Why aren't you using a Pentium 4?


Because I'm using a Pentium III.

>why aren't you injecting pure heroin into your eyeballs?

live in warm climate, don't need a heater

I'm waiting the 15 Ghz version.

Samefag tripfag fail

would a 15Ghz p4 have more instructions per cycle*frequency than a modern intel?


It would probably burn the modern CPUs in terms of single core performance.


If you mean literally incinerate a modern cpu you'd be right.

It would be quite cold thanks to the liquid hydrogen reservoir you have to fill every day.

Because it can't redline like this.

Because g4560 exists

Because they run too hot and a p3 is more historically accurate for a win 98 system.

(And for XP I'm using 2008 hardware as that was the year 7 launched)

Athlon XP was better. Athlon 64 just put them to shame.
But they are moe in the cute unfortunate clumsy girl way, so I keep a Northwood in my drawer.

why in the fuck are you still creating this thread after over at least a fucking year

kill yourself

How much contact has OP with lead?
This level of autism is out of charts

Oh my god this is embarassing

This. I had an Athlon 64 I didn't give up until 2009.

Was going to post this myself.

Because I want my house to still be standing when I get home from work.

all intel users are, in some way, using a pentium 3. the power of """""innovation""""".

Reminder that the Pentium III was just a modernization of the Pentium Pro.
Intcels are using processors from 1995.

I miss you, Prescott-chan!

Because netburst a shit...

And current AMD products are variants of DEC's EV6. What's your point?

haha, what a cunt. love seeing tripfags get what they deserve

Why? Just wear an extra sweater.


kys yourself

>5 hours passed
>this thread still exists
