So now that mp3 is dead how should I compress music for best lossy quality to upload on trackers?

So now that mp3 is dead how should I compress music for best lossy quality to upload on trackers?

MP3 dead... You're a moron


192 vbr Opus


vorbis/opus for lossy, flac/wavpack for lossless
mp3 is a proprietary trash codec and you should never use it, vorbis is superior

Trackers usually use only MP3/FLAC/AAC because of compatibility. But if you compress just for yourself, do what said.

The only sane format is AAC.

Opus beat it in ABX tests.

80 vbr Opus = ~ 128 vbr HE-AAC

>mp3 is a proprietary
didnt the patent expire


Yes, and the file type isn't going anywhere anytime soon regardless what these opus retards think

Agreed, people are too primitive and feeble minded to use better things. Hell we still have xvid rips with MP2 audio.

I agree


Why is everyone on Sup Forums retarded? Or are we all just pretending to be retarded? I need to know.

MP3 isn't going anywhere. It's not dead, and it will not be for at least a decade. Stop trolling each other and go to sleep.

pick one

kill yourself sekrit klub shitter.

oy vey goyim, you mean you don't listen to high quality FLACs instead of that cheap, filthy mp3 format? what do you mean you can't hear the difference? it's probably your cheap headphones. If you want to hear the difference, you need our brand new $500 headphones, now with a cock drawn on the outside panels of the headphones to show how manly and elegant you are.

let me get you the link goyim

Stop trying to make OPUS happen.

It ain't gonna happen.

mp3 is dead though. All the normies who actually used it have switched to streaming services.

File formats are decided by normies, unlike say, hardware for example.

File formats are defined by the corresponding professional field in which a file format belongs or is part of.

t. mactoddler


Youtube already has everything in the best lossy quality.


Personally I'm an individual of unheard of intellect, but I like playing the fool every now and again; it must be said however that it is very apparent to me that many here leave their intelligence something to be desired.

Agreed. That is main problem.

As it's been previously mentioned on this website,

'Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company"