
Let's pretend there can only be one objectively good distro.
Which one is it, Sup Forums? (and why)

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Debian, because it is the distro I use


Debian, because it is the distro uses

Define "good." User-friendly? Linux Mint. Light on resources? Arch or gentoo.

It all depends on what you qualify "good" as.

void linux

Debian because LibreKernel and reproducibility.

Lastly, muh portability in embedded ie "The Universal Operating System."

how doth I libre my T420

Debian, stable, fast and decently user friendly. Also it's because it's what uses

hehe, i really like this wallpaper. Mind if I use it?

Yeah I do mind, get fucked.

Gentoo, because it is the distro Sup Forums wants me to install

statically compiled
no bloated package managers
updates via git
superior file system structure
made by based succless
no gnu bloat
superior musl c
includes succless tools by default (i.e. plan 9 coreutils set etc)
based succless init instead of systemd bloatnet

Suckless' software is mostly overrated. They harp on about the Unix philosophy but apparently forgot the "do it well" part. I refuse to believe anyone unironically uses any of their programs other than dwm or st.

They do it well for what they are. Less is more.

Windows 10

And what they are is often quite dumb, especially the programs in the "tools" section. They resemble toys made as some kind of religious tribute to an abstract ideal rather than programs people actually use, and brag about how many SLOC they use as if that's proof of good design in and of itself. If you have to edit your program's source code to make basic user configurations, it's not simple, it's unfinished.

If there is user configuration, its not simple.

dmenu and slock are quite nice as well

If you can't implement user configuration in a simple way, you just suck ass at programming. Sorry senpai.


>made by based succless
>no gnu bloat
>superior musl c
>includes succless tools by default (i.e. plan 9 coreutils set etc)

sucksmore.org should be euthanized at the expense of the state, for their own good.

I only use dwm and st but they're great

Debian, only because uses it

fuck off richard

Unironically Gentoo. It does lack devs though and it's noticeable because it's such an ambitious project. If not for Gentoo, I'd just use Debian desu. Install using mini.iso with no-install-recommends. Very lean system for a binary distro although they're sadly becoming lennartware aka systemdOS quickly

He appears to be a Sup Forumsent of patrician taste.


Yeah, no prob!
I personally use it as a grub bootscreen.

This wasn't me.
Feel free to use it.
It's all licensed creative commons so you can modify and redistribute if you wish!

Debian because :
- it works (stable)
- user friendly
- 100% free software (by default)
- large compatibility with many softwares
- can be modelled for differents usages (server, multimedia center, gaming machine etc)
- can be "minimal" (not like void, gentoo or arch tho)

The downsides are that you are forced to use sytemd (no real alternative on debian) and the shitty wiki/documentation.


Arch, because it has up-to-date software, is stable, has a great wiki, great package manager, and the AUR.


glibc or musl, chose your poison
runit, it's fast and simple
packages are truly community managed
repos, make your own if you want to
libressl instead of openssl, OpenBSD security standards on GNU/Linux
rolling release
just werks
installed in 5 minutes

Source Mage