Be me

>be me
>have interview
>whiteboard rolls out
>"hey user could you please write down fizzbuzz"
>fuck yeah this is my oportunity!
>write down fizzbuzz in x86 asm
>20 minutes later
>"woah user, don't you think this is a bit over the top?"
>"well no, this is the most efficient fizzbuzz you can get."
>don't get the job
FUCK YOU Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
>have to give an interview
>we're just looking for a data entry / coffee monkey
>"hey user could you please write down fizzbuzz"
>just wanted him to literally write the word fizzbuzz
>he spergs out and starts writing some computer code, foaming at the mouth and sweating at the pits
>tell him "woah user, don't you think this is a bit over the top?"
>he says "well no, this is the most efficient fizzbuzz you can get."
>tell him ill contact him if he gets the position
>throw half of the resumes in my stack into the trash because I don't want unlucky people working for me

>premature optimization

There's your problem.
Write human readable code next time fampai.

Fuck you. It wasnt premature. I invested fuckin days to learn that shit by heart.

was it even a job where you need to write assembly? it sounds like it based on their reaction.
if not, then don't question why they didn't hire you.

>What is premature optimization

>be me
>be me
fuck off back to plebbit. both of you.

>throw half of the resumes in my stack into the trash because I don't want unlucky people working for me

I kek evri time


Most stupid thing ever. So what if they are asking anything else in x86? Could you do it? It's x86 requiered for the job in the first place?

Interview thread? Need to vent, just happened

>Get a call for from a recruiter
>Asking me some customer service questions
>Asks me how i dealt with a difficult customer
>Say i haven't
>Bitch says i'm lying, i've been working for 5 years at X, there's no way i haven't
>Says to me, she can't send me to interview because my answers are bad
>Try to tell her it's true, most of my shifts start before the store closes so i don't deal with many people
>Asks me if i want some questions e-mailed to me and want to try again in half hour
>Say no
>Asks why
>Tell her because she already said she wouldn't consider me for a interview
>Tells me i need to fix my attitude
>Tells me i haven't got the interview and hangs up

What the fuck was wrong with this bitch.

well, she was right and you're likely autistic

>be you
>suck dicks

how did you od that

power over you

Only thing she was right about was some of my answers being bad. How the hell do you tell someone they're lying. and she kept insisting it as well. What the hell was her end game with that.

>Not using template metaclass programming for fizzbuzz

Look at how the masterrace does it:

struct fizz;
struct buzz;
struct fizz_buzz;

struct num : public std::integral_constant { };

struct list { };

struct map;

struct map {
using type = list;
struct fb_impl {
using type = Number;
struct fb_impl {
using type = fizz_buzz;
struct fb_impl {
using type = fizz;
struct fb_impl {
using type = buzz;
using fb = fb_impl;

struct cons;

struct cons {
using type = list;
struct generate {
using type = typename cons::type;
struct generate {
using type = list;
const char *demangled_type_name() {
int status;
return abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(Type).name(), 0, 0, &status);
void print_type_list() {
using list_type = TypeList;

>go in for job interview
>see whiteboard
>they ask me to do fizzbuzz
>I get out my Sharpie
>write out
>get the job

heh....nothing perssonel.....kid

I don't have any idea how is this expected to work but I'd kindly suggest you to end your existence.

go and compile it

My bad, this was the version I meant to post:

Unfortunately too long to paste (but it works)

dear god why did you even do this

>getting interviewed by a woman
must be a shit job if they hire women

for the lulz

Thank you user, now I feel suicidal because of your code.

>he can't blacktext

I would never hire anyone who can do puzzles with code

waste of time. if you know "fizzbuzz" you have been educated stupid.

>if you know basic mathematical and logical operators you've been educated stupid

How's life in HR treating you?

sorry you're dumb. you've watsed time. it's like common core jewshit at this point. you're stupid

Probably a retard that felt she had solid judgement in everything.

haha retailcuck

here's my story

>sanfran startup contacts me for an interview
>have a ~15 minute chat with a recruiter and he says i'll need to do a technical phone screen
>he emails me asking for my available dates next week
>respond instantly
>no response for a week, assume they didn't actually like me
>a couple weeks later they email me again asking when my availability is the next few days
>they actually schedule me an interview this time
>leave work and go sit in my car for the phone call
>guy calls me and says we'll chat for 30 minutes, then do a coding problem
>"uhh i don't have a computer. you guys didn't mention coding in the email."
>"oh you're right sorry. we'll just do the talking portion and maybe we'll reschedule for a coding interview."
>next day they email me to schedule coding part
>after it's all scheduled i realize it was scheduled during the eclipse
>email them saying i need to reschedule
>no response
>guy calls me at the scheduled time and i explain that i need to reschedule
>next day company emails me again asking my availability the next 2 days
>another guy emails me apologizing for how unorganized they have been asking when i'm available again
>tell them both when i'm available, tell them about how they contacted me twice about this
>no response still now, days later
>apparently they're flying engineers to my city for in-person interviews next week but i've heard nothing
>i assume they just moved on from me but i have a feeling they'll contact me last minute asking for an in-person interview

don't know if i even wanna work for a company like this.

Everybody look at this dumb nigger

typical state of HR/headhunters worldwide.
I have been in 3 countries in europe so far (as in: actually lived there, not just vacations) and it the same everywhere.

HR and headhunters just attracts the worst of the worst noskill morons.

this is the worst i've ever seen by far. first time i've dealt with a san fran company though.