
Just built this computer and it said reboot and select proper boot device. I looked it up and changed my boot priority to SSD. Still gives me that message if I don't enter BIOS. Wtf do I do?

Did you install an operating system on the SSD? Because it's not a boot device without something on it to boot.

Get your BIOS updated, seriously. MSI's AM4 BIOS' are fucking terrible

t.X370 Gaming Pro Carbon Owner

Thank you I think that's the problem lmao.

install g

I literally JUST finished building my pc. I'll do that stuff down the line

>I literally JUST finished building my pc. I'll do that stuff down the line
You installed your OS without updating your BIOS first?

Are you fucking retarded?

I completely forgot about an OS in the first place...

Not OP, but does that matter?
Every manufacturer explicitly states do not update your bios unless you absolutely have to. Most updates are for very edge case fixes.

Even considering all this, the order doesn't make a damn bit of difference. If you fuck up flashing the bios, then your bios is fucked, not OS.

This is the most disappointing problem I've seen today. Get your life together OP.

I realized I simply didn't get an OS lol. I'll just go at Walmart and get botnet 7 or 10.

I'm new to computers obviously. At least I'm trying ;-;

Early platforms for new chips often have issues you need to do a BIOS update for, once it is matured there's usually less problems.

Most of the reason they said not to update your BIOS was because power outage could lead to bricked board, but that's less of an issue now that most boards come with dual BIOS and even hardcoded recovery abilities.

But apparently OP was even more retarded and didn't have an OS to boot in the first place.

That's a disgusting BIOS
"At least I'm trying"

Good on you, it's honestly more than I can say for half of Sup Forums, it's all shitposting over which company they make richer

keep on truckin kiddo. Go get that OS that you somehow forgot about. Lots of us make mistakes with our first builds. I had a friend who shorted mobos because he failed to mount them properly so a missing OS is a lot more convenient to deal with. You built her and she POSTs so, windows-allowing, you'll enjoy your new build soon.

I'm curious what you thought should happen?

>see OPs pic
>read comment
>That's a disgusting BIOS
>instantly think to myself "must be MSI"
>open pic to look closer
>mfw it is MSI


You can get a key on ebay for like $5 if you don't want to pirate it

Best spy.

Just go to the pirate Bay and get the creators update version 15xxx

I'm gonna put it on a m2 ssd when my 1600x comes.

Don't go with anything under w10 if you're gaming

Return the 2133Mhz RAM and get 3000 or 3200Mhz sticks, Ryzen needs fast memory

Also this.

Gskill make a nice 3200 16gb kit thats cheap it's what I got