Now that Zuckerberg and Google proved to be spying, botnet-enabling, mind controlling freaks, I have to say that I am glad that we still have /ourGuy/ based Bezos who hasn't sold his soul to the devil yet. It's good there's at least one tech multinational that we can trust. The last bastion of freedom. No scandals, no botnet, no collaboration with NSA. Just a good service for all to enjoy. Thank you, based Bezos.
Now that Zuckerberg and Google proved to be spying, botnet-enabling, mind controlling freaks...
Thank you, Jeffrey.
Yeah now I think about it, he has no interest in working for the government when he is trying to become bigger than the government
just like every other fucking device linked to google that has access to your mic, fuck off you have no argument here.
Only thing Amazon has to work on is their warehouse conditions for workers. It seems like complete hell to work there as they're anal as fuck with you doing work, everything has to be precise and on time or you get the boot. I get Amazon wants to keep their deliveries on time, their promise at fast shipping and shit, but if you treat the poor saps who make that promise happen like shit, then you won't deliver that promise. They either need to go all robots in their warehouses, or be much more lenient and pay a shit ton more to those poor workers destroying their health and making them work overtime for eh pay.
>Only thing Amazon has to work on is their warehouse conditions for workers.
No they don't, and you're brainwashed if you think a company is obligated to make work easier for their paid employees.
Never said make the work easier, I meant go easy on them with their firing rules and pay them more for the the way they horribly treat them.
>They either need to go all robots in their warehouses
They've been pretty open about how that's the plan. They neither need nor want a great deal of loyalty from their warehouse workers, they just need them for a few years while they get the automation done.
Why would they offer more pay if they don't have trouble filling the positions? Even that "we're going to hire 50k people" event recently featured a lot more than 50k applicants.
>employee can't do the job they voluntarily agreed to do
>employee should continue to earn the same wage they agreed to receive in return for performing the duties they have failed to perform
Every software and hardware product amazon has ever made has been trash code. Literally stupid broken shit.
>shitty navigation
>makes it impossible to find a specific thing
>tries to hide good shit from you in your search
>can't actually sort by price: it "advertises" the shit it wants to the top of the sort.
>useless piece of shit trash android based os
>not even having play store
>using android 2.fricken2
>what a cuck type of person would buy a kindle fire
>amazon shit tv stick
>trying to shoehorn you into their streaming service
>basically a copy of netflix
>obviously bribed the tv industry alot of money to get the shows on that platform
>literally fourth best cloud service
>doesn't even have graphical interface
>azure is better
>google is better
>ibm is better
>only makes money because they overwork people to make it cheaper
>what gives amazon
>amazon echo absolute trash
>amazon factories
>people literally fainting from heat exhaustion from being overworked
>paid nothing
>amazon programming jobs
>firing people right and left for no reason
>constant firing
>nobody wants to fucking work there cause it's a shark fest
>everything amazon has made is trash
>yeah that beezos is "our guy" alright
completely misunderstood my point, good job kiddo
it's not overwork if they can do it
most warehouse workers are quite happy with their job
your point is that Amazon "overworks" and "horribly mistreats" their employees, which is subjective, and I have no reason to believe you have ever been within 100 yards of an Amazon campus.
I have talked to them and no they are depressed as shit and want to kill themselves
fake and gay, also you can't stop amazon, they are a decent company and pay employees fair wage for fair work.
physical work is more demanding and paid less than intellectual work, because it requires fewer skills.
if a consenting adult agrees to perform physical labour for an agreed upon amount of wage, and both parties fulfil their obligations in the contract, then what is the problem? are you insinuating that amazon employees are not consenting adults who are capable of making their own decisions? because it really sounds like you are insinuating that amazon employees, particularly warehouse employees, are not adults who are capable of making their own decisions, and require someone (namely you) to make those decisions for them.
That's workers in general, user.
>I work at an Amazon warehouse
>It's not even physical
>I drive powered industrial trucks around all day
>My life is somehow better than either of you even expected
>>My life is somehow better than either of you even expected
my point exactly. marxists think they know everything and that every made up problem has a "solution". they're wrong.
> Jeff Shekelzos
He was a meek Jew before he got a sniff of coin, now look at him. He is the very picture of the covetous Jew stereotype meme.
elon musk started the OpenAI initiative a couple years back to compete with the skynet terminators of Apple/Google/Facebook
this is the same ai that was at the dota tournament
Heres a little treat from the wiki that is amazon related
"corporations such as Amazon may be motivated by a desire to use open-source software and data to level the playing field against corporations such as Google and Facebook that own enormous supplies of proprietary data."
Their whole system works on burning people out though, it's sort of an intentional flaw. They don't expect anyone to work there for more than 6-12 months.
There's a reason we outlawed not giving people lunches and bathroom breaks and making employers pay extra for overtime and had a minimum wage is because they used to work people 16 hours a day for pennies with no breaks. There is a reason we have labor laws. Just because amazon is skirting on the very edge of what is legal to do to their workers does not make it ok.
Not to mention the software employees are treated like shit too.
>company that makes 0 profit to push product out to consumers for as cheap as possible
Wait how is Amazon skirting on the very edge of what is legal to do to me
Right now I'm 4x10h, 30min lunch and 10min breaks
>Just because amazon is skirting on the very edge of what is legal to do to their workers does not make it ok.
actually it is, by definition. "the edge of what's legal" is legal. The law is a line in the sand, you must do X and must not do Y. It's therefore fine for someone to do the minimum required amount of X and go tight up to the edge of doing Y.
tfw they offer free shipping via amazon at their own expense
what a nice judean fellow
>makes 0 profit
t. Jewish accountant
>Tracks you everywhere to sell you shit on amazon
>Tries to merge every single possible service into Prime subscriptions to keep you doing everything through them
>Have their own android store
>Own version of netflix
>Own version of itunes
>Own storage hosting
>Own cloud computing
>Will even find you impoverished retards to do human-labor work remotely
>Started the at-home wiretap you buy trend
He's just as bad as the rest.
Who cares if Amazon is a botnet. That's a face you can trust.
>makes 0 profit off amazon
>constantly investing in new technologies and taking arguably stupid risks in order to try new shit
>company provides good service, doesn't spy on you, and keeps prices low
le epic post, upvoted! let's #MAGA on r/the_donald
>Will even find you impoverished retards to do human-labor work remotely
Hey now, a lot of those retards do my job for me. Mech Turk is nice as fuck, those idiots do shit that I'd hate to do for
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
>unfounded, ridiculous, and bombastic rhetoric
no wonder they call this board 'random' xD
BBC Panorama - Amazon
Isn't ourgoy the one who paid Ubotnetu for years to be hardcoded?
If people don't unionize then they can't complain. They will just get fired. People without unions cannot expect any rights, all worker rights that are law comes from unions. A business has no responsibility other than earning money. If they earn more money by treating their workers as shit then that is what they need to do. Unions are there to make it more profitable to treat and pay workers well. It is the only force that can do that. So no, amazon should NOT treat them better, because they earn more money to treat them bad and the management has a job to get profits, not waste company money on charity
>sign up for job involving lots of walking
>waaaaaaa w-w-walking is hard
>amazon's response
>buys kiva
>whatever it was they were thinking about before hunger and the hot sun told them they have to earn a living
You mean jacking off and leeching off of technological advancements (that some, decent people have to work to maintain)
If you don't like it, quit
Unless you're a fucking child unable of voluntarily making any changes in his life
m8 do you even english
I was expressing disbelief that Amazon was skirting illegality with my totally sensible work and break schedule
He is not sold because he is devil himself
T. I am a corporate cuck fuck me daddy.
ROFL the "government" and NSA are some of their biggest customers.
It's a dream
Only a dream
And it's fading now
Fading away
It's only a dream
Just a memory without anywhere to stay
This. People who work for a living need to know how the rich view them. They send them to fight their wars and don't mind if they work them to death for peanuts. It's not enough to have laws and the democrats don't do so well. The only real teeth in the 'American way of life' is the threat that people will organize. Unions created the norms we have today. It's time to do it again.
>$0.02 have been deposited to Amazon Mechanical Turk account
you've never actually even used amazon, have you, user?