Why does my c++ program not work?
Why does my c++ program not work?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf I hate C++ now
Because scanf doesn't work with UTF8 input
Also, why are you printing the address of X in the first printf?
for debugging purposes, which country are you trying to blow up, ahmed?
It's Arabic so you need to write your code right-to-left
>no %d in printf
ahmed you should stick to (((clocks)))
You need to smear some bacon on your keyboard before the code compiles properly.
It throws an error if it detects baconless keystrokes.
>Not including stlib
wew lad
Nice clock, Ahmed.
1. you should at least translate these arabic to english so everyone knows what you are trying to do
2. it might be %d not %i in that scanf
3. also passing arguments to printf when it does not expect to
i don't know, but -Wall -Werror probably will. there's a reason they exist.
Why are you not using iostream?
If you are going to use C's printf you should include
>x = x - 1
Allah Hackbar
solid kek
Because you are trying to write code in terrorist.
OP is a troll, the Arabic language used there is broken and obviously was brought from google translate.
t. an ay-rab
I dont know x++ but you instantiated x as null and then tried too incrament this null value. Set int x = 0
Nevermind i didnt see the scanner.
I would actually move to arab but I fear false allegations might take my head/hand off
depends on the country and your nationality, if you are Murican or European then you have naught to fear, if you are a pajeet then moving to the middle east is practically making yourself a slave. North African countries are pretty chill about everyone though.
Because it's shit.
أنت لا تعرف حتى كتابة العربية بدون أخطاء. زبي أنت وخراك.
I know this is a troll but the serious answer would be you're using the wrong kind of string literals en.cppreference.com