Is there such a thing as a job filling captchas?
Is there such a thing as a job filling captchas?
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bots can fill out captchas so your job position is already replaced
Yes, all Sup Forums users already have the job of filling CAPTCHAs in every post.
Must please goyim
Yes. There are literally farms of people in 3rd world countries doing this. The company sets up an API where you can send the CAPTCHA, a person (or persons) look at it and reply to the API with the result. You pay pennies (or less) per captcha solve.
I wrote a script that upon pressing F7 will auto-type calle calle in legacy captcha then shift+enter (caches captcha in 4chanx)
Success rate is pretty high. With a cooldown of 15 seconds you can almost guarantee it will be successfully typed. The captchas are cached for ~ 40 minutes though I haven't actually timed it.
i used to do just that for a few shekels here
What language is the script written in?
How much would it cost to send Sup Forums captchas to pajeets in the third world? Would it be cheaper than a pass?
The rate at which one of the signs is "calle" is still pretty low I find. You'd have to reload the captcha multiple times to get one, which is probably slower than actually typing it.
No, apparently they make $2 a day.
The pass is $20 for 12 months (365 days).
A Sup Forums pass is cheaper.
12000 captchas cost $17.70 on
A Sup Forums pass is $20 make your choice
It is, but I can load ~ 30 captchas in 15 seconds, which usually results in at least 1 calle being present. It's just an example of how weak the captcha is; there's many better alternatives. I remember a post here a while back where someone managed to completely bypass the captcha with 20 lines of python
win=$(xdotool selectwindow)
for ((i = 0; i < 100; i++))
sleep 1
xdotool windowfocus "$win" key ctrl+v
xdotool windowfocus "$win" keydown shift
xdotool windowfocus "$win" keydown KP_Enter
xdotool windowfocus "$win" keyup KP_Enter
xdotool windowfocus "$win" keyup shift
set a hotkey using your DE's settings if available; there's an array of ways of automating this process
ctrl+v because it's a lot quicker than "type"
Isnt the point of captchas that bots cant fill them out?
Yes, and it's a real shit system to detect bots
>no rate limiting
What the fuck? I honestly didn't realize captcha was so broken.
3 out of 100 captchas worked, pretty neat.
And I seemed to have been unlucky for the first run, the next run gave me 10/100 correct.
Still even a median would give you at least 1 captcha every 15 seconds, and 4chanx has autopost features along with selecting multiple files, so you could set up a laptop with 150 images, autpost and autofill captchas and leave it for a while. Fortunately you can post while still solving captchas. It's very hackish but werks
how do I use this?
how do you think Sup Forums passes work? you're paying for someone else to do your captcha
I do it for free
You're trying to get paid for a thing that we all do for free? Why would someone pay you to do a thing that everybody does for free?
install bash on ubuntu on windows if you have windows 10
We get paid in (You)s
Yes. JDownloader had links to some of those services. Probably there are others. But do you really want to fill 10000 captchas for 10 bucks?
>hasn't gotten the forbidden fruit and write it to superior UnholyD