Sony Sailfish phone

Are you fags actually going to purchase the first proper successor to the N9 or just shitpost about botnet phones all day long?


>Price: €49.99

you fucking what mate

>Only available to Europe
Fuck that shit

But all you get is an image
Why would it matter?

> paid mobile OS
Thanks, it's DOA.

>Remember that in order to get the software running properly on your Sony Xperia X device you will need to do some magic yourself on the device, i.e. you should be tech savvy and have a PC with Linux operating system to get through the process.
Apple and MS users forever rekt.

tell me why I should purchase a phone OS? like what the actual fuck, we don't even have to pay for desktop OS's anymore.

Probably to fund its development. If they aren't milking you for data they aren't making money through ads like Google is. IPhone is even worse, you have to buy the hardware from the same company. The OS could never be considered free that way.

I had the first Jolla, the company is run by incompetent people and you shouldn't expect anything from this.

or use a VM, faggot

but there's no real incentive to pay 49.99 euros for a different OS. There's no reason to use it other than 'Look I have a different OS'.

Also, looks like it's not coming with some fundamental features

>Not being supported at launch for Sailfish X is Bluetooth, new sensors, fingerprint reading, and FM radio

>Sales start 27 September
>Image available 11 October
>Bluetooth and half the sensors don't work
>System updates once per year
>50€ for a phone os that was supposed to became libre years ago and still isn't
>Company previously did a kikescammer for a tablet it never delivered
I can't wait to read the comments of the dumb fucks who will fall for this.

That does not actually change anything about the implied requirement.

>joining the samurai botnet

They refunded everyone when they couldn't deliver Kickstarter tablet though.

>Are you fags actually going to purchase the first proper successor to the N9
Of course not, I'm going to stick with my BlackBerry Passport.

>but there's no real incentive to pay 49.99 euros for a different OS
Other than the fact that iOS and Android are both trash

I'm in. Using Jolla1 for 2 years and I really like SFOS. Still, I can't name this 'normal' product distribution - buy device yourself and pay 50 burritoes.

Sailfish isn't open source? It's based on Linux! How do you fuck up so badly?

That's literally even less trustworthy than AOSP

Windows is still being sold, it was just a campaign to boost the marketshare of Windows 10 Botnet.
>make a open source OS
>without open source UI
lmao, thanks i will wait for the purism phone libre 5, which will have convergence support, unlike Samcucks who has to pay extra for a feature

People in charge actually know their shit.
Go back to stocking shelves, kiddo.