
Hello Sup Forums, I have an idea for a new operating system. This operating system will be at simple as can be on the user level, here is what I have so far:
>No command line is available
>Everything is big and bright pictures, text is avoided as much as possible
>installation has no options, just a huge "INSTALL" button
>no keybinds, too confusing. You click on everything basically
>written in the Go programming language
>all files and programs is put in desktop, can't be hidden
>what little text there is will be in very simple syntax: "DELETE FILE. GOOD?" (GOOD/BAD)

Any more ideas?

Sounds like MacOS


Pretty much ChromeOs / iOs actually

have it only be able to use software developed on that OS, for that OS


no resizable windows at all
only run one program at a time
your pc is now a giant iphone

Read the OP again.
>No command line is available
MacOS has a more robust command line than Windows.


Mmmmm file.

>what is powershell

more like iOS 2 be quite 2bqh

You mean IOS, but you'll try to push Go rather than Swift (do you even want to bother...?)


>there are no files in your pc everything is just a shortcut to an online cloud

Actually there's a plethora of terminal emulators and you can have pretty much any shell you'd like.

>windows have no close button, in fact they are closed if you focus anything else on the os.
And when it "closes" it really never does, it is just hidden from the user. If more ram is needed then a each application will be closed in the order it was opened.


Conventional names for certain actions should be re-evaluated to be better suited for those of less fortunate intellect, a few examples:
Delete = EAT
Create = LEGO
Run = GO
Shortcut = GOFAST

Screw that.

This is how it should be done.
>boot up pc
>it's just a fullscreen browser window with links to all the normalfaggot sites

That is ChromeOS


all files are the same type, .file
all programmed from scratch

neat, I like it.

Like, the language Scratch?


You mean iOS? That was the whole point of iOS, to be ridiculously simple. macOS is a fucking UNIX operating system made up of a lot of FOSS elements such as Darwin, XNU and even CUPS. Of all the major operating systems Windows is the only one which vastly stands out as having no UNIX heritage whatsoever. Virtually every other operating system has UNIX elements except Windows. That's why Windows is such dogshit.

It only needs to access maybe 4 sites. facebook instagram amazon ebay.

That's literally the totality of the internet for the average normie in 2017. Even reddit is somewhat obscure to them.

>only plays games and browses trap porn

Is this classic MacOS?

MacFags on suicide watch

it should only come installed on manufacturer hardware like mac, and have no on/off switch or any buttons of any kind, it should turn on when you plug it in.

only Unicode supplementary multilingual plane symbols are implemented

It's touchscreen

You've got your maymays mixed up, Winskiddie.

it should have text-to-speech enable by default, and thats the only way to interact with the machine


scratch that, the machine opens facebook by default when turned comfy


>written in the C programming language
Remember kids, C is a brainlet language.