
>create my own ransomware
>install it to an usb
>plug it in every computer in uni
would they pay?

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No, i think you will be deanoned and sat on the bottle (butilka). Pls do not try.

Sure go ahead. I love when niggerware devs end up in prison.

for maximum damage you should have it lay low for a few months, and have it spread on USB drives plugged in.
Then on a certain date, it starts encrypting and turns like 5000 computers into dust.

No the cia glow in the dark niggers will get you arrested

Find out how to gain access to uni Dropbox and put a .run for your ransomware in one of the programs they install on every computer, like for instance they may run FOG tray. so if you put a .run that activates your ransomware in the fogtray application, every computer they replace or reset and replace fog tray, will have your ransomware on it. Badabing bada boom. Do all that behind a proxy, you're pretty anonymous and you fucked the whole system.

>every computer in uni is up to date
>ransomware is detected by antivirus and records the timestamp
>uni sysadmin watches cctv footage

you better start buying a dragon dildo and shove it up your ass o chaturbate for sweet cash

how can your own ransomware be detected by an antivirus?

>unknown program opening tons of files
>nothing suspicious here

your ransomware will need an exploit to work and I have the feeling you don't have the skills to discover your own windows exploit

no need for exploit when people are stupid enough to plugin a random usb

install the 2hou ransomware op.

Na they'll just reimage the computers and bring their servers back from a backup.

Happened at my uni. Was a bit of inconvenience but really not that bad.

> >unknown
Usually it's not unknown but something like gnupg.

Make a ransomware that takes a picture of the user and threatens to expose them as the creator of the ransomware if they don't pay ;^)

you don't understand. You can't encrypt ppl files without admin rights. You can't get admin rights unless you know the password or have a working exploit (but I highly doubt that)

you're a retard

Uh, yes you can. You encrypt them yourself you don't use fucking bitlocker

Why would you just admit to commiting a felony?

Everybody else you know the drill:


Not to mention the condensed milk (sgushenka).

I've written many malware over the years, spreading it through torrents, youtube videos, forums and such. They are always detected by the most basic of security systems, your malware isn't some unknown file it'll let run, the odds are your malware has identifying features which will flag it as a generic malware.

The only way to bypass this limitation without investing a lot of time to find a flaw to circumvent the system is in the disguise of "cracks" or "patches" for games and software where people will knowingly ignore the warnings from their security system under the pretense it's a "false positive"

You're overestimating AVs, I wrote a simple ransomware-esque program (it does the encrypting but not the whole demanding ransom thing, although I did include a webpage where you could go to get your decryption key) a while back and although I employed some basic stealth methods it should have been pretty simple for a good AV to pick up on - but no, nothing I tried would pick up on it and even special "anti-ransomware" programs just didn't seem to care about it. New malware is often FUD which is why you never run random executables no matter how good your anti-malware setup is.

It's easier than you think, I've found a few entirely on accident before just by playing around with syscalls. Windows isn't exactly known for its' lack of vulnerabilities, and because most people are brainlets who don't install updates even old well-known exploits can still be used to good effect.

You don't need admin rights to write to anything the user has write access to.

post DL link to your ransomware then so we can test it

Well that is why user rules exist and admins shouldn't be fuckin retards.
If the admins aint stupid as fuck then it doesnt fuckin matter what you plug into the unis computer.

Now just kys, please. Thanks.

I'm not retarded, I'm not distributing malware. This was over a year ago at this point anyway, the exploit it used for its core functionality (under NT 6.0+, at least - 9x and NT 4.0-5.2 still works) was patched a couple of months ago and I imagine it has a higher detection rate now, although I don't have my old VM setup to test with.