when is this thing getting userscripts
anyone else holding off on using it until they can use 4chanX on it?
When is this thing getting userscripts
How to hide threads on clover ?
rude desu
I didn't hide your thread. Just showing how.
I installed Brave twice and uninstalled it twice as well, by the way.
No one uses brave or palememe. Stop being autistic and use Firefox
I don't use it, I use iridium
I was considering switching to brave, but looking at the github userscript support has been "planned" for over a year with seemingly no progress towards it
Fuck off pedo
it's the word filter
t b h becomes desu
I use it for mobile tbqh. It's one of the best browsers. Lighting was too slow.
where do you think you are filthy normal subhuman
Stop shilling this shit.
Why on earth would anyone want to use this browser which means you will watch ads that make Brendan Eich richer ?
You'd have to be absolutely retarded.
>Why on earth would anyone want to use this browser which means you will watch ads that make Brendan Eich richer ?
it blocks adds by default
the "brave adds" shit seems to have been a meme to attract early attention
it literally requires you to poke around in the settings to enable
What do you have against Eich?
Also, stop spreading misinformation. And no, I dont want to see your shitty jpegs you spam whenever someone praises Brave for something..
why are you retards shilling chromium forks
Because it's better than shilling chromium spoons.
I'm holding off until it gets NoScript, a User Agent Spoofer, Ublock Origin (their adblock sucks), an HTML5 controller (ala Flash Control), Decentraleyes, Disconnect, Cookie Autodelete/Self Destructing Cookies, and a DNSSEC/TLSA Validator.
Also waiting for firejail to work with it.
Brave on desktop has a LONG fucking way to go before it's ready for anything NEAR my wants/needs.
>it blocks adds by default
It blocks ads which haven't paid Brendan Eich to be 'whitelisted', if you pay Eich your ads will be shown.
Why would you want to watch ads that make Eich richer ? Why not use another browser and just block ALL ADS, or decide to enable ads only for sites that YOU want to help financially.
'Brave' is a racket, it's about fooling retards into watching ads from companies who pay Brendan Eich money.
Not defending brave, as I'm You can disable ads in brave (as effectively as ABP, anyways). If you opt in to viewing ads, then you get brave ads, where the hosting website gets 1/3 of the money, Brave gets 1/3 of the money, and you (or a group of your choosing) gets 1/3 of the money.
Presuming that Brave does a good job curating safe ads that aren't based on search preferences or anything, I wouldn't mind having a few non-malicious ads, and donate the proceeds to the EFF or something.
Until it can have uBlock origin I'm holding off on it.
I use it on my phone
haven't seen an ad yet
what are you on
No. I'm not holding off because I'm not a faggot tranny.
>where the hosting website gets 1/3 of the money, Brave gets 1/3 of the money, and you (or a group of your choosing) gets 1/3 of the money.
Haha, there are people actually believing this ? This is bullshit, this has been 'discussed' as a possibility, it will never happen. The only thing that is real as of NOW and for ETERNITY is that Brave gets money to whitelist ads.
If not, show me how I get money from watching these ads through Brave, I'm waiting...
Consider me corrected. I thought that was what Brave Payments was. Obviously not.
At any rate, I still maintain that Brave isn't ready for primetime on the desktop. ABP is a pretty shitty ad blocker, too.
You really hate Google and Mozilla, eh?
I was excited to get paid by watching ads.