O'Reilly thread

or general Sup Forums humour

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a thread died for this






>morning stand-ups

This better be an American meme or Sup Forums meme



Sup Forums in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.

its an agile/scrum meme

I was about to post that btw

If by meme you mean sad reality, then yeah.


and it most likely deserved it


I use perl for the regex


var that = this;

Brainlets dont think this is funny

>tfw program drunk and the next day can't understand what the fuck I did

>tfw every tuesday is the stand up

>"this week i'm banging away at the databases again trying to solve customer's issues and problems that the other teams failed to prevent and so I have to track down what happened to the customer's accounts/charges/anything at all"

Sometimes I wonder if the pay is really worth it


I do that during every happy hour.

>Spaceman sees IIII rocks.
>In base ten, IIII = 4 X 10^0 = 4

>Ayylien sees IIII rocks.
>In base four, IIII = (1 X 4^1) + (0 X 4^0) = 10

Everything is base ten if you let 1 represent one thing and 0 represent no things. The spaceman is foolish for describing Mr. Ayyylien's number system in terms of humanity's base ten. To the alien, our base ten would be base twenty-two.

>The horse isn't dead


my favorites

underrated post

"Lis" as in "лиc"?

But JS is like LISP with C syntax...



Had a really hearty chuckle at this one.

who is this anime girl?







Should be a part of every programmer's library.


And that's one of the reason why it's disgusting

"""Functionnal""" programing with imperative syntax is nonsense.

Hishiron, from ReLIFE. She's a NEET, just like us.

This pic hits a bit close to home. I wish we could go back.

>that image

...I really need to leave this hellhole. It's way too far gone now.

It's not. Don't be afraid to do what your like and also check out other boards.

This image is freeing in a way, "Do what you like and don't be afraid, you won't make it worse." But only if you are a thinking intellectual, of course!

3.5 mm audio port

Makes me think of the innocence we lost somewhere along the way. Things used to be so care free and now we are suffering through a collective form of depression.

Filtering a lot of the negativity helps. It's a subconscious thing.

This took me 5 minutes to get

Yeah, the simpler times when we could be delightfully offensive and careless without some political reading to it. Part of the downfall were memes spreading and becoming awkward when used outside of the board culture. The downwards spiral started when the Caturday was stolen. Monetised, commercialised, raped by outsiders. And it spread further and further.

Lis ty kurwo bez zasad.