>purchase wireless headset >boot into windows directly detects new hardware >asks me if I want to download the drivers >click on yes >3 sec later my headphones just werk
>boot into Linux >os doesn't detect wireless audio USB adapter >reinsert usb >now OS detects it >still no sound >try solution from the magical internet involving messing around with USB hid >still no sound >restart pc >my mouse doesn't work, as well as my keyboard >restart in recovery mode >keyboard and mouse still not working >plug-in old ps2 keyboard >it works with different key layout >change keyboard layout >go to sound settings >alsa sound library crashes >pulseaudio gets stuck >kill the process from the terminal >mouse starts working again >USB keyboard still not working >plug out ps2 keyboard >audio finally works >USB keyboard works again >bad keyboard layout, change it again >audio stops working
I'm done with this.
Jose Barnes
>Ultimate stupidity: the post
Cooper Watson
op here again,
Also, do you guys have a recommendation for a comfy toilet tissue? Here in the US, for paper towels Bounty is usually good but I'm not set in a toilet tissue yet.
Jaxson Foster
>Purchase DAC >Boot into Windows >Have to install driver for a USB 2.0 DAC >Boot into Linux >It just werks
Luis Torres
Made my day. Thank you, sir.
Jose Nelson
>she unironically dualboots Pathetic.
Blake Turner
Been here and had this. Linux is great for most stuff had no driver problems with anything.
Jaxon Price
>Linux is great for most stuff But not for gaming, so...
Brayden Rogers
ok wtf what is wrong with living outside of the ironic / unironic universe? what if I told you I dual boot for a reason you haven't specified?
Christian Cook
I just have two computers on my desk m8.
Brody Ortiz
Dual boot is the only true way
Connor Bennett
Hence why I said most stuff retard.
Adrian Butler
State of Windows
>Have rtl8192cu-based wifi USB stevedongle >when plugged into PC at boot, Windows often doesn't recognize it and I have to pull it out and plug it back in >Official Linux drivers aren't compatible with newer kernels >Download a fix from shithub >It werks everytime >mfw a broken Linux driver that has been fixed by a NEET works better than the official Windows driver
Jose Young
>only true way when you defacate, do you put the toilet tissue in a ball and wipe? Ordo you use them as flat sheets and wipe like that, a few at a time?
honestly curious
Samuel Smith
>reason Like... Gayming? Well, you better stop it, retard.
Jordan King
Windows does not work with faggot peripherals
Henry Cooper
>wipe Why should I do this?
Jacob Hughes
I use a bidet. Checkmate
Evan Flores
This is not of Microsoft's achievement. Also, the Linux kernel cannot be blamed for the manufacturer not make drivers to support their proprietary product.
Alexander Brown
>hurr durr you hold it wrong No doubt
Noah Ortiz
A wireless headset is the prime example of faggot peripherals.
Ryder Morris
The stevedongle part was actually supposed to mock the fact that Applel is dongle hell, the one I'm using is some Belkin shit
Charles Evans
This. If you don't play games very often this really is the best way. Only downside is waiting for months of windows/driver updates to install.
Caleb Jenkins
I wasn't praising windows I was only saying how shitty Linux is.
Asher Gomez
What? Wireless headset is the comfiest piece of hardware I bought in many years. Only faggots that buy 400€ dacs are autistic enough to say "muh audio quality 4080003020.14 kHz 7.2 surround Dolby digital xdddd what a looser I'm using platinum wired senheiser headphones, wireless is for faggots kek"
Levi Butler
How is Linux shitty for its devs not yet making drivers for a proprietary product?
Parker Gomez
Wireless headphones are associated with Apple now, so you pretty much got a cock in your mouth for having a pair.
Sebastian Morgan
Grayson Ramirez
>things that never happened post number 4736284
Caleb Robinson
Carter Rodriguez
Runs all my games just fine, Sup Forums
Michael Lewis
>wireless headset
Cameron Gray
>gaming Opinion dropped harder than trump's popularity Into the it goes
Jaxson Carter
Michael Collins
>wireless headset >windows
OP confirmed faggot.
Nicholas Scott
>wireless headset
Isaac Sanders
>t. Edgy kid that listens to emo music, vaporwave, and lo-fi hip hop.
Fuck of really.
Ethan Wilson
Shouldn't you be getting for your English class tomorrow?
Ian Thomas
Tell me guys, are you that stupid or you are just baiting? Tell me one thing wrong with wireless headphones.
Jacob Collins
same story but >Purchase DAC >Boot into Linux >After few seconds USB hub crashes >Boot into Windows >It just werks, and never crashes
Landon Morales
>wireless headset
Camden Davis
>wireless headset get a load of this faggot cuck lmao
Easton Rodriguez
>she can't understand it was an example to make fun of OP pathetic
Zachary Moore
People actually fall for wireless headset crap? kek
Kevin Thomas
rtl8192cu fag here, caused kernel panics seconds after being plugged in on Linux.
Windows 7 did fuck all with it.
Windows 10 just worked.
William Fisher
It is not any new that audio on Linux is a mess, specially with crackling and popping sounds for usb Dacs..
Ian Brooks
Yeah, when you speak more than 4 languages you fuck up sometimes. Oh that's right you are probably a burger. Nvm
Alexander Perry
spotted the street shitter
Gabriel Gomez
>Just a hobby OS, they said.
>His country doesn't have a Linux powered warship.
Juan Wright
Btw nice selfie.
Colton Sanchez
>wireless headset dumb nigger
Jayden Bell
Fuck off, Rajesh.
Thomas Perez
Not even close. Keep trying m8.
Angel Adams
And I thought that those ignorant Americans that couldn't point where Europe is on a map were a myth. Wow they really exist. Now I understand why your country is going to shit.
Joshua Gomez
>Eurocuck Even more pathetic
Robert Cox
My country is not in the European union so shut the fuck up.
Adrian Howard
I'm not an American, you street-shitting autist.
Ethan Foster
No one cares
Ian Perez
Janny here everyone spot the liar.
David Martinez
Why still replying then? Are u mad xd?
Josiah Robinson
that's a lot of assumptions from one sentece
Evan Bailey
>I'm done with this. You are not ready.
Luke Ward
PulseAudio and USB headphones don't go well together, this is true, but for keyboard and mouse? which linux did you use?
Easton Lewis
I got wireless headphones a few years ago.
Plug dangle into usb. Works, just had to select it to receive output in pulse.
Back when ps3 came out winfags were all "how to ds3 in windows?" I plugged in my ds3, worked.
Aaron Ramirez
State or windows: Logitech G430 doesn't work
Bentley Bell
>install windows 10 on x220t >need to have a second device and usb drive to download install wifi and lan drivers
>install ubuntu 16.04 on x220t >works out of the box
This has been the case with almost every device I've owned in over a decade. I've never been able to set up Windows without a second device for downloading an initial set of drivers. Meanwhile every popular easy to use Linux distro works by default. I'm pretty sure the same can be said for things like Arch and Gentoo, but I don't want to push it