ISP I guess.
Technically since a SOCKS proxy isn't encrypted they could see what you're doing if they looked into it, but it should pass a cursory inspection.
Even their $5 plan is on a 10Gbit network.
>>the nsa logs everything that goes through the US, and they give jack shit about the law.
Okay, so then the OP is retarded to begin with.
If any connection going through the US gets logged anyway, then trying to specifically avoid a US based VPN, while still getting a VPN with US based IP addresses.... no matter what the NSA is gonna pick up his traffic, might as well go for the better quality service like PIA.
Great, $5/month is a hell of a lot more than $10 a year.
Yeah because using a NL server in Canada via a Panama company causes bits to flow through the US..
The only time I'd be using the NordVPN in the US is for US Netflix, which they can obviously track for all I care.
I hereby vouch to never buy NordVPN. Kys shills
Say I was living in Europe and wanted to torrent without getting fucked, which country should I pick for the EXIT server? Any to specifically avoid?
what's yours 10 euro vps? link please
technically anyone would work if they don't keep logs
but to play it safe you should use swiss or norway since they aren't part of the eu. or any slavic country
Hi nordvpn shills
I've had nordvpn for three years now, can I get something for free?
Btw I'm quite content with your service
>living in Europe
Unless you're in UK or Germany just torrent without VPN
t. Sweden and been torrenting since DC++ fell out of fashion
~6 TB per week just from when the client is idle in the background
>0 results
Into the trash this thread goes.
Here are the advantages of living in a third world country.
Must suck to be an americuck/eurofag and getting v& for torrenting shit.
Fascist cunts. Americuck "freedom" a shit!
Pia or cyberghost
I use vpnsecure (NOT secureVPN) They hit alot of the requirements that this user posted.
Good bandwith, awesome support if something goes wrong.
This is what I use right now. Just don't get good speeds with it. Any tips?
nice shilling faggots
Bump because I'm also considering either them or PIA.
P here, it's pretty great. Cheap, stable, and solid speeds. Been wanting to try nord out though.
In my experiences NordVPN tends to have more traffic in europe causing slower europena throughput compared to PIA.
I live in Nazi and want to seed when I torrent, because having access to BBT would be nice and not seeding is kinda assholish. I also want to keep my browsing habits private.
What about PIA's payment methods? Do local Amazon.de physical giftcards like this one (or the ones where you can choose the value) work via PayGarden? If not, would you recommend PayPal (lol)?
What about the speed compared to average middle-class ISPs? What about the privacy, security in general?
I'm just new to this and I'd love to find out what's best for me, because at this point I'm torn between Nord and PIA.
Living in cuckmany too. I recommend a seedbox. Either that or VPN on router level, otherwise if the VPN connection drops your torrent client will start using your real IP.
I use proxy.sh personally for VPN.
If your goal is private tracker access, the best method is to actually just get a seedbox. Just make sure you stay away from public trackers indefinitely. I find that it's much harder to keep a good ratio with just my personal comp & a vpn because I'm "competing" with guys who keep their shit running 24/7.
If you want just general privacy and light public torrenting, then PIA is a great option. And yes, they accept gift cards from major retailers secure.paygarden.com
Use that to test whether it works, because outside of US paygarden uses different systems.
Speed here has been stable even overseas I'm getting ~100mbps (~10MB/s) compared to my non vpn'd 150.
There's a killswitch option that should prevent that from happening, if for some strange reason you can't use a VPN w/ your router.
can you please speak in english
I use NordVPN. Have a 100mbit connection that I can fully use for torrents. but sometimes the connection drops to 0kb/s when I browse. then I have to reconnect to the server
Sup Forums won’t let me post when I’m connected through Nord. How to fix?
I'm sorry.
Okay, what about IRC and XDCC? There shouldn't be any difficulties, right?