You guys don't seriously use Linux, do you?
You guys don't seriously use Linux, do you?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to pick her nose.
do you not?
Of course I don't use Linux.
Itas reat for many things, but it doesnt have the gamer market. Git gud
That's a girl
Yes it's a girl (male).
I use Linux. But did you really need to create a thread for this?
Weak baby chin.
I showed you my dick. Answer me!
As much I like Linux due to it being much better than Windows, I'm not switching until they actually have compatible programs or make Wine actually usable.
I showed you my dick answer me
that's Tsuruko, she's a girl (girl) unfortunately
>girl (girl)
Ugh, disgusting.
I knew it. Face was too girly to be a tranny.
You owe me money now user.
so you can play gayms ?
What do you think, nigger? Including audio production, image editing, and video editing.
Sour grapes.
the best (and only) kind of girl
white weebs try so hard to look japanese.
No I have a life.
she's half chinese or japanese, but she is coy with it and pretends to be asian alot, or atleast puts a lot of effort into making it ambiguous in her bio
Of course I do. I run about 25 Linux servers running nginx and various application servers and databases
Joanna Rutkowska is a girl, right? Right?
Please tell me I'm not the only one
Me too, i use BSD.
>running servers
>on linux
I do. Debian for life my nigga!
This is not a solution. Switch to it now so devs see a point of porting to Linux. Otherwise it will never get software support because users won't use it due to no software support.
hapa, her dad is white and her mom is asian
>Runs the Internet
You can thank me later for red pilling you.
oWo. She's one of my kind. Same parental sumthing.
Yes! I'm posting on my Android device right now
Looks like a boy
bootleg Lobitah
I unironically use Linux for audio/video editing
Image editing is a fucking pain though, I got waay too used to PS. Is there not a way to run .dmg files in a Wine-esque way with better performance? I would think that PS in particular would integrate better if I used the mac version on lenux rather than the windows one.
What audio/video editor do you use?
There was a project called Darling that would run Mac software but it never got very far.
i use it at work and it's vastly superior to windows
fuck linus, i use minix
I use Kdenlive, simple and does what I need it to.
>There was a project called Darling that would run Mac software but it never got very far.
That's a fuckin shame, mac software seems far more optimized on *nix and from where I see it It'd be faster.
I'm pretty sure most people on Sup Forums use Linux.
>i want those grapes up there
>fuck i can't reach
>they're probably sour anyway
weebs should use linux
competetive programming on windows is a really bad idea, i have found several bugs native to windows that will make your code fail silently (at least on g++ compiler... and java for competitive programming is not a good idea neither)...
web development also goes more smoothly on linux than on windows (and i am speaking about both: frontend and backend), because handling windows permissions is a pain in the ass.
but gamedeving can only be done on windows... i've tried to be a linux gamedev and it is (not impossible) painfull.
i guess linux has it's moments... but for gamming: IT SUCKS!
I do, yeah. I think unless you play a lot of games on PC or need specific applications for work (as a hobby the alternatives really are "good enough") Linux would work for most people right now.
I don't know about them, but I definitely run Linux.
What's Linux?
linux has better driver support for my 13 year old laptop than windows xp does
>oem driver downloads come and go.
>linux is forever
awww you beat me to this.
>still denies the Armenian genocide
>attacks white culture for its crimes
It's a nice newfag filter
Let's find out, once and for all:
plez respond
Just finished gettin my arch install all nice and comfy
I want to, but it doesn't have foobar.
It has wine which plays foobar just as well as on windows.
Xen Project is pretty sweet tho
And he conveniently says black people need reparations for slavery yet he conveniently doesn't remember the ottoman empire
If you are good with computers then Linux is the better OS because it isn't a padded cell for normies. You can do things with it is what I'm saying
Can someone explain what Wine is to me ples, I just don't get it.
Shit if I was half Japanese I'd be running to Japan for that sweet heritage citizenship. You qualify for citizenship if you can trace your lineage to a native Japanese so having a Japanese parent is good enough. I'm tired of $8 bowls of subpar knock off.
Wine is an attempt to create a Windows API under Linux. It works great for a lot of Windows software. Usually not so great for really complex software.
I use gentoo on my pc and laptop.
They don't call him Chunk "Yogurt" for nothin
>girl (girl)
Might as well be trash (trash)
I get paid to use it
I use Debian 9
Most of the actual content posters. If someone hasn't tried linux and got it to work and found a use for it or at least seen how it could be useful, they aren't all that into technology.
I do. So does my wife. A picture of some teenaged thot with dyed black hair looking at her camera disapprovingly does nothing to me.
of course. my server is running CentOS
You do.
Linux is quite a neat adaptive OS that can be used on several devices instead of writing a firmware from the ground up.
Everything that have networking capabilities at your home that is not your computer is most likely running linux.
Now linux on the desktop.. this one is yes the black sheep.
This site uses linux. You use linux. Kys
and are clearly not the same person
That's not how competition works, friend. Underdog has to outdo the competitors with something impressive.
Yes chink woman that looks to be in prison.
you seriously are allowed among other people?...
read alittle about advantages and disadvantages and you iwll understand ... linux is the easiest os for development. literally the easiest
I use it both seriously and casually. Any other questions?
I made the switch I am a happy Linux gaymer with no crashes. Under Linux if the game crash you can open sys manager, stop process, start process and game will resume. All the best titles, serious games that are actually worth playing on PC, already have Linux ports. Theres no need to be a Wincuck anymore. Linux is coming and we need to use it. Otherwise you might aswell just fuck off of Sup Forums altogether.
Valve disagrees, and has benchmarks to show they're not all talk. L4D2 after a proper port runs better than its Windows version.
>All the best titles, serious games that are actually worth playing on PC, already have Linux ports
Sure they do sweetie.
Who is this semen demon?
WM AF the master race
Yes, they do. I know how threatened Windows is by this. Sad fact is you broke trust with your consumers, now your core users are abandoning your platform. Where we go the herd will eventually follow. We are the people they come to for tech advice, we will just install Linux on their rigs given half a chance they wont even notice. You are on notice now Microshits. I proudly shitpost and gayme on a Linux PC now. Fuck you, fuck your telemetry, fuck your blue screen of death, fuck your terms and conditions. The new age is coming. You should have released a good OS instead of that garbage Win10. Prepare to reap the whirlwind.
I showed you my dick now answer me
Yes. Also honorary neckbeard.
John de Lancie is a tranny now?