Start typing your password quickly without looking at screen

>start typing your password quickly without looking at screen
>werent clicked inside password input field
>password is shown to person sitting next to you

good thing you use different passwords for everything and have to change only this one now.

Keep typing with no hesitation. He'll think your password is too long to memorise, so he'll give up before he even begins.

Learn to touch type

Actually a good idea

>enter password
>Look up
>It's google search

Stab him in the eye

>start typing your password quickly without looking at screen
>werent clicked inside password input field
>password is shown to person sitting next to you
>say whops delete the password and enter it in the correct field

that's weird, the 2nd line looks like ************ to me. good thing Sup Forums censors out passwords



it actually works wtf??


wonder if this actually works

This is shit, you know that? See:


It doesn't look like stars to me?

>password is "niggerkiller47"


Is it working?

Sup Forums do you think my password is long enough?


>Using Windows
>Focus is on the password field
>Quickly type your password and press enter
>Some other shitty program popped up and stole focus, making you type in and submit your password fuck knows where

It's the same on Linux. Except for ssh and gpg.

Huh that's neat
My password: ***********

Huh, I didn't think it'd actually work.

>all these scrubbies can't type without looking at the keyboard

Why are your eyes not on the screen while you're typing, OP?

don't worry, I only see this, neat huh?

>It doesn't look like stars to me?

>start typing password
>bonzibuddy pops up
>type your password in bonziworld search field and send it without paying attention.

This legit happened
>be in lab
>finished lab work but not calculations
>decide to email lab partners
>they're huddled around me
>go to Gmail, type in username
>type in 25 character pass
>one the guys chuckles
>click login
>asks to verify on phone
>"oooooh my god" same dude says
>finally logged in and send excel sheet to everyone


hoping it works

My buddy would never do that kind of thing! He learns my habbits and probably predicted I would forget my password!

>typing in passwords
I use keepass to manage all my accounts and passwords of which I use a different 24 character long password on all of them. I only need to open my database and copy/paste.

Using one password for everything is what retards do.

>inb4 some faggot posts that awful xkdc comic about using simple words and combining them because the faggot author behind his comics doesn't understand what dictionary attacks are
>not to mention he's a Hillary supporter

>Calls it xkdc
>Doesn't know how to remember or correctly type passwords

>Have KeePass open
>Go to press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+B to copy the username or password
>Accidentally press Ctrl+V instead which is right in the middle of them
>Activate the fucking retarded auto-type feature and suddenly the password gets written into a random window

fingers crossed


I've given three different passwords to duckduckgo at this point

what were you looking at then faggot? probably a male butt

>page is still loading
>type in your username and tab
>page finishes loading and automatically selects the username field again but youre already starting to type your password
I hate that shit.

i made a pattern by dragging my fingers down and from side to side on the num pad, so my password looks like a very long string of numbers, but I've actually memorized the combination of swipes it takes to type those numbers


>the faggot author behind his comics doesn't understand what dictionary attacks are
He understands what dictionary attacks are but here's the thing.
If you know how the password is arranged (that it is a combination of words) then you can start with that and that's great.
If you don't you will start with the usual, rainbow tables, usual dictionary attacks (dictionary words with some variation of numbers or symbols before or after, etc) and then you'll go into combinations of dictionary words or brute forcing.

What he raises is a very good point in that you can make very secure passwords that are easy to remember just by putting several dictionary words together. You could go from that and make it even more secure by using a non-English word or adding a number or symbol somewhere in it. Because these passwords are inherently very long, putting something that is not in the dictionary in it would effectively turn it into a brute force only password.

Just double click the username or password you want to copy instead.

>about to play League of Legends with friend
>on Discord
>he types his password into Discord instead of password box
>he plays it off as if it wasn't his password
>tfw 6 months later it's still his password
I've never done anything with his account, but it's good to know I have a way to get back at him if he does anything to me

>start typing my email into a new site I've never been on
>chromes autofill already has it completed
>tap enter
>the submission page starts to load, and my full name, address, and debit card number are entered in as my registration name and password

>he has autofill on



epic meme u guis

what kind of shitrockets do you associate with that this would be a problem?

have you tried getting a password manager?

Speaking of, what is the best one for offline use that doesn't involve any company at all? All these online ones are just asking for trouble even though they have guarantees.

keepass is open source and doesn't have any cloud bullshit in it. you just have your pw database and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.

>I use keepass to manage all my accounts
ah, the joy of losing just one program to lock yourself out of your entire bit-existence

The file is so small, it's trivial to backup. Put it on 10 free cloud services if you're that paranoid.

>sitting next to people

How do I log into the cloud services?

Remember at least three, or write em down and put em in a safe. Even if someone gets those, they still don't have your password db key. Nice try being a smartass, though.


The 90s internet wants its meme back

At some point it was revealed that if the form has hidden fields that match those in your browser's autofill DB, they get submitted without you knowing. Eg : if the form has a visible email input and an invisible address field, autofill also fills the address field so when you submit the form, both the email and the address get submitted. Not sure if it was patched though.

Keepass or KeepassX

typical furry

here's your (you) redditard

>not using a private key
I bet you fucks need password managers too

>type password while watching tranny porn on the other monitor
>hit enter
>tfw you realize you just sent it over Discord

And that is how I lost my Nyx.

Pretty sure he took dictionary attacks into account. He rates a "random common word" as 11 bits of entropy, which can be achieved with a pool of just 2048 common words. Meanwhile 5 random letters is like 24 bits of entropy.

>ctrl+f "keepass"
>this faggoty political furry post comes up as the first
>what a fucking disappointment
If I need to login to an account on public computers regularly, I'll use XKCD passwords, which are better than troub@d0ur24 style passwords and take less time than plugging in a USB with Keepass on it.

You still have to remember them all. I have, right now, 88 passwords in my database. I couldn't possibly remember that many passwords, even xkcd-style (keep in mind that it's not just a list of 352 words, but also the exact grouping of the words into 4-word passwords in the correct order, and the association of the passwords with the correct websites).

Also all my passwords are like 120 bits of entropy. That's completely overkill, but 4 words isn't always enough, for autismo security you'll be wanting maybe 5 words (50-60 bits).