What is your browser Sup Forums

What is your browser Sup Forums

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Giv me mommy

Brave with 'startpage' as default search

what's the Sup Forums solution to getting me a THICCCCCCCCCCCCCC harem?

Firefox Beta, because imma beta

Praise Allah


Nice (dead) meme

Whatever you want it to be, mommy

based giv imposter

>you just know she'll agree to anything in sex

Is that a robot?

I use Firefox, Konqueror, etc.

chromium on pc
brave on the smartphone

Who is she?

PC - Iridium
Phone - Chromium

Also, letting you know: EVERYTHING else is either shitty botnet or just botnet. Brave is botnet too. FF is just... very fucking shit. KYS if you don't use Chromium, pls

Looks like Gemma Arterton

Mozilla Firefox.

Edge on both desktop and mobile.
Waiting for Firefox nightly to hit stable.


Safari master race

Vivaldi is the only true answer.

Firefox and Chrome, both with ublock, imagus, https, backspace to go back and a dark theme for youtube

Dubs confirm truth



id browse her

Firefox nightly


Using chromium, I like firefox but it runs like absolute shit on my linux install.

I recently switched back from Chrome to Firefox. Can't say I regret it.
The only thing I'm worried about is the change to Webextensions.

>Brave is botnet too.
I wanted to prove you wrong, but it's licensed under MPL…

Firefox + Chromium on desktop
Firefox Focus + Chromium on android


Pale moon