Above 6" phones

What's your excuse to not have one? Manlet, girly, small hands, insecure, tight hipster pants that barely fit iHomosexualSE? Come on tell uncle why you are sissy fuckface. It's okay (not).

Only chink/gook companies make them. As soon as Sony or Google makes one, I'd get that

>chink/gook companies

Sony is Japanese, you dumbfuck.


Japanese are not chinks nor gooks, they are East Aryans.

Go back to Sup Forums.

Every phone is a chinkphone. Pay attention to who makes the shit that goes inside them.

I'm not poor and have a 64gb iPhone?

Gook is used for all mongoloid subhumans. Same goes for chink, slant, fish head, zipperhead etc.

imaging being this insecure, i bet you're one of those people who buy big trucks and lift them high as fuck.

Oh wow citing (((Wikipedia)))

But user i actually have one

Show me a 6" phone screen I can abuse like my S7A.

Because I would rather use a laptop then a 6"+ phone.

I like small phones. They feel better in my hand.

Nexus 6P

Assembling is not the same as "making" it you fucking dolt.

Manufacturing is monkey work, the R&D is where the real real work is.

It's funny because manlets usually go for the big toys to compensate for their midget stature and tiny dicks.

>Implying Huawei or Xiaomi hardware is any different from Samsung, Apple, or LG
Don't be a reddit brand whore. Shits all basically the same.


I have one though.

Phablets are gay.

I'd buy it if it had SD835

The Xiaomeme Mi Max is unironically the best phone I ever used. I wouldn't buy the Max 2 though, the CPU is weaker.

All this first place replies wasted for a Sup Forums topic
This thread is dead

it's coming soon.

Currently on 5.7"

>Above 6" phones

Anything above 5 inches, is a tablet and no longer a phone. kys

what phone isn't over 5" these days?

You say that has if it was a bad thing.
I had an iPhone 5S, then moved to a Samsung Note 5. After a couple of days I found myself instinctively leaving my laptop at work and using the Note for pretty much everything else. I simply stopped using PCs and laptops all together

Holy fuck that's a tablet. Why the fuck do people want to carry a tablet in their pockets? This is fucking retarded phones need to be phones again. 5.2 display master race.

that's great user, happy for you. but you're not carrying a phone anymore, its a tablet with a phone capability.

Mine is 5.5" and it's just at the limit where I can reach the far edges of the screen with my thumb when using it one handed (I've learned to slide it around a little in my hand to get the extra reach when needed). I don't see this working for anything bigger.

>having a phone smaller than your dick

They don't make 12 inch phones.

>5.5 inch
Oh my

Because almost none of them support American LTE bands and Xperia XA1 is way too goddamn expensive for a "lol Cortex-A53" phone.

I'm using a xiaomi mi mix on T-Mobile in the Midwest, works flawlessly. Not to take the wind from your arguments sails, but sometimes a band or two slip through the cracks.

sony xa1 ultra.
but i believe it is mediaturd chip.