Be 3rd world

>be 3rd world
>Pay $15/mo for 10/10Mbps 350GB
>See pic related
>Data limit is also removed from next month
Feels good man
Thanks free market competition!

>Be Mexican in a Ranch
>Get 25/5Mb for $15

>be American
>pay $80 a month for 250 down, 15 up
>when converting purchasing power, that's $3 in your third world shit hole

>only 20
still can't believe this jewery is allowed

Which city are you from? Here in Kochi its rs 1000 for 4mbps

>live in germany
>pay 10€ for 3GB per month

That's India which has the second largest population on earth and as far as I know they don't have a very fast connection to the rest of the world. It's not that surprising they'd have small limits.

Countries like USA have it easy in comparison, most data traffic in USA is within borders or goes to EU, which is a really fat pipe. So they can give you absurd bandwidth without having to worry about saturation.

Be Mexican in the city

get 20/20 for $20 unlimited.

could have 200/200 for $50 but don't really need it.

>be American
>pay 75 American burgers for 30/5
>only other option is 3/1 DSL
can't make this shit up

all true except I'm from Nepal :^)
I was using dialup 10 years ago at 5 kbps. This shit is super fast for us. lol

>be Paki
>pay ~$25 for 10/10 no limits

>live in Poland
>pay $14 for 300Mbit
>other isp has 1Gbit for $22 but it's not available in your region

140$ for gigabit up/down, starting this year as soon as the fiber has been installed

lel what even

still no unlimited data plan for mobile, when will we catch up?

>be somewhat rural american
>30/2 is $75/mo
At least i dont have a data cap.

Ausfag I pay for 50mbit/20mbit but don't even get 5/5 during peak hours and it's 70aud for 500gb it shit

>be 1st world
>neighbor pays $70 1000/1000 for Fiber 1000
>pwn his router
>see pic related

>be 1st world american
>pay $70 for 75/5Mbps
>no data caps

could be worse


Whats up with upload speeds being so much lower? Does it allow them to offer higher dl speeds if they decrease ul speeds?

The only people uploading more than 1mb are torrents :~)

>this is what Americans tell themselves

That's nothing, mine in Maryland is 3X better

What's your IP, friend. I'd like to verify these claims.

Russia, tenbux/mo for 50/50 and 100-something telly channels to placate relatives.

9,99€ for a 100/10. I should probably move to a student apartment though, they get 100/100 for free.

i don't know why but a lot of isps do this

collection means download and posting means upload
>google translate still sucks

I am not OP but in Chennai it's 50KB/PS for an arm and an leg.

>Be retard
>Post blog on Sup Forums
Feels good man

I have 50/5Mbps for $30, 500GB data caps
BUT I don't even use it as much as I could...
the cheaper option is 8/1.25 for $20, that would save me $120 a year... hmm...

>2nd world
>10$ for 100/100 unlim
>no new plans for years and it may actually become more expensive
Sure love all these new ISP regulations

If that happens, just cancel it and hop from offer to offer between ISPs every few months. Meanwhile your old ISP will introduce something for "newfags" or those who have cancelled their subscription before certain date. The ride never ends.

>be strongest race
>5up 1.5down

i hate this country so much

>Its supposed to be 100/100 but my street is shit

Still feels good

fuck our shit infrastructure t b q h.

>be me
>20€ for 150/20
>no gap


>my isp doesnt block any torrent / ilegal site
Feels good

Tfw I pay $40 for 6GB at 5mbps. US internet is the literal worst in the world.

>live in Poland
>~11$/mo for 50/5
>no fucking data caps
>no filtering by ISP

>be french
>Pay 16€/mo for 100/10 Mbps
>no data caps

>29.50$ / 25€
>I only watch videos from Youtube/Netflix and browse Sup Forums

Wait where the fuck do you get 3GB for 10€??
I only get 1,5 for that, and that's already considered cheap. And full blown 70€/m contracts don't have more than 3GB as well
Telekom (german T-Mobile) actually has one. Only €199, PER MONTH! Without phone or anything of course

>be ausfag
>Govt spends $60bn over 5 years to upgrade internet
>On upgraded network get 8/1 for $60 per month
>National carrier dropped out 4 times last year affecting entire nation
>Isp forced to block arbitrary sites and collect data on users
>New properties that can't connect to new network have no alternative
>This is considered acceptable

That's fucked up.

>be canadian
>7 down 1 up
>$50 per month

Being in america sucks dicks sometimes poland friend. I pay a chinkphones worth of money every month for 60/20.

That's retarded

I agree. Third worlders pay out the ass for internet.

>Be arabin sand nigger
>16******* m/bit
> Witch fucking means 1600kb download speed
>450kb upload speed
> Someone nuke me

50$ for internet a month + another 50 for phone line up , because without it you no longer have access to internet

>be German outside of a 100k city
>DSL 384kbit/s

>be flippino
>8Mb (at night) / 30USD
>secretly caps to 1Mb after 3GB, after advertising "unli data"

>posting pictures

>be rural flippino
>pay 30USD for 2.5Mbit speeds
>decreases to 0.5Mbit speeds during 8:00AM-12:30AM
>cant gaym League of Legends PH cuz of IP blocked cucked competition against ISP holding LoLPH servers
>but it seems we dont have data caps system, or i might be wrong
>torrent 24/7, over 100Gbytes monthly

What the fuck Orange it's 4 times the price here (even though it's either 300 Mbps or 1 Gbps)

>Be leaf
>Get 25/3 at 50 GB cap for $50

I wish I was fucking joking, there are only two companies that control the internet here the rest are unreliable re sellers

>be in mexico in the city
>pay 50 for 100/24 fiber to the home

>3rd world
I'm confused.

what's there to be confused about? 3rd world people can speak more than 2 or 3 languages. It is important for their survival.

>Be burger.
>Live in city with GLORIOUS Google Botnet 1000/1000Mbps for $70
>Move out of parents house to city 20 miles away
>AT&T DSL 13.5/1Mbps for $57 a month plus $99 "installation"
>Can get Sprint Band 41 LTE from my bed @ 70/3Mbps


>be american
>pay $40/month for shitty DSL
>no other options unless I want satellite that charges me per gb

> live in russia
> 2010: cheap unlimited fast internet, somewhat good mobile internet
> 2013: cheaper, and even faster internet, awesome unlimited cheap mobile internel
> 2017: even 'unlimited' internet gets limits, many sites is being blocked, you can get in jail for 4 year old commentary in social network, mobile operators don't care about federal anti-monopoly service and don't remove other regions roaming (20 times more expensive then in your home region, wtf?), keep increasing prices and lowering quality, govs want to know everything about you and want to prohibit anonymity

Feels bad man

Know a similar feel.
>In college in bumblefuck NY
>Living off campus
>Girls who live below us in the house unknowingly pay for 2 internet bills, ours and their own
>Ask them if we can move our modem and router for our internet upstairs
>They say sure
>Now have total access to "our" own internet and it's free

What is it with russia and totalitarian governments

>be a kiwi living in the icy wastelands of the arctic
>1gb/s unlimited fiber for the price of 1 fish&chip per day

>life in 3rd world (murika)
>pay 80/mo for 100/10 with 300gb cap
>data magically fills itself up
>mfw my dl speeds are throttled to 20/2 until I google the words "speed test" then everything magically gets fast as fuck
>mfw when a dozen different websites all stop loading and hang for several seconds using the magic words "speed test" suddenly makes everything instantly finish loading

>be in Norway
>the whole infrastructure is old and owned by a single telecom giant
>pay 50 bucks for 20 Mbit down and 1mbit up

What a load of shit

>Live in Australia
>Have mobile data caps
>Have broadband data caps

>100/100 came with my apartment for FREE!!$!$

>live in Australia
>pay $100 for 30 down 1 up w/ 1TB cap

>be canada
>20mbit down 1.5mbit up for $34/mo
>actually a really good fucking deal now considering how FUCKED I was getting 30mbit from shaw for $82/mo
>next step up is 30mbit down 5mbit up is $41/mo
>can't justify $7 more to the jews

>live in East Europe
>pay 20€ for pic related without caps

Life is good.

>$45 100/50
>free electricity thanks to last owner installing solar panels
>able to buy cheap parts from Newegg
>Can own guns
Feels good here.

iiNet unlimited ADSL was quite nice. Now we hard to start all over with the fibre speed tier jew.

I pay 10 usd for 1Gbit/500 upload mbps no limits, fiber comes next to my computer - Romanian.

I know, kill me

I hate this kind of shit.
Currently living in France, used to have Free as FAI, they throttled youtube speeds because they wanted google to shell out, had to use a fucking vpn for anything over 360p

We have 24/1 maximum, and it huuuurts, man, it hurts...

>using the smiley with a carat nose
>using the smiley with a squiggly nose

>live in UK
>Hundreds of ISPs to choose from
>Currently paying £13/m for unlimited unthrottled 4G
Get mad amerifats

>Be Australian
>Pay $100 a month
>get 6 down, 1 up
>get drop outs
>get packet loss

Slowly getting better with NBN but a lot of people are reporting issues with it... Friend of mine pays for 100/20 and only gets 22/5.

>300kb/s down, like 200kb/s up
>35€ each month
>telekom, no data caps (as if I am ever gonna reach something at all)
>download(read: watch youtube) between 70 and 100gb each month

I am still happy and do not see any reason to leave this place.

>some 3rd-world country in SEA
>$8 a month
>2.7 MB/s up&down
>no cap

Romanian here, 14€ gets you a prepaid SIM card with 8GB LTE and 4000 minutes

>tfw paying 15eur/mo for 1Gbps
feels good being superior to murricans

>Live in France
>Pay 3€ for 50GB and just reduced speed after that

fake news
t. uk

I live in a rural town in Oregon and just switched from 20doen/5up to 200down/50up. It feels like I'm flying.

Ur paying to much Op
No cap, 10mbps(80mbps on p2p) per month for approx. $8

3rd world here
>50 up, 30 down
>no cap
>fiber to the home
>35 usd

There's cheaper options but my home is not in the covered location, same price but 100 up and down with no caps.

>no cap

putang ina land?

USA first world

No data cap

>be britbong
>pay £30/m for 80/20
>absolute fastest they offer for my area
>only get 50dl but at least the 20ul is accurate
>complain and ask for help
>engineer comes over, does some tinkering
>boosts it to 54 somehow

When will the britbongs stop getting cucked? At least we have it better than strayans I guess

>Be Bulgarian
>$9 for 100 Mbps up & down or $17 for 200 Mbps up & down Fiber-to-the-home
>Life is good

>be romanian
>15 yuroz for TV + internet
>steam downloads at 30mb/s

Yes. It was originally a 50/50mbps plan but it got bumped up to 100/100.

300/30 with no caps for $60/month