Name a more dishonest and disgusting language

Name a more dishonest and disgusting language.
Pro tip: you can't.



Pascal, for sure.


Hello fellow Sup Forumstards, today we'll be discussing how can a language be dishonest and how we can assign "disgust meter" to a language.
We start with dishonesty in programming languages: in my opinion the language is dishonest when it can't do what it advertised, so in this case we could expect JS to be similar to Java, that's how this name was created after all. (small digression here, are we talking about JS or about family of ECMAscripts?). Second issue can be addressed more easilly, I think we all can agree that a language is disgusting when the code looks like a few other languages connected to each other with some scotch tape. However my post shall be only an invitation to a broader discussion than a set of rules carved in stone.



>language is dishonest because i misunderstood
>language is disguising because it looks like some other languages
Your post is an invitation to point and laugh.

>Hey man, here's my function, it accepts a variable number of arguments that can be of multiple types and returns something, I made sure to make the documentation sparse too
I don't know how people deal with untyped languages.

Basic is disgusting, but it's very, very honest.


Shut your whore mouth


Stay mad, code monkey.

Take away the 'Script' and there you have it

All programming languages are varying degrees of shit.
JS, PHP, Java, C#, C, C++, they're all crap.

I like PHP but even I think it lies to you.

Stay poor, faggot

u win this time user

Tы чё cyкa oхyeл блять зa Pycь в тoлпe aмepикocoв взopвycь
> Just kidding

Кaк ты в Aмepикy пoпaдёшь, в пocoльcтвe людeй нeт твoю зaявкy пpинимaть.

wait what's wrong with elm?

remove C from this post noob


"purely functional" javascript
yet another shiti library for javascript


isn't it a language, not a library?

>not poor

no, Pajeet

Baлитe oбpaтнo, нa пapaшy. Здecь вaм нe paды.
Пocтecнялиcь бы киpилличecкиe cимвoлы лeпить нa элитнyю дocкy, быдлo.

>Do I fit in yet?