I have a feeling that i'm being discriminated by the email service I use, that whenever I go to a job interview they see @gmail.com and internally laugh at me for picking the plebbiest of email providers
Realistically, does @Outlook.com sound more professional? and no i'm not gonna go to cock.li and pick a fucking domain name like killallnigg.ers or some shit like that
I have a feeling that i'm being discriminated by the email service I use...
>Not using your own domain
how stupid would [email protected] sound?
>not sending email with header "From: [email protected]"
top lel
no one cares about what email you use. send better motivation letters and just keep trying.
Just pay MS $10 a year to use a custom domain that you own.
>not [email protected]
You can do it for Google as well
I don't know much it costs though
I hate how outlook works now, it's really shit compared to the last version of it
It only sounds more professional to idiots. In my experience, when it really matters you should bust out [email protected]. That's been well received more often than my public Outlook e-mail.
Then just buy your own and have it hosted anywhere.
You're looking for a new job? Why do you want to quit Telus Jason?
what would be a suitable name for a domain?
Is it practical to run your own mail server on your vps to host your email for your domain? Or will it inevitably lead to blocked mail, your potential employers not seeing your mail, etc?
You should be fine. Don't spam. Be sure you have a static IP.
Then why is it that when I do a search for this I find tons of threads with posts saying that its a nightmare to host your independent email server, even if you dont spam they still end up blacklisting if you dont jump through a million hoops or if the person who had the IP before it was assigned to your VPS was bad.
Your name. Or at least first/middle initials and last name.
Back when Outlook was still Hotmail, it was considered the least professional provider in existence. I'm not sure if the stereotype still applies today though.
It doesn't. You're absolutely right about Hotmail but now it's the reverse, with people associating Outlook.com with Outlook the "email thing I use at work."
Just how pretentious can you get?
Is protonmail laughable?
I run my own mail server. The initial configuration was difficult, but now it's very easy to maintain. Just make sure you have an MX entry and valid reverse DNS so you don't get marked as spam.
Literally doesn't fucking matter, I applied for my bachelor's, master's, doctorate and two jobs since then, all with [email protected], never been rejected for anything. If you're really concerned, you can say your address is *@googlemail.com and it redirects to your account. I have an Outlook account for using Microsoft services, it's fucking shit and I refuse to use anything but gmail for everything I can. If an employer is so retarded that they reject you based on an email provider then fuck them.
Postmaster is actually required by the relevant RFCs. If you want pretentious, try
I prefer domainlord@
[email protected] would be a sure winner
>get a job at the FBI
>excited about catching bad guys
>Instead you're sending letters to cock.li to protect the interests of your corporate masters
Buy yourself a domain and set up an email using that domain
That's about as pro as it gets
This looks shopped
if you're such a shit candidate that you worry your email service is going to keep you from landing the job then you have much much bigger problems, my friend
oh so [email protected] won't keep me from my dream job at Google?
Yeah but who wants to work with someone who has no social skills?
>sperging out over your email address
>having social skills
pick one
Go to cock.li and get an email address.
Everyone will instantly recognize your professionalism when they see your [email protected] email
A fair point but bear in mind that "tech professional" sites tend to go hog wild every time a major company opens email or social media registration. They know that their target audience wants to get in quick for a professional looking firstname.lastname (or whatever) account. People with social skills really do care about scoring classy usernames.
I linked my domain with Yandex mail (Russian gmail) for free.
At least google won't ban your emails for no reason like mine. I only had them for one day at they got suspended for "spam" when I never even used then, not once.
If you have anything important, don't link it to a Microsoft account.
And IP not being blacklisted... I think there's more. It's a pain in the ass to set up and manage your own email server all while making sure your email doesn't end up in spam. I'd leave it to third party if possible.
It's the exact same thing with the green bubble.
Every day I would come in to work and nobody would talk to me. Outside of work nobody would ever respond to me. Then I realised it's because I got that green bubble
2 rupees have been deposited in your Apple Evangelism Account Pajit.
I accidentally replied to that comment. It was directed to OP.
>not using some weird russian mail address, expecting to confuse the shit out of everyone while in reality, only you get confused
you're doing it wrong user.
>how stupid would [email protected] sound?
How about [email protected], you mouthbreathing plebeian?