Fucking quit using cuckfox already

Fucking quit using cuckfox already




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I've slowly been trying to use other browsers.

They all just suck so fucking much, but so does firefox now too.

Main reason was because I recently built an older pc with only 2gb of ram, just for random tasks.

Firefox are up every single fucking mb of ram for a few tabs.

Installed chrome for now, and while it eats less ram, I still hate it.



Why not use something like Waterfox or Palemoin or Icecat?


Make a better browser, and I'll use it.

That's a bonus.

Wow. Just wow. So, because FF is STARTING to get into news curation, you're going with the browser made by the company that literally manipulated search results in favor of Hillary Clinton a year ago?

That's fucking hilarious.

This is fine
>firefox browsers will soon block fake news flagged by Joseph Goebbels and linked right wing groups
This is not

It's important to not let wrongthink win.

I find it ironic that someone who hates fake news would be a victim of it himself. The Soros 'link' does not exist.

> t. Shill

I'm quite indifferent. If firefox decides to block fake news websites like bre**art or "info"wars I'm cool with it. I have them blacked in my hosts already.

Every time I see this, it makes me want to smoke again. Quit years ago, but I still miss it when I see this image, for whatever reason.

You're missing a star from Breitbart.

>manipulated search results in favor of Hillary Clinton
substantiate your claims


Don't have the webm. Sorry. But typing "Hillary Clinton is" showed all sorts of shit like "Hillary Clinton is corrupt," "Hillary Clinton is evil," etc in pretty much every other search engine. In Google, you could type it out to the next to the last letter (example: "Hillary Clinton is corrup"), and it still wouldn't auto complete it, and would autocomplete "Hillary Clinton is" with "Hillary Clinton issues."

...and the same still happens if you put in "Donald Trump is"

Some examples: freebeacon.com/politics/here-are-10-more-examples-of-google-search-results-favorable-to-hillary/

>FIREFOX browsers will soon block “fake news” flagged by George Soros-linked left-wing groups

Title is outright wrong. Article is vaguely misleading but who even reads articles now anyways.

>there is no proper source on things deemed fake news being *blocked* at all
>there is no concrete information on how mozilla will implement anything after doing their research
>they are currently still in the research phase
>mainline Firefox is not planned to be the target of any "anti-misinformation" implementations:

>To make that easier for Web users, Mozilla will look at ways to bring anti-misinformation functionality to existing offerings like Pocket (app that lets you maintain a list of articles to read later), Firefox Focus (a mobile private browsing app) and The Coral Project (which provides tools designed to "raise public trust in journalism" and make it more relevant).

Firefox itself is still clean. The above sideprojects are too, but may not be for much longer. Outright dropping Firefox over this is an overreaction (especially given the lack of good alternatives) but you'll want to keep an eye on where this goes in the future.

Google hate is polshit, people should keep stupid opinions to themselves if they want to keep their jobs. The Alt-Right fake news operations must but eliminated.

Fuck off Google shill. Sup Forums is cancer but Sup Forums has always hated your shit regardless of political affinity.


>fake news website is butthurt mozilla is fighting fake news so they create a fake news article

Wait, what?

Stop with your fake news already.


>people should keep stupid opinions to themselves if they want their cake baked


This is 100% real news:
1. The Mozilla blog stated that they want to fight "fake news".
2. The Mozilla blog cited a proven fake news source as an example of a credible news source.
Conclusion: They want to support fake news and help spread propaganda.

Went to his website, saw no porn

you are fake news

This is not acceptable.
You cannot collude with Firefox like this.

>absolutely no mention in the article of blocking sites in firefox

literally who?

Fuck off you Sup Forums dumbasses. Soros does his best to do good, yet you tribalist fucks can't see farther than your own noses.

Who has Soros ever tried to exterminate?
>muh white genocide
Literally not a thing, and not something Soros seeks to accomplish.

>reddit spacing
Get the fuck out

I think back then at the time I tried experimenting and I'm pretty sure Google autocompleted with "Donald Trump is racist"

You AND the Soros supporters in this thread can fuck right off with your fake news bullshit. People have been telling lies since day one. The problem is retards like yourselves who can't separate logical thought from your gay assed identity politics and feelings. Politics in their current form, are lies. Don't keep deluding yourselves.


Fucking Hiroshima your Sup Forums is leaking again

you're claiming white genocide is not a thing?

you're lying.

ministry of truth browser lol..

I have
>Chrome Canary
>Firefox Nightly

..installed anyways lol. As soon as firecux starts something fishi, its just a question of command+quick.

I've been thinking of ditching this pieceo of shit brower anyways, since id doesnt support "dictionary" and "services in context menu" on macos since forever.

There are tickets open like since 2007, but those retards at mozilla are just to stupid to fix it obviously

Line is a botnet.

I once sent a youtube video to a friend through Line and then I was suddenly getting "friend requests" or "group requests" from some shit related to that video I shared.

Natural News is 100% fake news though

Just a reminder this is the guy that advocates killing scientists and medical doctors

It's a made up conspiracy theory used to explain why developed countries (usually made up mostly of white people) aren't having kids. The reason why people aren't having kids in developed countries is that they're developed, the living standards are considerably higher and it's more expensive to have kids so fewer people have fewer kids. That's it.

>people have more money, so they have fewer kids

thx for your ((( explanation ))) friend

>having kids

Fucking why? They're annoying shits that ruin your life and your wallet and you forbid any life you had until they turn at least 13 or fuck off. I'd rather not deal with constant stream of shit, piss and vomit for years either.

You seem to be forgetting that better living conditions costs more money as well and having kids will just add on to those costs.

>more expensive to have kids
If you'd take off your blinders and put your fee-fees aside, you wouldn't have glossed over this important bit.

Do Firefox forks like Icecat and Waterfox have this or no?

i still don't know what a "soros" is so whatever

your life 40+ will be very interesting then..

Specially when you see happy young families, and have to go to your cats/dogs home (since you have nobody else).

>3 sec later
>full damage control

wtf are you? bots who get triggered by the parentheses.

I have my 2D waifu, it's more than enough.




Another two decades and there will only be two kinds of households: ones with one child and ones with zero children


He is..
>rich fuck
>nazi collaborator
>finances divide + conquer initiatives (antifa, alt right)
>finances immigration waves into europe
>finances iniciatives against freedom of speech

It's a new century. Fear and scepticism always kick in when this comes about. Given the current state of politics worldwide, there really doesn't seem to be much hope for the future when squabbling and lies are taking precedence over rational thought and informed decision making. Globalists have figured out that chaos is a better instrument to achieve their goals. It's easier than having to come up with plausible explanations for all of their lies.

you'll be like that female reporter, getting triggered by a random hipster


>implying I'll live to see 40

Why would I force myself to have a kid when I hate them? I wouldn't even be able to be a good parent to them, because I can't fucking stand the autistic screeching. Plus I have pretty shit gene pool that doesn't need to spread. The world is overpopulated as it is, it doesn't need another potentionally fucked up person.

>I have pretty shit gene pool that doesn't need to spread. The world is overpopulated as it is, it doesn't need another potentionally fucked up person.

yeah, I'm pretty sure your genese are better of Jamal's or Muhammeds..

And yes, you're right. World is overpopulated, but with 3rd world low IQ fucks.

OK I'll take your low quality bait.

I'm currently on disability, barely able to go outside at all, can't work, and my welfare doesn't even cover my costs. Even if your retarded assessments were right (read a book faggot), even a low IQ person is better for society than someone forced to sit in their room like a jail cell, not contributing anything to society.

Also, you're a retard and I hope your children marry interracially just to male you miserable.

Goebbels did nothing wrong

>lefties just repeat what they heard
>maga killary for prison fuck cucks alt-left nu-male 4d chess xdddddd

>even a low IQ person is better for society than someone forced

yeah sure, 1 Jamal is worht 2.5 Steven Hawkings for society.

>every white male is Hawking

Your posts is very ironic, you talk about thinking rationally and yet you bring up a completely irrational conspiracy theory to explain why something is happening.

>>every white male is Hawking
no, but every white male has better chances of being like him.

jews, and asians have even better chance.

but you personally are stupid as fuck. maybe your genes are really shit after all and its better you transfer your wealth to african charities and off yourself

>I can't argue because Sup Forums didn't prepare me for this

Go take a class, user. Go read a book. Maybe you won't be as stupid after you get some education your parents kept away from you.

NaturalNews.com is one of the biggest fake news websites out there. They promote junk pseudoscience (some of which is laughable at best, but actually life-threatening at worst) like anti-vaxxer propaganda, AIDS denialism, bogus "alternative" cancer treatments, "free energy", etc.


How else would you explain both side of the political spectrum working in unison to create this atmosphere of hate and discontent? It's happening everywhere at the same time.

This article in itself is fake news.

Mozilla never formed any partnership with George Soros. That is fake news that originated from a blog called "Activist Post", known for its low factual reporting, misleading clickbait headlines and for pushing heavily skewed narratives.


...and Natural News itself, the website you linked to, is a known fake news website full of tinfoil paranoia-mongering junk.


What actually happened is that Mozilla announced an initiative to fight fake news, around the same time an organization in the United Kingdom supported by George Soros called Full Fact demonstrated a real-time "fact-checking" engine to the public.

These two events happened independently and there is absolutely no evidence at all that either of these are in any way connected.

wtf you talking about? I destroyed all your arguments, and you still feel like you won the debate?

jesus fuck, you really are stupid with shitty genes..

So will it block RT?

RT is Russian state propaganda and people should be made known about this.

>RT is Russian state propaganda and people should be made known about this.

well, the news are more objective than CNN anydays.

One could argue that they spread propaganda aboud middle east. But in that case too, I find they are more objective than US media.

You should be fucking happy RT is still available in your country lol

Let's hope not or Sup Forums won't have anything to watch and keep them occupied in between alex jones videos.

This article is blatantly false, and it's pathetic that people take it seriously for even a moment.
First of all, the source itself is not even credible. Pic related is the Wikipedia article on it. Notice how the website is classified as a "blog". It has been associated with debunked conspiracies and fake news in the past, and therefore should not be trusted.

Now let's get into the actual content of the article.
>It appears that the most recent Internet-based assault on the First Amendment comes from the popular web browser Mozilla Firefox, which just days ago announced that it would belaunching an effortto combat what it considers to be “fake news” and misinformation
This statement is entirely false and proves that the author of this article has little to no understanding of what he is writing about. There is a Mozilla corporation (which is launching this initiative), and the Mozilla foundation (which develops Firefox). By referring to Mozilla as a "web browser" showcases his incompetency to research this topic.

The article goes on to mention two "fake news" articles cited my Mozilla, as an example of what kind of misinformation their campaign will.be targeting.
>While both of these articles turned out not to be true, it is still a wonder why Mozilla believes it has the authority tocensor storieslike these in the first place
This excerpt, once again, proves a lack of basic logical thinking on the author's part. He admits that the campaign is only targeting illegitimate articles, and yet somehow sees this as a bad thing. What's more, is that he does not understand the concept of free speech. Free speech grants you the ability to say anything and be exempt from the law, but that does not mean you are exempt from any other consequences that may arise from the forum you are using to vocalize yourself.
No organization has an obligation to defending free speech.

just fuck off back to r/the_Donald and stay there.

it'll get worst. It's a fucking slippery slope

Hopefully by the time shit hits the fan Brave or Vivaldi will be worth using

Even years ago (around 2010) long before tensions with Russia rose around the Ukraine invasion, I noticed how pretty much every story they had about the western world was a hit piece and you would NEVER hear them say anything that would put the Kremlin in a critical light. I don't trust them any more than I would trust CNN.

>but that does not mean you are exempt from any other consequences that may arise from the forum you are using to vocalize yourself.
Yes, but when those consequences, themselves, are a violation of your rights, that's where the shitstorm begins. People need to chill the fuck out or we're going to be at a point where we're going to have dictionary burnings because they contain words that offend us for any little reason. This has all become so childish it's not even interesting.

Sup Forums types are suckers for this kind of hyperbolic alarmist fearmongering.

This mentality exists on both sides of the fence. It's kind of reminiscent of the witch trial era in the early American colonies. People get their feelings hurt and need to see someone else victimized to feel better about themselves. Psycopaths, the whole lot of them.

God I love living in a racist ass small town. Nothing but crackers as far as the eye can see. Never lock our house or car up, can leave shit lying out in the open.

This is same level of conspiritard as crying about black appearing in image results when you search American.

Also its completely wrong.

If the reason why developed countries are not having kids then how come Muslims that live there, including 2nd generation ones, are outbreeding us at alarming rates?

That's a flat out lie

Tried brave today, multiple versions. It's still chock-full of bugs, including the manually compiled master branch.
Pages randomly turn white and become unresponsive even with the proposed fixes in place. Ctrl+f is slow. Hit ctrl+t twice and the URL bar won't be highlighted. URL suggestions often don't work for no reason or flat out disappear. Switching to a new tab flickers about half the time. Page logos (eg WhatsApp) often don't load. No auto scroll support on Linux. UI looks good but feels cranky.

Also, can't add custom lists, only filters.

How a browser can be so utterly unusable yet so popular boggles the mind.

>firefox update
>no more adblockers
>Fuck this gay shit.

I want a new browser...

It's like Firefox, but not owned by the jews.

>Soros does his best to do good, yet you tribalist fucks can't see farther than your own noses.
Thanks for the keks, pajeet

Surely it must be because the ((((((((!!!!!!!Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews!!!!!!!!!))))))))))) are telling them to!

Man, you people are fucked in the head.


Here's his website where he lists the names of the scientists he wanted dead, from before he took it down

>provided no evidence
>only shitposted dumb memes
>lol rekt u xd

You've changed my mind, I'll have a kid with a Muslim or a black woman just to piss off redneck retards like you

Stupid nazicuck. Fuck off back to your drumpf browser shill thread.

It's not to kill whites, it's to make labor cheaper. If there's more competition for jobs, and more desperation, you can treat your workers as disposable, and squeeze more profit from them.
Since whites don't reproduce fast enough to produce that lovely 'disposable people' feeling that capitalists love, they need immigrants who breed like rats.

Its laughable that you arent satisfied with that answer. The fact that birth rates drop as countries develop is extremely widely accepted. If you didn't know that then you are not informed enough to be arguing

>comes with prebuilt porn so you don't have to compile it from source yourself
Find a flaw with this