Firefox Nightly

is the superior browser.

>can be detelemetrized, if you're not a fucking brainlet
>9000x the speed of chrome of any other browser
>aesthetically pleasing and modern UI
>flawless high IQ comfy logo
>supports all firefox addons, unless you're a brainlet

literally not even 1

Other urls found in this thread:

>>can be detelemetrized, if you're not a fucking brainlet
Okay post the steps

I wrote a standalone app to identify and nullroute phonehomes.

alpha & buggy as hell

>can be detelemetrized, if you're not a fucking brainlet
So can Chromium
>9000x the speed of chrome of any other browser
Benchmarks and common sense disagree with you
>aesthetically pleasing and modern UI
Which they change every month
>flawless high IQ comfy logo
pic related
>supports all firefox addons
Not for long. The about:config setting for enabling legacy extensions in Nightly is going away soon.

Go shitpost somewhere else furfag

Okay so it's meaningless

Explain how.

>can be detelemetrized, if you're not a fucking brainlet
Nightly gets updated every day with new botnet features. You wouldn't be able to keep up. Best to stick with release/esr.

t. chrome pajeet

>So can Chromium
stopped reading right there
2/10 for effort

I don't mind if mozilla records how I use it. I trust them with my data

>I don't mind if mozilla records how I use it. I trust them with my data
wtf why so dumb

This is clearly OP trying to save his lame ass thread.

how the fuck do i enable the compact theme

I had it working at first, but now i don't have it. While I don't really NEED it, wouldn't mind it back just for demonstration purposes

oh i see. It's not available in nightly because it uses photon

Cool, I am now excited for 57 to reach stable because it has the option to use just a regular old light theme independent of your GTK theme. the compact theme in 55 makes the tab the color of my GTK highlight and it looks like ass, so hopefully that sticks around

brainlet detected

>t. chromecuck wih broken detector

>t. brainlet

This!!! I debotneted chromium on my pc and it was super easy. You just need to add chrome to firewall block sir and then it never send any data to google. Very easy fix sir I recommend u try

That pic is reddit-tier cringe.

But I gotta admit Nightly is pretty great.

>slower than chrome
>most addons not supported
>le epic muh logo very wow memes
>supported by Soros and mozilla spend their money on dumb shit like removing "offensive" words from code
>most programmers working at mozilla are feminists and low IQ african NIGGERS because muh diversity

x the speed of chrome of any other browser
over 9000?
stopped readin this mozilla employees post after that.

It doesn't support any addon. What are you talking about.

>I don't mind if mozilla records how I use it. I trust them with my data
Nice shill Mr Soros

>supported by Soros
>implying google isn't

>most programmers working at mozilla are feminists and low IQ african NIGGERS because muh diversity
>implying programmers at google aren't

no crashes so far. I haven't noticed any bugs too


>>>supported by Soros and mozilla spend their money on dumb shit like removing "offensive" words from code
>>most programmers working at mozilla are feminists and low IQ african NIGGERS because muh diversity
It is funny that by that descriotion I can't tell if you're talking about Mozilla or Google.
Funny and sad.

How do you remove the botnet?

I downloaded it today, and have been using it a bit. It's honestly not bad, but definitely a tad slower then Chrome.

i literally have 0 problems, using it as a daily browser, i suppose you think the same of archlinux, which i also use

>Firefox is supported by Soros
This is fake news. If you disagree,then provide some concrete evidence. I'm waiting.

Shitty default config

Ok wtf did I do wrong my firefix plays like this what did I do wrong?

>using chrome for ages because of easy netflix use and plex.
>finally get fed up with it running like shit on my little mini media PC in my living room
>install firefox nightly
>plex and netflix still run like shit

I'm at that sad point in the life of this little computer that I have to come to terms that it might be a tad shit in 2017.

I've been using it exclusively for over a year and haven't got a single problem.

Inferior adblocking and element blocking
>benchmarks disagree
Not lately
>pic related
nobody cares
>no addons
Will support all chrome addons, and there's no reason to support abandonware

Go shitpost somewhere else chrome shill

I can enable Compact if I go to Customize and change Density at the bottom

>>Firefox is supported by Soros
>This is fake news. If you disagree,then provide some concrete evidence. I'm waiting.
No evidenece needed, at the very least it's guilt by association. At it's worst it's possibly tampering with the truth.

Let's not forget, Mozilla who is "diversity etc" is going to be using a "filtering engine" sponsored and funded by a Nazi collaborator.

I just use Vivaldi.

I hope sex turns out to be as good as that logo

>I hope sex turns out to be as good as that logo
maybe but if you use that browser you are destined to lose your virginity to your own sex.

It isn't

Waterfox is faster

what are the Sup Forums approved extensions?

The amount of shilling for this trash on Sup Forums is ridiculous

it only pops up when you have a download going
the thing that really bugs me is you can't move the button to a different spot

>mfw I ask if you can provide evidence of your claim and you say no evidence is needed

Jesus Christ, fuck off dude. Confirmation bias is a bitch and you're its lover

does firefox 55.0.2 effect addons?

>>can be detelemetrized
literally no one has posted how, mozilla pls go.

Well you seem to be gay and firmly up Mozillas ass. Suggest you open your fucking eyes you little weeb fag.

uBlock Origin and Reddit Enhancement Suite

>Inferior adblocking and element blocking
Same as Firefox now that it only supports WebExtensions

what's wrong with pale moon? :^)

Thanks doc

try disabling hardware acceleration.

>Yeah, well, you're gay!
Nice comeback, I thought of a similar one when I was 12 years old.

Now, I have taken your advice and opened my eyes, and I'm waiting to see some evidence of your claim "Firefox is supported by Soros"

Prove it, I dare you

>go to about:config
>write "telemetry"
>set everything that appears to false

so do i just stick this whole tar.bz2 into /usr/local/bin/ ?


>literally not even 1
Being unable to run NoScript is "literally even 1."

NoScript is going to be ported though, also uMatrix is better.

>uMatrix is better
what the fuck are you talking about, umatrix doesn't even implement half the stuff noscript is used for

Name one thing uMatrix lacks. Are you confusing it with uBlock Origin (which obviously isn't a NoScript replacement)?

Does RES actually do anything that makes it worth dealing with more CPU expensive JS?

>using Jew browsers

>no telemetry to start with
>supports all firefox addons

>a brainlet will come up with a few

>Win10 can be debotnetted, just write a ring 0 exploit that blocks its home calls!

Literally every browser

x the speed of chrome

congrats you fall on the first and only hurdle

>>Yeah, well, you're gay!
>Nice comeback, I thought of a similar one when I was 12 years old
So you're a gay 12 year old user?
Does your mommy know you come here?

Thrice I tried uploading to Soundcloud. I gave up and went back to Iridium.

Discord text area where you type in your stuff is also not of the correct width.

Preformatted HTML text scaling is also not correct. Not sure if pre only or code only or pre > code. But Edge and Chrome scaled the same.

Firefox Nightly is like half the speed of Chromium in benchmarks.

Not true at all
Chrome is still inferior, even with Firefox going WebExt.

Source is gorhill on a github discussion, I don't have the link right now.

>Mozilla will partner with global media organizations to do this, and also double down on our existing product work in the space, like Pocket, Focus, and Coral. Coral is a Mozilla project that builds open-source tools to make digital journalism more inclusive and more engaging.

No mentions of anything being done on Firefox.
Fuck off, retard.

well, it was made by plebbitors.

Pale Moon or Waterfox

Is there a good all-in-one privacy extension for Firefox?

Basically I want something like Brave's shields, with HTTPS, script blocking, fingerprint blocking, and ad blocking all together. I don't want thousands of different shitty extensions to do the same job.

>There is much more I could list here. It baffles me that some people thinks Firefox is becoming a “Chrome clone”, it’s just not the case, it’s just plain silly to make such statement.

Kek, Sup Forums retards and Chrome shills BTFO.